68 research outputs found

    Influence of GSTM1, GSTT1 and GSTP1 gene polymorphisms on the appearance of microalbuminuria in type 2 diabetes mellitus patients

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    [Section: Letter to the Editor] This work was funded by an internal research grant from The University of Medicine and Pharmacy from of Târgu Mures, number 649/14.01.2016

    Cardio metabolic risk factors for atrial fibrillation in type 2 diabetes mellitus: Focus on hypertension, metabolic syndrome and obesity

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    Objective. Atrial fibrillation (AF) in type 2 diabetes mellitus (T2DM) has been little explored so far. However, there are several cardio metabolic risk factors for AF in T2DM patients, such as arterial hypertension, obesity or the metabolic syndrome. Our objective was to evaluate cardio metabolic risk factors for AF in T2DM patients. Methods. We studied the medical records of T2DM patients hospitalized in the Internal Medicine department of an emergency referral hospital in Bucharest, Romania. The study was observational, retrospective and carried out between January-June 2018. Results. The study group included 221 T2DM patients (with a mean age of 68.65 ± 10.64, ranging between 37-93 years): 116 women (52.49%; with a mean age of 70.53 ± 10.69, ranging between 37-93 years) and 105 men (47.51%; with a mean age of 66.57 ± 10.23, ranging between 38-91 years). 92 patients had AF (41.63%): 40 women (34.48%) and 52 men (49.52%). 180 patients (81.45%) were hypertensive: 103 women (88.79%) and 77 men (73.33%). 113 patients (51.13%) had metabolic syndrome: 58 women (50.00%) and 55 men (52.38%). 77 patients (34.84%) were obese: 45 women (38.79%) and 32 men (30.48%). AF patients associated obesity in 26 cases (28.26%), hypertension in 73 cases (79.35%) and metabolic syndrome in 56 cases (60.87%). Conclusions. Out of the study group, 92 T2DM patients (41.63%) had AF, men being more likely to suffer from AF than women (p=0.0288). Hypertension affected 180 patients (81.45%) and in greater proportion women vs. men (p=0.0051). The metabolic syndrome and obesity were discovered in 113 patients (51.13%) and 77 patients (34.84%), respectively, with no significant differences in terms of gender. In our research, the highest cardio metabolic risk factors for AF in T2DM were hypertension (OR = 3.6675) and the metabolic syndrome (OR = 3.3388)

    Lamboul interosos posterior antebrahial

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    Background. The posterior interosseous forearm flap appeared as an option for upper limb reconstruction with priority on the hand. Being vascularized by the posterior interosseous vessels of the forearm, this flap can be used even when the ulnar or radial vessels are damaged. Objective of the study. To improve the results of the treatment of tissue defects in the hand by using the posterior antebrachial island flap. Material and Methods. In 12 patients treated using this flap, we studied the following items: age, sex, morphological component, size, direction of migration, location of defects and functional outcomes. Results. Using the posterior interosseous forearm flap, a complete regeneration was obtained, total recovery of the function of the forearm and the hand with the movements in a complete volume. Depending on the sex, we had 8 men and 4 women, aged between 28-71 years. The flaps covered defects with an average area of about 35 cm2 and were migrated on the forearm from one patient to the remaining 11 patients in the hand regions. In all cases they were harvested in the fasciocutaneous composition. The registered complications were manifested by transient local infections in 3 patients. Conclusion. The posterior interosseous flap can be migrated with fasciocutaneous components to different parts of the forearm and hand to cover soft tissue defects, with satisfactory surgical and functional outcome and minimal complications. Introducere. Lamboul interosos posterior antebrahial a apărut drept o opțiune pentru reconstrucția membrului superior cu prioritate la nivelul mâinii. Fiind vascularizat de vasele interosoase posterioare ale antebrațului, acest lambou poate fi utilizat chiar când vasele ulnare sau radiale sunt lezate. Scopul lucrării. Îmbunătățirea rezultatelor tratamentului defectelor tisulare la nivelul mâinii prin utilizarea lamboului insular antebrahial posterior. Material și Metode. La 12 pacienți tratați prin utilizarea acestui lambou am studiat următorii itimi: vârsta, sexul, componenta morfologică, dimensiunile, direcția de migrare, localizarea defectelor și rezultatele funcționale. Rezultate. Utilizând lamboul interosos posterior antebrahial, s-a obținut o regenerare completă, recuperare totală a funcției antebrațului și a mâinii cu mișcările într-un volum complet. În funcție de sexe am avut 8 bărbați și 4 femei, cu vârste între 28-71 ani. Lambourile au acoperit defecte cu o suprafață medie de cca 35 cm2 și au fost migrate pe antebraț la un pacient, la restul 11 pacienți pe regiunile mâinii. În toate cazurile au fost recoltate în componența fasciocutanată. Complicațiile înregistrate s-au manifestat prin infecții locale tranzitorii la 3 pacienți. Concluzii. Lamboul interosos posterior antebrahial poate fi migrat cu componente fasciocutanate, în diferite părți ale antebrațului și mâinii pentru acoperirea defectelor țesuturilor moi, cu rezultat chirurgical și funcțional satisfăcător și complicații minime

    Particularităţile clinice şi eficacitatea tratamentului tuberculozei pulmonare la bolnavii HIV-infectaţi

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    Au fost studiate particularităţile clinice ale 135 din cazuri de tuberculoză la HIV-infectaţi afl aţi la tratament în spitalul municipal de tuberculoză în anii 2006-2010. Au predominat bărbaţii (67,4%), vârsta între 20-40 ani (80,0%). În 53,3 % din cazuri tuberculoza s-a dezvoltat pe fonul infecţiei HIV, în 10% tuberculoza a fost prima boală, iar în 28,1% ambele maladii au fost depistate în acelaşi timp. Pe parcursul tratamentului 62,0% din pacienţi au decedat, iar succesul tratamentului este de 22,4%

    Treatment effectiveness of Pulmonary Tuberculosis in HIV-infected patients

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    Catedra Pneumoftiziologie USMF N. Testimiţanu, SCMFPTreatment efficacy was analyzed in 107 patients TB / HIV which were treated at Municipal Hospital of Pneumophthysiology in the years 2006 to 2009. The treatment results have established the following: cured and treatment completed - 22.4%, abandonment, chronic, transfer - 11.2%, prolonging treatment - 3.7%. 62.7% patients died during those years. a fost analizată eficacitatea tratamentului a 107 bolnavi TB/HIV aflaţi la tratament în SCMFP în anii 2006 – 2009. Rezultatele tratamentului au stabilit următoarele: vindecat şi tratament încheiat – la 22,4%, abandon, cronici, transferaţi – 11,2%, prelungesc tratamentul – 3,7%. Au decedat pe parcursul acestor ani – 62,7% pacienţi

    Realizarea programului naţional de control al tuberculozei la imsp spitalul clinic de ftiziopneumologie în anul 2004

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    Eficacitatea tratamentului antituberculos DOTS este influenţată nefavorabil de depistarea tardivă, întreruperea tratamentului, creşterea multidrogrezistenţei, dificultăţile în aprecierea sensibilităţii şi de prezenţa maladiilor asociate

    Lamboul fibular în reconstrucția defectului osos mandibular. Caz clinic

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    Background. Since 1974 when Taylor first used the free fibular flap in reconstruction of the lower limb, and continuing with 1989 when Hidalgo first uses the same flap in the reconstruction of the mandible, the free fibular flap is one of the safest methods of reconstruction. Objective of the study. Presentation of clinical case with using of fibula free flap for reconstruction of mandibular bone defects. Appreciation of aesthetic results and the potential to recover the functions of involved segment. Material and Methods. Clinical case: 21-year-old man who was diagnosed with ameloblastoma of the right site of mandible. Surgical treatment, including mandibular resection, resulted in an 8 cm. lenght mandibular bone defect, which was recovered with a free fibula flap, the flap was modeled and fixed with a reconstructive plate. Results. The fibula, used like a free flap, migrated to the mandibula bone defect, allowed to obtain a qualitative not absorbable bone mass, so that in 6 months later we obtaned bone consolidation with subsequent dental implantation and functional recovery of the mandible. Conclusion. The fibula free flap can be used to recover large bone defects of the mandible, providing quality bone mass for subsequent dental replanting thus recovering the basic mechanical function of the mandible. Introducere. Începând cu 1974, atunci când Taylor utilizează pentru prima dată lamboul liber fibular în reconstrucția membrului pelvin și continuând cu 1989, când Hidalgo utilizează același lambou pentru prima dată în reconstrucția madibulei, lamboul liber fibular este una din cele mai sigure metode de reconstrucție. Scopul lucrării. Prezentarea cazului în care a fost utilizat lamboului liber fibular în reconstrucția defectului osos mandibular. Aprecierea rezultatelor estetice și potențialul recuperării funcționale a segmentului implicat. Material și Metode. Caz clinic: bărbat, 21 ani, care a fost diagnosticat cu ameloblastom la nivelul madibulei pe dreapta. Tratamentul chirurgical a inclus rezencției mandibulei, s-a obținut un defect oso mandibular de 8 cm. lungime, care a fost recuperat cu un lambou liber fibular. Lamboul a fost modelat după forma mandibulei și fixat cu ajutorul unei plăci reconstructive. Rezultate. Fibula, utilizată în varianta liberă, migrată la nivelul defectului osos mandibular, a permis obținerea unei mase osoase calitative, neabsorbabilă, astfel încât la 6 luni distanță s-a obținut consolidare osoasă cu implantare dentară ulterioară și recuperarea funcțională a madibulei. Concluzii. Lamboul liber fibular poate fi utilizat pentru recuperarea defectelor osoase mari la nivelul madibulei, oferind masă osoasă calitativă pentru ulterioara replantare dentară, recuperând funcția mecanică de bază a mandibulei

    The impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on thyroid nodular disease: a retrospective study in a single center in the western part of Romania

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    IntroductionThe COVID-19 pandemic had a significant impact on the healthcare system, leading to a prioritization of hospital admissions in many countries. Romania was no exception, and it had to restrict patient access to medical services in hospitals with chronic diseases and oncological pathology, including thyroid cancer. This study aimed to compare the clinical and pathological factors of patients with nodular thyroid disease diagnosed and surgically treated during the two years before and after the COVID-19 pandemic, in a single medical institution.MethodsThe retrospective study included 1505 patients who were diagnosed and operated on for nodular thyroid disease between January 2018 and December 2021. The patients were divided into two groups: the “PRECOVID” group (January 2018 to February 2020), and the “POSTCOVID” group (March 2020 to December 2021). The analyzed parameters included patients’ gender, age, preoperative diagnosis, type of surgical intervention, and pathological diagnosis.ResultsA significant decrease was observed in the number of surgeries performed for thyroid nodular disease during the COVID-19 pandemic period (450 versus 1055 cases, p<0.00001). There was a significant decrease in the number of surgical reinterventions (0.9% in the POSTCOVID group versus 2.9% in the PRECOVID group, p=0.01) and a significant increase in the number of total thyroidectomies (84.9% in the POSTCOVID group versus 80.1% in the PRECOVID group, p=0.02). We also observed a higher incidence of malignant/borderline tumors in the POSTCOVID group compared to the PRECOVID group (p=0.04) and a significantly higher frequency of aggressive forms of thyroid cancer in the POSTCOVID group (p=0.0006).DiscussionThe COVID-19 pandemic had a significant impact on the surgical management of nodular thyroid disease, resulting in a decrease in surgeries and a change in the type of surgical interventions performed. The higher incidence of malignant/borderline tumors diagnosed during the pandemic highlights the importance of timely diagnosis and treatment of thyroid nodules to prevent cancer progression

    How does a medical team in the Oncology Department react to the Covid-19 pandemic?

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    The Covid-19 pandemic was and still is a great challenge for the entire world population. People in the first line, among them doctors being a very important category, faced the risk of disease and, in some cases, even became infected. The emotional consequences of this risk are highlighted in this paperwork which tries to stress, with the help of applied questionnaires, the presence of psycho-emotional disorders among the medical staff of the Oncology Department of St. Luke\u27s Hospital, Bucharest, during the pandemic. The medical staff had a low level of stress, adapting to the evolution of the pandemic to some extent . The main fear was that of illness and the most common emotional states experienced by the subjects were: worry, nervousness and dissatisfaction. Most of the medical staff showed negative emotions, but there were also people who felt positive emotions of relaxation, calmness or joy. The most common ways of managing the stress caused by the pandemic were: communicating with colleagues, family and friends, watching movies and enjoying various activities with the family at home


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    This work was focused, by using computer aided engineering application (SolidWorks) and structural simulation (SolidWorks SIMULATION), on obtaining a technical and economic strength indicator used in the analysis of metallic material choice from which is made active body large diameter disc knife type, that equips the technical equipment for soil tillage on trees row, while cuttings root for moderating growth of shoots and precision foliar fertilization. For this purpose, on the 3D parametric modeling were selected from the software library various metallic materials, followed by finite element analysis (FEA) which was carried out to simulate the distributions of stress and strain on the body active. Based on the resulting data, were determined the reports price- coefficient of resistance for the materials analyzed. Comparing these indicators led to the selection of a material that has high resistance under a price as low as possible. Analysis based on technical and economic choice of a metallic material reduces the time validation of the design, by eliminating the realization and physical testing, and allows management to determine the existing resources in the company in order to use their total for achieve economic and financial results as high