15 research outputs found

    Reconstruction of a surface from the category of reflexive sheaves

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    We define a normal surface XX to be codim-2-saturated if any open embedding of XX into a normal surface with the complement of codimension 2 is an isomorphism. We show that any normal surface XX allows a codim-2-saturated model X^\widehat{X} together with the canonical open embedding X→X^X\to \widehat{X}. Any normal surface which is proper over its affinisation is codim-2-saturated, but the converse does not hold. We give a criterion for a surface to be codim-2-saturated in terms of its Nagata compactification and the boundary divisor. We reconstruct the codim-2-saturated model of a normal surface XX from the additive category of reflexive sheaves on XX. We show that the category of reflexive sheaves on XX is quasi-abelian and we use its canonical exact structure for the reconstruction. In order to deal with categorical issues, we introduce a class of weakly localising Serre subcategories in abelian categories. These are Serre subcategories whose categories of closed objects are quasi-abelian. This general technique might be of independent interest

    Coherent Sheaves, Chern Classes, and Superconnections on Compact Complex-Analytic Manifolds

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    We construct a twist-closed enhancement of the category Dcohb(X){\mathcal D}^b_{\rm coh}(X), the bounded derived category of complexes of OX{\mathcal O}_X-modules with coherent cohomology, by means of the DG-category of ∂ˉ\bar\partial-superconnections. Then we apply the techniques of ∂ˉ\bar\partial-superconnections to define Chern classes and Bott-Chern classes of objects in the category, in particular, of coherent sheaves.Comment: 32 page

    Exceptional collections of line bundles on projective homogeneous varieties

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    We construct new examples of exceptional collections of line bundles on the variety of Borel subgroups of a split semisimple linear algebraic group G of rank 2 over a field. We exhibit exceptional collections of the expected length for types A_2 and B_2=C_2 and prove that no such collection exists for type G_2. This settles the question of the existence of full exceptional collections of line bundles on projective homogeneous G-varieties for split linear algebraic groups G of rank at most 2.Comment: 20 pages, comments welcom

    Symplectic groupoids related to Poisson-Lie groups

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    Abelian envelopes of exact categories and highest weight categories

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    We define admissible and weakly admissible subcategories in exact categories and prove that the former induce semi-orthogonal decompositions on the derived categories. We develop the theory of thin exact categories, an exact-category analogue of triangulated categories generated by exceptional collections. The right and left abelian envelopes of exact categories are introduced, an example being the category of coherent sheaves on a scheme as the right envelope of the category of vector bundles. The existence of right (left) abelian envelopes is proved for exact categories with projectively (injectively) generating subcategories with weak (co)kernels. We show that highest weight categories are precisely the right/left envelopes of thin categories. Ringel duality is interpreted as a duality between the right and left abelian envelopes of a thin exact category. The duality for thin exact categories is introduced by means of derived categories and Serre functor on them