5 research outputs found

    Serum chemistry results determined in cats at pre-neutering, 7 days post-neutering, 13-days post-neutering, and 6 months post-neutering.<sup>*</sup>

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    <p>*Values are given as mean Β± SEM. For rows in which superscripts are present, values in a row that do not share a common superscript differ by p<0.05.</p

    Mean (Β± SEM) weekly food intake (FI) in the male cats following neutering.

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    <p>Week 0 is designated as baseline (immediately before neutering). Cats were fed at pre-neutering maintenance FI from week 0 to week 2. The vertical line denotes the beginning of <i>ad libitum</i> feeding (week 3 to week 28). Asterisks over the brackets covering week 3 to week 19, and week 24 to week 27 denote significant differences in average weekly FI from pre-neutering maintenance FI, p<0.05.</p

    Body composition measurements determined in cats at pre-neutering, 13 days post-neutering, and 6 months post-neutering.<sup>*</sup>

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    <p>* Values are given as mean Β± SEM. For rows in which superscripts are present, values in a row that do not share a common superscript differ by p<0.05.</p>†<p>BW (D<sub>2</sub>O) β€Š=β€Š Body weight at time of deuterium oxide (D<sub>2</sub>O) measurements. LBM β€Š=β€Š Lean body mass. FM β€Š=β€Š Fat mass. BW β€Š=β€Š Body weight.</p

    Mean (Β± SEM) weekly body weight (BW) in the male cats following neutering.

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    <p>Week 0 is designated as baseline (immediately before neutering). Cats were fed at pre-neutering maintenance food intake from week 0 to week 2. The vertical line denotes the beginning of <i>ad libitum</i> feeding (week 3 to week 28). The asterisk over the bracket covering week 4 to week 28 denotes significant differences in average weekly BW from the averaged values from week 0 to week 2, p<0.05.</p

    Food intake, body weight, and energy expenditure measurements in cats at pre-neutering, 3–4 days post-neutering, and 9-days post neutering.<sup>*</sup>

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    <p>* Values are given as mean Β± SEM. For rows in which superscripts are present, values in a row that do not share a common superscript differ by p<0.05.</p>†<p>BW (D<sub>2</sub>O) included as a covariate.</p>‑<p>LBM included as a covariate.</p>Β§<p>FI β€Š=β€Š Food intake. EI β€Š=β€Š Energy intake. BW β€Š=β€Š Body weight. RQ β€Š=β€Š Respiratory quotient. TEE β€Š=β€Š Total energy expenditure. TEE/BW<sup>0.75</sup> β€Š=β€Š Total energy expenditure/Metabolic body weight. REE β€Š=β€Š Resting energy expenditure. REE/BW<sup>0.75</sup> β€Š=β€Š Resting energy expenditure/Metabolic body weight. LBM β€Š=β€Š Lean body mass.</p