24 research outputs found

    Drosophila Sperm Swim Backwards in the Female Reproductive Tract and Are Activated via TRPP2 Ion Channels

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    Sperm have but one purpose, to fertilize an egg. In various species including Drosophila melanogaster female sperm storage is a necessary step in the reproductive process. Amo is a homolog of the human transient receptor potential channel TRPP2 (also known as PKD2), which is mutated in autosomal dominant polycystic kidney disease. In flies Amo is required for sperm storage. Drosophila males with Amo mutations produce motile sperm that are transferred to the uterus but they do not reach the female storage organs. Therefore Amo appears to be a mediator of directed sperm motility in the female reproductive tract but the underlying mechanism is unknown.Amo exhibits a unique expression pattern during spermatogenesis. In spermatocytes, Amo is restricted to the endoplasmic reticulum (ER) whereas in mature sperm, Amo clusters at the distal tip of the sperm tail. Here we show that flagellar localization of Amo is required for sperm storage. This raised the question of how Amo at the rear end of sperm regulates forward movement into the storage organs. In order to address this question, we used in vivo imaging of dual labelled sperm to demonstrate that Drosophila sperm navigate backwards in the female reproductive tract. In addition, we show that sperm exhibit hyperactivation upon transfer to the uterus. Amo mutant sperm remain capable of reverse motility but fail to display hyperactivation and directed movement, suggesting that these functions are required for sperm storage in flies.Amo is part of a signalling complex at the leading edge of the sperm tail that modulates flagellar beating and that guides a backwards path into the storage organs. Our data support an evolutionarily conserved role for TRPP2 channels in cilia

    Single Gene Mutations in Pkd1 or Tsc2 Alter Extracellular Vesicle Production and Trafficking

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    Patients with autosomal dominant polycystic kidney disease (ADPKD) and tuberous sclerosis complex (TSC) are born with normal or near-normal kidneys that later develop cysts and prematurely lose function. Both renal cystic diseases appear to be mediated, at least in part, by disease-promoting extracellular vesicles (EVs) that induce genetically intact cells to participate in the renal disease process. We used centrifugation and size exclusion chromatography to isolate the EVs for study. We characterized the EVs using tunable resistive pulse sensing, dynamic light scattering, transmission electron microscopy, and Western blot analysis. We performed EV trafficking studies using a dye approach in both tissue culture and in vivo studies. We have previously reported that loss of the Tsc2 gene significantly increased EV production and here demonstrate that the loss of the Pkd1 gene also significantly increases EV production. Using a cell culture system, we also show that loss of either the Tsc2 or Pkd1 gene results in EVs that exhibit an enhanced uptake by renal epithelial cells and a prolonged half-life. Loss of the primary cilia significantly reduces EV production in renal collecting duct cells. Cells that have a disrupted Pkd1 gene produce EVs that have altered kinetics and a prolonged half-life, possibly impacting the duration of the EV cargo effect on the recipient cell. These results demonstrate the interplay between primary cilia and EVs and support a role for EVs in polycystic kidney disease pathogenesis

    Identification of pathological transcription in autosomal dominant polycystic kidney disease epithelia

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    International audienceAbstract Autosomal dominant polycystic kidney disease (ADPKD) affects more than 12 million people worldwide. Mutations in PKD1 and PKD2 cause cyst formation through unknown mechanisms. To unravel the pathogenic mechanisms in ADPKD, multiple studies have investigated transcriptional mis-regulation in cystic kidneys from patients and mouse models, and numerous dysregulated genes and pathways have been described. Yet, the concordance between studies has been rather limited. Furthermore, the cellular and genetic diversity in cystic kidneys has hampered the identification of mis-expressed genes in kidney epithelial cells with homozygous PKD mutations, which are critical to identify polycystin-dependent pathways. Here we performed transcriptomic analyses of Pkd1- and Pkd2-deficient mIMCD3 kidney epithelial cells followed by a meta-analysis to integrate all published ADPKD transcriptomic data sets. Based on the hypothesis that Pkd1 and Pkd2 operate in a common pathway, we first determined transcripts that are differentially regulated by both genes. RNA sequencing of genome-edited ADPKD kidney epithelial cells identified 178 genes that are concordantly regulated by Pkd1 and Pkd2. Subsequent integration of existing transcriptomic studies confirmed 31 previously described genes and identified 61 novel genes regulated by Pkd1 and Pkd2. Cluster analyses then linked Pkd1 and Pkd2 to mRNA splicing, specific factors of epithelial mesenchymal transition, post-translational protein modification and epithelial cell differentiation, including CD34, CDH2, CSF2RA, DLX5, HOXC9, PIK3R1, PLCB1 and TLR6. Taken together, this model-based integrative analysis of transcriptomic alterations in ADPKD annotated a conserved core transcriptomic profile and identified novel candidate genes for further experimental studies

    A case‐study of model‐informed drug development of a novel PCSK9 anti sense oligonucleotide. Part 1: First time in man to phase II

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    Abstract Here, we show model‐informed drug development (MIDD) of a novel antisense oligonucleotide, targeting PCSK9 for treatment of hypocholesteremia. The case study exemplifies use of MIDD to analyze emerging data from an ongoing first‐in‐human study, utility of the US Food and Drug Administration MIDD pilot program to accelerate timelines, innovative use of competitor data to set biomarker targets, and use of MIDD to optimize sample size and dose selection, as well as to accelerate and de‐risk a phase IIb study. The focus of the case‐study is on the cross‐functional collaboration and other key MIDD enablers that are critical to maximize the value of MIDD, rather than the technical application of MIDD

    Eomes cannot replace its paralog T-bet during expansion and differentiation of CD8 effector T cells.

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    The two T-box transcription factors T-bet and Eomesodermin (Eomes) are important regulators of cytotoxic lymphocytes (CTLs), such as activated CD8 T cells, which are essential in the fight against intracellular pathogens and tumors. Both transcription factors share a great degree of homology based on sequence analysis and as a result exert partial functional redundancy during viral infection. However, the actual degree of redundancy between T-bet and Eomes remains a matter of debate and is further confounded by their distinct spatiotemporal expression pattern in activated CD8 T cells. To directly investigate the functional overlap of these transcription factors, we generated a new mouse model in which Eomes expression is under the transcriptional control of the endogenous Tbx21 (encoding for T-bet) locus. Applying this model, we demonstrate that the induction of Eomes in lieu of T-bet cannot rescue T-bet deficiency in CD8 T cells during acute lymphocytic choriomeningitis virus (LCMV) infection. We found that the expression of Eomes instead of T-bet was not sufficient for early cell expansion or effector cell differentiation. Finally, we show that imposed expression of Eomes after acute viral infection promotes some features of exhaustion but must act in concert with other factors during chronic viral infection to establish all hallmarks of exhaustion. In summary, our results clearly underline the importance of T-bet in guiding canonical CTL development during acute viral infections