21 research outputs found

    Integratomics of Human Dermal Fibroblasts Treated with Low Molecular Weight Hyaluronic Acid

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    Hyaluronic acid (HA) is a glycosaminoglycan very common in commercial products from pharmaceuticals to cosmetics due to its widespread distribution in humans and its diversified physico-chemical proprieties. Despite its extended use and preliminary evidence showing even also opposite activities to the native form, the precise cellular effects of HA at low-molecular-weight (LWM-HA) are currently unclear. The ‘omics sciences currently in development offer a new and combined perspective on the cellular and organismal environment. This work aims to integrate lipidomics analyses to our previous quantitative proteomics one for a multi-omics vision of intra- and extra-cellular impact of different concentrations (0.125, 0.25, and 0.50%) of LMW-HA (20–50 kDa) on normal human dermal fibroblasts by LC-high resolution mass spectrometry (LC-HRMS). Untargeted lipidomics allowed us to identify 903 unique lipids mostly represented by triacylglycerols, ceramides, and phosphatidylcholines. According to proteomics analyses, LMW-HA 0.50% was the most effective concentration also in the lipidome rearrangement especially stimulating the synthesis of ceramides involved in skin hydration and reparation, cell signaling, and energy balance. Finally, integrative analyses showed 25 nodes covering several intra- and extra-cellular functions. The more complete comprehension of intra- and extra-cellular effects of LMW-HA here pointed out will be useful to further exploit its features and improve current formulations even though further studies on lipids biosynthesis and degradation are necessary

    Lipidome Investigation of Carnosine Effect on Nude Mice Skin to Prevent UV-A Damage

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    The lipid profile of skin is fundamental in the maintenance of the protective barrier against the external environment. Signaling and constitutive lipids of this large organ are involved in inflammation, metabolism, aging, and wound healing, such as phospholipids, triglycerides, FFA, and sphingomyelin. Skin exposure to ultraviolet (UV) radiation results in a photoaging process that is an accelerated form of aging. UV-A radiation deeply penetrates the dermis and promotes damage to DNA, lipids, and proteins by increasing the generation of reactive oxygen species (ROS). Carnosine, an endogenous β-alanyl-L-histidine dipeptide, demonstrated antioxidant properties that prevent photoaging and modification of skin protein profiling, making carnosine a compelling ingredient to consider for use in dermatology. The aim of this research was to investigate the modification of skin lipidome after UV-A treatment in presence or not of topic administration of carnosine. Quantitative analyses based on high-resolution mass spectrometry of nude mice skin-extracted lipids resulted in several modifications of barrier composition after UV-A radiation, with or without carnosine treatment. In total, 328 out of 683 molecules showed significant alteration—262 after UV-A radiation and 126 after UV-A and carnosine treatment versus controls. Importantly, the increased oxidized TGs after UV-A radiation, responsible of dermis photoaging, were completely reverted by carnosine application to prevent the UV-A damage. Network analyses also showed that the production of ROS and the calcium and TNF signaling were modulated by UV-A and carnosine. In conclusion, lipidome analyses attested the carnosine activity to prevent the UV-A damage, reducing the lipid oxidation, the inflammation, and the dysregulation of lipid skin barrier

    The Effect of Carnosine on UVA-Induced Changes in Intracellular Signaling of Human Skin Fibroblast Spheroids

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    Dermis fibroblasts are very sensitive to penetrating UVA radiation and induce photo-damage. To protect skin cells against this environmental damage, there is an urgent need for effective compounds, specifically targeting UVA-induced mitochondrial injury. This study aimed to analyze the effect of carnosine on the proteome of UVA-irradiated human skin fibroblast, cultured in a three-dimensional (3D) biological system recapitulating dermal compartment as a test system to investigate the altered cellular pathways after 48 h and 7 days of culture with or without carnosine treatment. The obtained results indicate that UVA dysregulates Oxidative Phosphorylation, the Fibrosis Signaling Pathway, Glycolysis I and Nrf2-mediated Oxidative Stress Response. Carnosine exercises provide a protective function against the harmful effects of UVA radiation by activating the Nrf2 pathway with the upregulations of some ROS-detoxifying enzymes such as the glutathione S-transferase (GST) protein family. Additionally, carnosine regulates the activation of the Epithelial Adherens Junction and Wound Healing Signaling Pathway by mediating the activation of structural proteins such as vinculin and zyxin as well as fibronectin 1 and collagen type XVIII alpha 1 chain against UVA-induced changes

    Oxidative Stress Modulation by Carnosine in Scaffold Free Human Dermis Spheroids Model: A Proteomic Study

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    Carnosine is an endogenous β-alanyl-L-histidine dipeptide endowed with antioxidant and carbonyl scavenger properties, which is able to significantly prevent the visible signs of aging and photoaging. To investigate the mechanism of action of carnosine on human skin proteome, a 3D scaffold-free spheroid model of primary dermal fibroblasts from a 50-year-old donor was adopted in combination with quantitative proteomics for the first time. The label free proteomics approach based on high-resolution mass spectrometry, integrated with network analyses, provided a highly sensitive and selective method to describe the human dermis spheroid model during long-term culture and upon carnosine treatment. Overall, 2171 quantified proteins allowed the in-depth characterization of the 3D dermis phenotype during growth and differentiation, at 14 versus 7 days of culture. A total of 485 proteins were differentially regulated by carnosine at 7 days, an intermediate time of culture. Of the several modulated pathways, most are involved in mitochondrial functionality, such as oxidative phosphorylation, TCA cycle, extracellular matrix reorganization and apoptosis. In long-term culture, functional modules related to oxidative stress were upregulated, inducing the aging process of dermis spheroids, while carnosine treatment prevented this by the downregulation of the same functional modules. The application of quantitative proteomics, coupled to advanced and relevant in vitro scaffold free spheroids, represents a new concrete application for personalized therapies and a novel care approach

    Lupin Peptides Lower Low-Density Lipoprotein (LDL) Cholesterol through an Up-regulation of the LDL Receptor/Sterol Regulatory Element Binding Protein 2 (SREBP2) Pathway at HepG2 Cell Line

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    Previous experiments in suitable animal models and in mild hypercholesterolemic individuals have shown that the consumption of lupin proteins may be useful for controlling total and low-density lipoprotein (LDL) cholesterol levels. With the objective of providing evidence that peptides deriving from the hydrolysis of lupin proteins may be responsible of the observed activities and for investigating the mechanism of action, HepG2 cells were treated with lupin peptides obtained by either pepsin (P) or trypsin (T) hydrolysis, and molecular and functional investigations were performed on the LDL receptor/SREBP2 pathway. For the first time, this paper provides experimental evidence that lupin peptides are able to interfere with the HMGCoAR activity, up-regulating the LDL receptor (136 and 84% vs the control for P and T peptides, respectively, at 1 mg/mL) and SREBP2 proteins (148 and 73% vs the control for P and T peptides, respectively, at 1 mg/mL) via the activation of PI3K/Akt/GSK3β pathways and increasing the LDL uptake at HepG2 cell line (40 and 50% vs the control for P and T peptides, respectively, at 1 mg/mL). These results may be useful in explaining the activities observed in vivo in animals and humans treated with lupin protein

    Protein Profiling of a Cellular Model of NAFLD by Advanced Bioanalytical Approaches

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    Advanced quantitative bioanalytical approaches in combination with network analyses allow us to answer complex biological questions, such as the description of changes in protein profiles under disease conditions or upon treatment with drugs. In the present work, three quantitative proteomic approaches—either based on labelling or not—in combination with network analyses were applied to a new in vitro cellular model of nonalcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD) for the first time. This disease is characterized by the accumulation of lipids, inflammation, fibrosis, and insulin resistance. Hepatic G2 cells were used as model, and NAFLD was induced by a complex of oleic acid and bovine albumin. The development of the disease was verified by lipid vesicle staining and by the increase in the expression of perilipin-2—a protein constitutively present in the vesicles during NAFLD. The nLC–MS/MS analyses of peptide samples obtained from three different proteomic approaches resulted in accurate and reproducible quantitative data of protein fold-change expressed in NAFLD versus control cells. The differentially regulated proteins were used to evaluate the involved and statistically enriched pathways. Network analyses highlighted several functional and disease modules affected by NAFLD, such as inflammation, oxidative stress defense, cell proliferation, and ferroptosis. Each quantitative approach allowed the identification of similar modulated pathways. The combination of the three approaches improved the power of statistical network analyses by increasing the number of involved proteins and their fold-change. In conclusion, the application of advanced bioanalytical approaches in combination with pathway analyses allows the in-depth and accurate description of the protein profile of an in vitro cellular model of NAFLD by using high-resolution quantitative mass spectrometry data. This model could be extremely useful in the discovery of new drugs to modulate the equilibrium NAFLD health state

    Targeting Nrf2 and NF-ÎşB Signaling Pathways in Cancer Prevention: The Role of Apple Phytochemicals

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    Plant secondary metabolites, known as phytochemicals, have recently gained much attention in light of the “circular economy”, to reutilize waste products deriving from agriculture and food industry. Phytochemicals are known for their onco-preventive and chemoprotective effects, among several other beneficial properties. Apple phytochemicals have been extensively studied for their effectiveness in a wide range of diseases, cancer included. This review aims to provide a thorough overview of the main studies reported in the literature concerning apple phytochemicals, mostly polyphenols, in cancer prevention. Although there are many different mechanisms targeted by phytochemicals, the Nrf2 and NF-κB signaling pathways are the ones this review will be focused on, highlighting also the existing crosstalk between these two systems