14 research outputs found

    Strongly Contracting Geodesics in Outer Space

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    We study the Lipschitz metric on Outer Space and prove that fully irreducible elements of Out(F_n) act by hyperbolic isometries with axes which are strongly contracting. As a corollary, we prove that the axes of fully irreducible automorphisms in the Cayley graph of Out(F_n) are stable, meaning that a quasi-geodesic with endpoints on the axis stays within a bounded distance from the axis.Comment: 37 pages. Revised applications chapte

    Mapping tori of small dilatation irreducible train-track maps

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    We prove that for every P there is a bound B depending only on P so that the mapping torus of every P--small irreducible train-track map can be obtained by surgery from one of B mapping tori. We show that given an integer P>0 there is a bound MM depending only on P, so that there exists a presentation of the fundamental group of the mapping torus of a P--small irreducible train-track map with less than M generators and M relations.Comment: Some figures in colo

    The visual boundary of hyperbolic free-by-cyclic groups

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    Let ϕ\phi be an atoroidal outer automorphism of the free group FnF_n. We study the Gromov boundary of the hyperbolic group Gϕ=Fn⋊ϕZG_{\phi} = F_n \rtimes_{\phi} \mathbb{Z}. We explicitly describe a family of embeddings of the complete bipartite graph K3,3K_{3,3} into ∂Gϕ\partial G_\phi. To do so, we define the directional Whitehead graph and prove that an indecomposable FnF_n-tree is Levitt type if and only if one of its directional Whitehead graphs contains more than one edge. As an application, we obtain a direct proof of Kapovich-Kleiner's theorem that ∂Gϕ\partial G_\phi is homeomorphic to the Menger curve if the automorphism is atoroidal and fully irreducible.Comment: 25 pages, 3 figure

    Digraphs and cycle polynomials for free-by-cyclic groups

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    Let \phi \in \mbox{Out}(F_n) be a free group outer automorphism that can be represented by an expanding, irreducible train-track map. The automorphism ϕ\phi determines a free-by-cyclic group Γ=Fn⋊ϕZ,\Gamma=F_n \rtimes_\phi \mathbb Z, and a homomorphism α∈H1(Γ;Z)\alpha \in H^1(\Gamma; \mathbb Z). By work of Neumann, Bieri-Neumann-Strebel and Dowdall-Kapovich-Leininger, α\alpha has an open cone neighborhood A\mathcal A in H1(Γ;R)H^1(\Gamma;\mathbb R) whose integral points correspond to other fibrations of Γ\Gamma whose associated outer automorphisms are themselves representable by expanding irreducible train-track maps. In this paper, we define an analog of McMullen's Teichm\"uller polynomial that computes the dilatations of all outer automorphism in A\mathcal A.Comment: 41 pages, 20 figure