14 research outputs found

    Order without design

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    Experimental reality in molecular and cell biology, as revealed by advanced research technologies and methods, is manifestly inconsistent with the design perspective on the cell, thus creating an apparent paradox: where do order and reproducibility in living systems come from if not from design

    The PDZ Domain as a Complex Adaptive System

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    Specific protein associations define the wiring of protein interaction networks and thus control the organization and functioning of the cell as a whole. Peptide recognition by PDZ and other protein interaction domains represents one of the best-studied classes of specific protein associations. However, a mechanistic understanding of the relationship between selectivity and promiscuity commonly observed in the interactions mediated by peptide recognition modules as well as its functional meaning remain elusive. To address these questions in a comprehensive manner, two large populations of artificial and natural peptide ligands of six archetypal PDZ domains from the synaptic proteins PSD95 and SAP97 were generated by target-assisted iterative screening (TAIS) of combinatorial peptide libraries and by synthesis of proteomic fragments, correspondingly. A comparative statistical analysis of affinity-ranked artificial and natural ligands yielded a comprehensive picture of known and novel PDZ ligand specificity determinants, revealing a hitherto unappreciated combination of specificity and adaptive plasticity inherent to PDZ domain recognition. We propose a reconceptualization of the PDZ domain in terms of a complex adaptive system representing a flexible compromise between the rigid order of exquisite specificity and the chaos of unselective promiscuity, which has evolved to mediate two mutually contradictory properties required of such higher order sub-cellular organizations as synapses, cell junctions, and others – organizational structure and organizational plasticity/adaptability. The generalization of this reconceptualization in regard to other protein interaction modules and specific protein associations is consistent with the image of the cell as a complex adaptive macromolecular system as opposed to clockwork

    Cyclic Peptides as Non-carboxyl-terminal Ligands of Syntrophin PDZ Domains

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    Syntrophins, a family of intracellular peripheral membrane proteins of the dystrophin-associated protein complex (DAPC), each contain a single PDZ domain. Syntrophin PDZ domains bind C-terminal peptide sequences with the consensus R/K-E-S/T-X-V-COOH, an interaction that mediates association of skeletal muscle sodium channels with the DAPC. Here, we have isolated cyclic peptide ligands for syntrophin PDZ domains from a library of combinatorial peptides displayed at the N terminus of protein III of bacteriophage M13. Affinity selection from a library of X10C peptides yielded ligands with the consensus X-(R/K)-E-T-C-L/M-A-G-X-Psi-C, where Psi represents any hydrophobic amino acid. These peptides contain residues (underlined) similar to the C-terminal consensus sequence for binding to syntrophin PDZ domains and bind to the same site on syntrophin PDZ domains as C-terminal peptides, but do not bind to other closely related PDZ domains. PDZ binding is dependent on the formation of an intramolecular disulfide bond in the peptides, since treatment with dithiothreitol, or substitution of either of the two cysteines with alanines, eliminated this activity. Furthermore, amino acid replacements revealed that most residues in the phage-selected peptides are required for binding. Our results define a new mode of binding to PDZ domains and suggest that proteins containing similar conformationally constrained sequences may be ligands for PDZ domains

    The self-organizing fractal theory as a universal discovery method: the phenomenon of life

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    A universal discovery method potentially applicable to all disciplines studying organizational phenomena has been developed. This method takes advantage of a new form of global symmetry, namely, scale-invariance of self-organizational dynamics of energy/matter at all levels of organizational hierarchy, from elementary particles through cells and organisms to the Universe as a whole. The method is based on an alternative conceptualization of physical reality postulating that the energy/matter comprising the Universe is far from equilibrium, that it exists as a flow, and that it develops via self-organization in accordance with the empirical laws of nonequilibrium thermodynamics. It is postulated that the energy/matter flowing through and comprising the Universe evolves as a multiscale, self-similar structure-process, i.e., as a self-organizing fractal. This means that certain organizational structures and processes are scale-invariant and are reproduced at all levels of the organizational hierarchy. Being a form of symmetry, scale-invariance naturally lends itself to a new discovery method that allows for the deduction of missing information by comparing scale-invariant organizational patterns across different levels of the organizational hierarchy

    Role of the pleckstrin homology domain in intersectin-L Dbl homology domain activation of Cdc42 and signaling

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    Intersectin-long (ITSN-L) contains the invariant Dbl homology (DH) and pleckstrin homology (PH) domain structure characteristic of the majority of Dbl family proteins. This strict domain topography suggests that the PH domain serves an essential, conserved function in the regulation of the intrinsic guanine nucleotide exchange activity of the DH domain. We evaluated the role of the PH domain in regulating the DH domain function of ITSN-L. Surprisingly, we found that the PH domain was dispensable for guanine nucleotide exchange activity on Cdc42 in vitro, yet the PH domain enhanced the ability of the DH domain to activate Cdc42 signaling in vivo. PH domains can interact with phosphoinositide substrates and products of phosphatidylinositol 3-kinase (PI3K). However, PI3K activation did not modulate ITSN-L DH domain function in vivo