36 research outputs found

    Gene-environment and gene-gene interactions in myopia

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    Motivated by the release of the UK Biobank data and the lack of documented gene-environment (GxE) and gene-gene (GxG) interactions in myopia, I sought to apply various statistical tools to provide a quantitative assessment of the interplay between environmental and genetic risk factors shaping refractive error. The comparison between the two different risk measurement scales with which GxE interactions can be identified suggested that the additive risk scale can lead to a more informative perspective about refractive error aetiology. The evaluation of two indirect methods for detecting genetic variants affecting refractive error via interaction effects suggested the enrichment of GxG and GxE among the variants that display marginal SNP effects. For genetic variants already known from prior GWAS studies to influence refractive error, genetic effect sizes were highly non-uniform; individuals from the tails of the refractive error distribution (i.e. high myopes and hyperopes) displayed much larger effects compared to individuals in the middle of the distribution (i.e. emmetropes). Prediction of refractive error using GxE interactions indicated that although some of the variance of refractive error could be explained by a risk score constructed using interaction effects, the contribution of GxE was already accounted for by a risk score constructed using marginal SNP effects only. Although a handful of candidate genes were identified using multifactor dimensionality reduction technique, none displayed compelling evidence of involvement in a GxG interaction. There was, however, suggestive evidence that the candidate genes constitute a genetic interaction network which is regulated by hub gene ZMAT4. In summary, the analyses reported in this thesis provide further support for the challenging nature of definitively identifying loci involved in GxE and GxG interactions. The thesis provides several guidelines that future studies could take into account to obtain more insightful results regarding the extent of interactions in refractive error

    Non-additive (dominance) effects of genetic variants associated with refractive error and myopia

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    Genome-wide association studies (GWAS) have revealed that the genetic contribution to certain complex diseases is well-described by Fisher’s infinitesimal model in which a vast number of polymorphisms each confer a small effect. Under Fisher’s model, variants have additive effects both across loci and within loci. However, the latter assumption is at odds with the common observation of dominant or recessive rare alleles responsible for monogenic disorders. Here, we searched for evidence of non-additive (dominant or recessive) effects for GWAS variants known to confer susceptibility to the highly heritable quantitative trait, refractive error. Of 146 GWAS variants examined in a discovery sample of 228,423 individuals whose refractive error phenotype was inferred from their age-of-onset of spectacle wear, only 8 had even nominal evidence (p < 0.05) of non-additive effects. In a replication sample of 73,577 individuals who underwent direct assessment of refractive error, 1 of these 8 variants had robust independent evidence of non-additive effects (rs7829127 within ZMAT4, p = 4.76E−05) while a further 2 had suggestive evidence (rs35337422 in RD3L, p = 7.21E−03 and rs12193446 in LAMA2, p = 2.57E−02). Accounting for non-additive effects had minimal impact on the accuracy of a polygenic risk score for refractive error (R2 = 6.04% vs. 6.01%). Our findings demonstrate that very few GWAS variants for refractive error show evidence of a departure from an additive mode of action and that accounting for non-additive risk variants offers little scope to improve the accuracy of polygenic risk scores for myopia

    Understanding the genetic complexity of puberty timing across the allele frequency spectrum

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    Pubertal timing varies considerably and is associated with later health outcomes. We performed multi-ancestry genetic analyses on ~800,000 women, identifying 1,080 signals for age at menarche. Collectively, these explained 11% of trait variance in an independent sample. Women at the top and bottom 1% of polygenic risk exhibited ~11 and ~14-fold higher risks of delayed and precocious puberty, respectively. We identified several genes harboring rare loss-of-function variants in ~200,000 women, including variants in ZNF483, which abolished the impact of polygenic risk. Variant-to-gene mapping approaches and mouse gonadotropin-releasing hormone neuron RNA sequencing implicated 665 genes, including an uncharacterized G-protein-coupled receptor, GPR83, which amplified the signaling of MC3R, a key nutritional sensor. Shared signals with menopause timing at genes involved in DNA damage response suggest that the ovarian reserve might signal centrally to trigger puberty. We also highlight body size-dependent and independent mechanisms that potentially link reproductive timing to later life disease

    Education interacts with genetic variants near GJD2, RBFOX1, LAMA2, KCNQ5 and LRRC4C to confer susceptibility to myopia

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    Myopia most often develops during school age, with the highest incidence in countries with intensive education systems. Interactions between genetic variants and educational exposure are hypothesized to confer susceptibility to myopia, but few such interactions have been identified. Here, we aimed to identify genetic variants that interact with education level to confer susceptibility to myopia. Two groups of unrelated participants of European ancestry from UK Biobank were studied. A ‘Stage-I’ sample of 88,334 participants whose refractive error (avMSE) was measured by autorefraction and a ‘Stage-II’ sample of 252,838 participants who self-reported their age-of-onset of spectacle wear (AOSW) but who did not undergo autorefraction. Genetic variants were prioritized via a 2-step screening process in the Stage-I sample: Step 1 was a genome-wide association study for avMSE; Step 2 was a variance heterogeneity analysis for avMSE. Genotype-by-education interaction tests were performed in the Stage-II sample, with University education coded as a binary exposure. On average, participants were 58 years-old and left full-time education when they were 18 years-old; 35% reported University level education. The 2-step screening strategy in the Stage-I sample prioritized 25 genetic variants (GWAS P < 1e-04; variance heterogeneity P < 5e-05). In the Stage-II sample, 19 of the 25 (76%) genetic variants demonstrated evidence of variance heterogeneity, suggesting the majority were true positives. Five genetic variants located near GJD2, RBFOX1, LAMA2, KCNQ5 and LRRC4C had evidence of a genotype-by-education interaction in the Stage-II sample (P < 0.002) and consistent evidence of a genotype-by-education interaction in the Stage-I sample. For all 5 variants, University-level education was associated with an increased effect of the risk allele. In this cohort, additional years of education were associated with an enhanced effect of genetic variants that have roles including axon guidance and the development of neuronal synapses and neural circuits

    Plasma proteomics to identify drug targets for ischemic heart disease

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    Background Integrated analyses of plasma proteomic and genetic markers in prospective studies can clarify the causal relevance of proteins and discover novel targets for ischemic heart disease (IHD) and other diseases. Objectives The purpose of this study was to examine associations of proteomics and genetics data with IHD in population studies to discover novel preventive treatments. Methods We conducted a nested case-cohort study in the China Kadoorie Biobank (CKB) involving 1,971 incident IHD cases and 2,001 subcohort participants who were genotyped and free of prior cardiovascular disease. We measured 1,463 proteins in the stored baseline samples using the OLINK EXPLORE panel. Cox regression yielded adjusted HRs for IHD associated with individual proteins after accounting for multiple testing. Moreover, cis-protein quantitative loci (pQTLs) identified for proteins in genome-wide association studies of CKB and of UK Biobank were used as instrumental variables in separate 2-sample Mendelian randomization (MR) studies involving global CARDIOGRAM+C4D consortium (210,842 IHD cases and 1,378,170 controls). Results Overall 361 proteins were significantly associated at false discovery rate <0.05 with risk of IHD (349 positively, 12 inversely) in CKB, including N-terminal prohormone of brain natriuretic peptide and proprotein convertase subtilisin/kexin type 9. Of these 361 proteins, 212 had cis-pQTLs in CKB, and MR analyses of 198 variants in CARDIOGRAM+C4D identified 13 proteins that showed potentially causal associations with IHD. Independent MR analyses of 307 cis-pQTLs identified in Europeans replicated associations for 4 proteins (FURIN, proteinase-activated receptor-1, Asialoglycoprotein receptor-1, and matrix metalloproteinase-3). Further downstream analyses showed that FURIN, which is highly expressed in endothelial cells, is a potential novel target and matrix metalloproteinase-3 a potential repurposing target for IHD. Conclusions Integrated analyses of proteomic and genetic data in Chinese and European adults provided causal support for FURIN and multiple other proteins as potential novel drug targets for treatment of IHD

    Proteomic analyses in diverse populations improved risk prediction and identified new drug targets for type 2 diabetes

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    Objective: Integrated analyses of plasma proteomics and genetic data in prospective studies can help assess the causal relevance of proteins, improve risk prediction and discover novel protein drug targets for T2D. Research Design and Methods: We measured plasma levels of 2923 proteins using OLINK Explore among ~2000 randomly selected participants from CKB without prior diabetes at baseline. Cox regression assessed associations of individual protein with incident T2D (n=92 cases). Proteomic-based risk models were developed with discrimination, calibration, reclassification assessed using AUC, calibration plots and NRI, respectively. Two-sample MR analyses using cis-pQTLs identified in GWAS of CKB and UKB for specific proteins were conducted to assess their causal relevance for T2D, along with colocalization analyses to examine shared causal variants between proteins and T2D. Results: Overall 33 proteins were significantly associated (FDR0.6) of shared genetic variants of LPL and PON3 with T2D. Conclusion: Proteomic analyses in Chinese adults identified novel associations of multiple proteins with T2D with strong genetic evidence supporting their causal relevance and potential as novel drug targets for prevention and treatment of T2D

    Causal relevance of different blood pressure traits on risk of cardiovascular diseases: GWAS and Mendelian randomisation in 100,000 Chinese adults

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    Elevated blood pressure (BP) is major risk factor for cardiovascular diseases (CVD). Genome-wide association studies (GWAS) conducted predominantly in populations of European ancestry have identified >2,000 BP-associated loci, but other ancestries have been less well-studied. We conducted GWAS of systolic, diastolic, pulse, and mean arterial BP in 100,453 Chinese adults. We identified 128 non-overlapping loci associated with one or more BP traits, including 74 newly-reported associations. Despite strong genetic correlations between populations, we identified appreciably higher heritability and larger variant effect sizes in Chinese compared with European or Japanese ancestry populations. Using instruments derived from these GWAS, multivariable Mendelian randomisation demonstrated that BP traits contribute differently to the causal associations of BP with CVD. In particular, only pulse pressure was independently causally associated with carotid plaque. These findings reinforce the need for studies in diverse populations to understand the genetic determinants of BP traits and their roles in disease risk

    Conventional and genetic associations of adiposity with 1463 proteins in relatively lean Chinese adults

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    Adiposity is associated with multiple diseases and traits, but little is known about the causal relevance and mechanisms underlying these associations. Large-scale proteomic profiling, especially when integrated with genetic data, can clarify mechanisms linking adiposity with disease outcomes. We examined the associations of adiposity with plasma levels of 1463 proteins in 3977 Chinese adults, using measured and genetically-instrumented BMI. We further used two-sample bi-directional MR analyses to assess if certain proteins influenced adiposity, along with other (e.g. enrichment) analyses to clarify possible mechanisms underlying the observed associations. Overall, the mean (SD) baseline BMI was 23.9 (3.3) kg/m2, with only 6% being obese (i.e. BMI ≥ 30 kg/m2). Measured and genetically-instrumented BMI was significantly associated at FDR  90%) in Europeans of UKB (mean BMI 27.4 kg/m2). Enrichment analyses of the top > 50 BMI-associated proteins demonstrated their involvement in atherosclerosis, lipid metabolism, tumour progression and inflammation. Two-sample bi-directional MR analyses using cis-pQTLs identified in CKB GWAS found eight proteins (ITIH3, LRP11, SCAMP3, NUDT5, OGN, EFEMP1, TXNDC15, PRDX6) significantly affect levels of BMI, with NUDT5 also showing bi-directional association. The findings among relatively lean Chinese adults identified novel pathways by which adiposity may increase disease risks and novel potential targets for treatment of obesity and obesity-related diseases

    Author Correction: Multi-ancestry genome-wide association analyses improve resolution of genes and pathways influencing lung function and chronic obstructive pulmonary disease risk

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