64 research outputs found

    Density deficit of Earth’s core revealed by a multimegabar primary pressure scale

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    An accurate pressure scale is a fundamental requirement to understand planetary interiors. Here, we establish a primary pressure scale extending to the multimegabar pressures of Earth’s core, by combined measurement of the acoustic velocities and the density from a rhenium sample in a diamond anvil cell using inelastic x-ray scattering and x-ray diffraction. Our scale agrees well with previous primary scales and shock Hugoniots in each experimental pressure range and reveals that previous scales have overestimated laboratory pressures by at least 20% at 230 gigapascals. It suggests that the light element content in Earth’s inner core (the density deficit relative to iron) is likely to be double what was previously estimated, or Earth’s inner core temperature is much higher than expected, or some combination thereof

    Signature of a polyamorphic transition in the THz spectrum of vitreous GeO2

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    The THz spectrum of density fluctuations, S(Q,ω)S(Q, \omega), of vitreous GeO2_2 at ambient temperature was measured by inelastic x-ray scattering from ambient pressure up to pressures well beyond that of the known α\alpha-quartz to rutile polyamorphic (PA) transition. We observe significant differences in the spectral shape measured below and above the PA transition, in particular, in the 30-80 meV range. Guided by first-principle lattice dynamics calculations, we interpret the changes in the phonon dispersion as the evolution from a quartz-like to a rutile-like coordination. Notably, such a crossover is accompanied by a cusp-like behavior in the pressure dependence of the elastic response of the system. Overall, the presented results highlight the complex fingerprint of PA phenomena on the high-frequency phonon dispersion.Comment: 18 pages, 5 figure
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