9 research outputs found

    Relevant factors influencing cognitive distance in the performance of collaborative research projects

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    The research scope of this paper is to reinforce the need to strengthen university-firm relationship. We consider that it is crucial that the interactions between researcher/university and managers/firms should be based on a win-win relationship. In this sense, it is relevant to determine the main drivers behind the success of collaborative research projects, and this study focuses on one of them: cognitive distance. The specific objective of this study is to analyze the main factors that determine the influence of cognitive distance in the individual relationship between researchers and practitioners in collaborative research projects. In the first stage, through a literature review of cognitive distance and collaborative research projects, we identified a list of seven factors that influence cognitive distance and the issues that may provoke in the empirical context. Second, we carried out an empirical study based on semi-structured interviews with coordinators of collaborative research projects managed by the Chair of Business Volkswagen Navarra - University of Navarra. This permitted us to build guidelines that show the main practical concerns associated with each factor and how they were managed in the analyzed projects. This enriches the cognitive distance literature on individual interactions between researchers and practitioners. We highlight the relevance of previous experience of both agents, the exploitation of projects versus exploratory ones, and the determinant role of support infrastructures to minimize the negative effect of high cognitive distance. Nowadays, there is a trend to develop collaborative research projects with firms, not only agreement collaborations. Therefore, our findings could be useful for analyzing the relationships between researchers and practitioners in action research studies developed inside a doctoral thesis or competitive research project. By considering the effect of cognitive distance when selecting collaborative research projects, it will help to increase the degree of success of these projects

    3D technology in fashion: from concept to consumer

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    Purpose: The purpose of this paper is to show how 3D digital technology can bring value to the fashion industry by analysing the specific benefits it offers along the value chain. Additionally, the authors show some of the challenges ahead identified for both software and fashion firms. Design/methodology/approach: The authors present by means of a case study the experience of an haute couture designer who used 3D digital technology – in collaboration with a recognised 3D software company – for developing his first luxury footwear collection. Findings: The enhancement of creativity and a better communication with suppliers are just some of the benefits identified in the case study from the use of 3D digital technology. In addition, challenges such as the development of a digital culture or the need for technology simplification are drawn from the case. Practical implications: Apart from the benefits and challenges drawn from the case study, which can be useful to practitioners in this industry, the authors also identify the collaboration through which the experience took place as an interesting practice to implement as a previous step of a digital transformation strategy. Originality/value: Despite the growing interest the fashion industry is showing in the use of new digital technologies, academic research on this topic is still scarce. Therefore, the case study presented in this paper adds value to the literature showing how 3D technology can help fashion from concept to consumer

    Creating New Knowledge while Solving a Relevant Practical Problem: Success Factors for an Action Research-Based PhD Thesis in Business and Management

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    This paper focuses on university–firm relationships in terms of individual interactions between researchers and practitioners. More specifically, we focus on an analysis of the main factors that influence the use of the action research (AR) to achieve a successful doctoral thesis. In order to achieve this, we developed a Delphi study with 15 panelists whose common characteristic is that they defended or supervised an AR-based thesis in the field of business and management. The primary contribution of the research is the development of a reference framework that should be considered in the design of a doctoral thesis for which an AR methodology is put into practice. Four dimensions were defined: profiles of both the PhD candidate and supervisor, PhD program/university, and firm/organization. Three main conclusions were reached. First, it is crucial to have a cooperative “eye-to-eye” relationship between the university and the company. Second, the AR process must respond unequivocally to its own dichotomous nature. Third, there must be a straightforward academic process for the PhD thesis. We believe that this study may impel the development of doctoral theses based on AR as a tool to potentiate collaborative university–firm relationships

    Corporate communication in open innovation: a case-study of three multinationals

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    Purpose: This article proposes a theoretical framework that synthesizes the main factors explaining the strategic contribution of communication department to open innovation (OI) processes. Because there is little or no research literature on communication and OI, the purpose is to fill this gap. A literature review and empirical qualitative research were conducted to weigh the significance of the framework in practice. Design/methodology/approach: An interdisciplinary literature review was necessary to identify the main factors that explain the communication contribution to OI. The analysis of three multinational case studies has helped to enrich the proposed framework. Six semi-structured interviews were conducted with in-company communication managers and innovation managers in order to capture their perceptions. Findings: Communication emerges as a strategic function with the potential to be embedded in the whole OI process. The main conclusion is that it may play an increasingly central role in enhancing relationships with external partners. Moreover, it enacts its strategic role while facilitating the enhancement of the organization's overall communication capability – that is, trust, transparency and a coherently articulated narrative. Research limitations/implications: This article has not been designed as a comprehensive overview of the topic, nor it is designed to be statistically representative or generalizable. The study was conducted with the intention of exploring the theoretical and practical contributions of communication department to OI, as well as to raise awareness among scholars and practitioners on this new but neglected topic for research. Its qualitative approach serves to assess the value of the framework proposed, and the key issues highlighted here require further research. Practical implications: The theoretical framework proposed may enable innovation managers to identify the factors in which the communication function and its practitioners may play a role for facilitating OI processes. Likewise, communication practitioners may find it useful to foster their organizational role and capabilities within these processes. Originality/value: This article underlines the significant contribution that the communication function may play in OI processes. Research on this topic has been neglected thus far, despite its significance for the competitiveness of companies and the economy as a whole

    ECO-labels as a multidimensional research topic: Trends and opportunities

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    This study analyzes the importance of ecolabels as an eco-innovation tool that can contribute to the sustainable design, production and consumption of products. Our research has a dual objective. The first is to build a theoretical framework that explains the relationship between ecolabels and eco-innovation, their determinants (demand, supply; and institutional and political influences) and the dimensions that arise from them. Second, according to this framework, a systematic literature review was carried out to identify the trends and opportunities in ecolabeling as a multidimensional topic, from empirical, geographical and sectorial perspective. The main contributions of this paper are a proposal for cyclical ecolabeling innovation process, an understanding of the ecolabeling dimensions according to the studies analyzed, and ecolabel performance in the market. Additionally, the systematic literature review revealed that ecolabels have been mainly explored in food sectors and, developed countries, and researchers tend to assess their performance from the dimension of market dynamics

    The role of communication in open innovation processes: an action research study in the automotive industry

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    Purpose This study aims to identify the main barriers and drivers that influence the role of communication in open innovation (OI) activities, and how these can support and enhance the innovative capacity of companies in the automotive industry. In order to get this, we carry out in an assembly plant of an automotive firm. Design/methodology/approach An action research study is carried out with the participation of the researchers, the Innovation and Communication managers of the assembly plant and four external stakeholders who have participated in OI dynamics carried out by the company. Findings It is observed that collaborative practices are integrated within the culture of the assembly plant. This is carried out according to the specific needs of the company, which limits the specificity of the stakeholders with which it collaborates. In terms of communication, the proposed functions are evidenced in practice. However, it is advisable to systematize these functions and to acquire, in the case of communication professionals, specific skills to support the integration of open practices. Originality/value Although studies exist that analyze OI in the automotive process, none have focused on how communication may help reinforce it. In addition, this study shows how communication may play a significant role in an assembly plant where research and development activities may not be important. Thus, the contribution of this study is twofold. On the one hand, it enriches the literature on OI; on the other hand, it proposes policies to improve the performance of OI practices by involving communication at all stages.Objetivo A gestão da inovação aberta (IA) sob uma perspectiva comunicativa tem sido um tema pouco estudado. Entretanto, estudos anteriores revelam que a comunicação poderia contribuir para a integração da dinâmica aberta, preparando as organizações para sua adoção. Por meio de um estudo realizado em uma montadora de veículos da indústria automotiva, temos por objetivo identificar as principais barreiras e os fatores determinantes que influenciam o papel da comunicação nas atividades de inovação aberta e como eles podem apoiar e melhorar a capacidade inovadora das empresas na indústria automotiva. Desenho/Metodologia/Abordagem Um estudo de pesquisa-ação é realizado com a participação dos pesquisadores, dos gerentes de inovação e comunicação da montadora e representantes de quatro entidades externas que participaram da dinâmica de OI realizada pela empresa. As perspectivas destas partes interesadas sobre o papel que a comunicação tem e poderia ter na gestão da inovação na indústria nos permitem desenvolver uma nova proposta de comunicação com cinco funções comunicativas que poderão ajudar as empresas a lidar com os desafios da inovação aberta. Resultados Observa-se que as práticas colaborativas estão integradas dentro da cultura organizacional da montadora. Em termos de colaboração, isto é realizado de acordo com as necessidades específicas da matriz, o que somado ao contexto da montadora limita o número e a especificidade das partes interessadas com as quais ela colabora. Em termos de comunicação, as funções propostas são evidenciadas na prática. Entretanto, é possível identificar a necessidade de formalizar e sistematizar estas funções e adquirir, no caso dos profissionais de comunicação, habilidades específicas para apoiar a integração de práticas abertas propostas pela IA. Originalidade Embora existam estudos que analisam a IA no processo automotivo, nenhum deles se concentrou em como a comunicação pode ajudar a reforçá-la. Além disso, mostramos como a comunicação pode desempenhar um papel significativo em uma montadora onde as atividades de pesquisa e desenvolvimento podem não ser importantes. Portanto, a contribuição deste estudo é dupla. Por um lado, enriquece a literatura sobre IA e, por outro lado, propõe políticas para melhorar o desempenho das práticas de IA, envolvendo a comunicação em todas as etapas.Objetivo Identificar las principales barreras y facilitadores que influyen en el papel de la comunicación en las actividades de innovación abierta en el contexto específico de una planta de ensamblaje en la industria de automoción. Metodología Se lleva a cabo un estudio de investigación de acción, en el que investigadores y profesionales emprenden un proyecto en una planta de ensamblaje de automóviles. Ambos definen objetivos duales, y se describen las etapas de la metodología de investigación en acción. Dentro de este estudios, la recolección de información se realiza a través de entrevistas semiestructuradas. Resultados Se observa que las prácticas colaborativas se integran dentro de la cultura de la planta ensambladora. Esto se lleva a cabo de acuerdo con las necesidades específicas de la empresa, lo que limita la especificidad de los grupos de interés con los que colabora. En términos de comunicación, las funciones propuestas se evidencian en la práctica. Sin embargo, es recomendable sistematizar estas funciones y adquirir, en el caso de los profesionales de la comunicación, habilidades específicas para apoyar la integración de prácticas abiertas. Originalidad Aunque existen estudios que analizan la IA en automoción, el doble análisis de la comunicación y la planta de ensamblaje es original dentro del ámbito de esta literatura. La creación de un marco de referencia propio para este contexto puede ayudar a las empresas a determinar los aspectos claves para que la IA tenga una mayor relevancia en este tipo de plantas. Cabe destacar también que la utilización de la metodología de investigación en acción aporta un valor añadido y originalidad, en cuanto que fomenta las relaciones colaborativas empresa-universidad

    Relevant factors influencing cognitive distance in the performance of collaborative research projects

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    The research scope of this paper is to reinforce the need to strengthen university-firm relationship. We consider that it is crucial that the interactions between researcher/university and managers/firms should be based on a win-win relationship. In this sense, it is relevant to determine the main drivers behind the success of collaborative research projects, and this study focuses on one of them: cognitive distance. The specific objective of this study is to analyze the main factors that determine the influence of cognitive distance in the individual relationship between researchers and practitioners in collaborative research projects. In the first stage, through a literature review of cognitive distance and collaborative research projects, we identified a list of seven factors that influence cognitive distance and the issues that may provoke in the empirical context. Second, we carried out an empirical study based on semi-structured interviews with coordinators of collaborative research projects managed by the Chair of Business Volkswagen Navarra - University of Navarra. This permitted us to build guidelines that show the main practical concerns associated with each factor and how they were managed in the analyzed projects. This enriches the cognitive distance literature on individual interactions between researchers and practitioners. We highlight the relevance of previous experience of both agents, the exploitation of projects versus exploratory ones, and the determinant role of support infrastructures to minimize the negative effect of high cognitive distance. Nowadays, there is a trend to develop collaborative research projects with firms, not only agreement collaborations. Therefore, our findings could be useful for analyzing the relationships between researchers and practitioners in action research studies developed inside a doctoral thesis or competitive research project. By considering the effect of cognitive distance when selecting collaborative research projects, it will help to increase the degree of success of these projects

    Open innovation and firm performance: the role of organizational mechanisms

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    Purpose: The purpose of this paper is to examine the relationship between the use of open innovation (OI) practices and firm performance, and the role of organizational mechanisms (OMs) (formalization and decentralization) as moderator variables. Design/methodology/approach: The authors build a theoretical framework to define a set of hypotheses that are then verified in an empirical study. These theoretical propositions are tested by using the data gathered from a survey addressed to 244 firms in Spanish low- and medium-technology industries. Findings: With regard to inbound practices, the practices oriented to cooperate with partners in a R&D context have a positive influence. The results show that outbound practices, either by direct generation of revenues from licensing payments or, more indirectly, through the indirect marketing and technical benefits that can stem from revealing have a positive effect on firm performance. Coupled practices, which are related to participation in clusters and innovation networks, have the highest impact on firm performance. In the industrial context examined, decentralization exerts a positive effect which enhances the effect of outbound practices meanwhile formalization reduces their positive effect. Practical implications: This study helps practitioners in low- and medium-technology firms to determine which OI practices are most beneficial to firm performance and how formalization and decentralization can influence the relationship between OI and firm performance. Originality/value: This study helps determine the influence of OI practices in terms of inbound, outbound and coupled types through an analysis of low- and medium-technology firms. The OI literature is enriched by the types herein of the role of OMs, which includes an analysis of how formalization and decentralization moderate the influence of OI practices on firm performance

    ECO-labels as a multidimensional research topic: Trends and opportunities

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    This study analyzes the importance of ecolabels as an eco-innovation tool that can contribute to the sustainable design, production and consumption of products. Our research has a dual objective. The first is to build a theoretical framework that explains the relationship between ecolabels and eco-innovation, their determinants (demand, supply; and institutional and political influences) and the dimensions that arise from them. Second, according to this framework, a systematic literature review was carried out to identify the trends and opportunities in ecolabeling as a multidimensional topic, from empirical, geographical and sectorial perspective. The main contributions of this paper are a proposal for cyclical ecolabeling innovation process, an understanding of the ecolabeling dimensions according to the studies analyzed, and ecolabel performance in the market. Additionally, the systematic literature review revealed that ecolabels have been mainly explored in food sectors and, developed countries, and researchers tend to assess their performance from the dimension of market dynamics