57 research outputs found


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    Power transformers are the most important and expensive equipment from the electricity transmission system, so it is very important to know the real state of health of such equipment in every moment. De-energizing the power transformer accidentally due to internal defects can generate high costs. Annual maintenance proved to be ineffective in many cases to determine the internal condition of the equipment degradation due to faults rapidly evolving. An On-line Monitoring System for Power Transformers help real-time condition assessment and to detect errors early enough to take action to eliminate or minimize them. After abnormality detected, it is still important to perform full diagnostic tests to determine the exact condition of the equipment. On-line monitoring systems can help increase the level of availability and reliability of power transformers and lower costs of accidental interruption. This paper presents cases studies on several power transformers equipped with on-line monitoring systems from Transelectrica substation

    Diagnostic and therapeutic difficulties in parotid tumor pathology – comments on a clinical case

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    Introduction. The parotid gland, the largest salivary gland, can be the site of various pathology. Any swelling located in the parotid gland requires thorough investigations. Symptoms usually include a painless, unilateral tumor, with a slow evolution. Histology establishes the therapeutic plan. Case presentation. We present the case of a 60 years-old patient, known with a tumoral mass in the parotid region for 3 years, who came to our clinic for a history of 3 months persistent dysphonia. Endoscopic laryngoscopy revealed a tumoral mass occupying two thirds of the right vocal cord, covered in keratin plates, with normal mobility of both vocal cords. From the patient’s record, we note an ultrasound fine needle aspiration biopsy, performed at the onset of the parotid tumoral mass, which did not reveal any malignancy criteria. Conclusions. Differential diagnosis for parotid gland pathology must include inflammatory, infectious and tumoral conditions. A complete set of investigations must be performed in order to establish the therapeutic approach. Treatment, depending on the histological type of the tumor, is commonly surgical and can be followed by radiotherapy and in some cases, chemotherapy

    Nanostructured PbS-doped inorganic film synthesized by sol-gel route

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    IV-VI semiconductor quantum dots embedded into an inorganic matrix represent nanostructured composite materials with potential application in temperature sensor systems. This study explores the optical, structural, and morphological properties of a novel PbS quantum dots (QDs)- doped inorganic thin film belonging to the Al2O3 -SiO2 -P2O5 system. The film was synthesized by the sol-gel method, spin coating technique, starting from a precursor solution deposited on a glass substrate in a multilayer process, followed by drying of each deposited layer. Crystalline PbS QDs embedded in the inorganic vitreous host matrix formed a nanocomposite material. Specific investigations such as X-ray diffraction (XRD), optical absorbance in the ultraviolet (UV)-visible (Vis)-near infrared (NIR) domain, NIR luminescence, Raman spectroscopy, scanning electron microscopy– energy dispersive X-ray (SEM-EDX), and atomic force microscopy (AFM) were used to obtain a comprehensive characterization of the deposited film. The dimensions of the PbS nanocrystallite phase were corroborated by XRD, SEM-EDX, and AFM results. The luminescence band from 1400 nm follows the luminescence peak of the precursor solution and that of the dopant solution. The emission of the PbS-doped film in the NIR domain is a premise for potential application in temperature sensing systems.This study was funded by a grant of the Romanian National Authority for Scientific Research and Innovation, CCCDI–UEFISCDI, project ERANET-MANUNET-TEMSENSOPT, MNET20/ NMCS3732, within PNCDI III, contract 213/02.12.2020; Ministry of Research, Innovation and Digitalization (MRID), Core Program, contracts no. 16N/2019, 18N/2019 and 21N/2019; MRID through Program I—Development of the National R & D System, Subprogram 1.2–Institutional Performance– Projects for Excellence Financing in RDI, contracts no. 13PFE/2021, 18PFE/2021 and 35PFE/2021; CCCDI-UEFISCDI project PN-III-P2-2.1-PED-2021-2541. Support from the Public University of Navarre for Research Groups is also acknowledged

    The improvement of oil quality and resistance to broomrape in sunflower genotypes resistant to herbicides

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    Sunflower crop has an important place in the word agriculture, due to many advantages, as the capacity to release high seed yield and good oil content. For improving different characteristics, by breeding methods, we need sources as genes donors. Genetic resources in sunflower, which could to be used as base of creating new inbred lines or as donor sources for genes controlling different characteristics, in the inbred lines breeding, are made up of old or new varieties, hybrids and inbred lines, induced mutations, synthetic populations, as well as sunflower wild species. Herbicide resistant crops are becoming increasingly common in agricultural production. A wild population of annual Helianthus annuus was the source for developing cultivated sunflower genotypes resistant to imidazolinone and sulfonylurea herbicides. There have been created inbred lines as sources for the genes transferring in the elite lines. The quality of sunflower oil can be modified by means of induced and spontaneous mutations. The sunflower lines, sources for high oleic acid content, there have been obtained from a Russian variety, created by chemical mutation. Using these sources we transferred genes for improving the oil quality, in our elite lines, resistant to herbicides. Broomrape, caused by Orobanche cumana Wallr. is a parasitic weed which infests sunflower roots, causing severe crop losses. Since broomrape is a highly variable parasite, the breakdown of resistance is a frequent phenomenon and multiple sources of resistance are needed. Genetic resistance to broomrape it was introduced in the sunflower crop from the wild relatives (H. tuberosus, H. maximiliani, H. debilis). The inbred lines created by interspecific hybridization have been used for the improvement of resistance to this parasite, of the lines resistant to imidazolinone and sulfonylurea herbicides

    Endoscopic laser cordotomy for bilateral recurrent paralysis – comments on a clinical case

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    Introduction. Bilateral recurrent paralysis treatment has changed in the last decades as various procedures have been developed in order to superiorly preserve the functions of the larynx. For life-threatening situations tracheotomy remains the treatment of choice. Case presentation. In this article we present the case of a 64 year-old patient, known with bilateral recurrent paralysis, who presented to our clinic with mild to moderate inspiratory dyspnea on effort. The endoscopic examination revealed the vocal folds in paramedian position, with a respiratory space reduced by 80%. We performed an endoscopic posterior cordotomy, also known as Kashima procedure. Conclusions. Kashima procedure or endoscopic laser posterior cordotomy is a preferred technique with better long term outcomes. It prevents the necessity of tracheotomy and improves the quality of life of the patient, by both widening the airway and preserving phonation

    Broomrape (Orobanche cumana wallr.) control, by developing genetic resistant genotypes in sunflower

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    Sunflower broomrape (Orobanche cumana Wallr.) is a parasitic plant which has a significant negative impact on seed yield. The parasite is spread in large areas of Europe, Asia and it has identified recently, in North Africa. Breeding for resistance is regarded as the most effective, feasible and environmentally friendly solution to control sunflower broomrape. However, breeding for resistance is challenging as new races of the parasite have evolved. The use of resistant hybrids of monogenic resistance type, is followed by the appearance of new more virulent races that overcome the existing resistance genes. So, it is necessary to develop sunflower hybrids which can accumulate qualitative and quantitative resistance in a single one, in order to have a durable resistance. Among this, by developing Clearfield Production System in sunflower it could have an important control strategy and complemented the genetic resistance against the parasite

    The evolution of some pathogens and broomrape parasite attack and virulence, in sunflower crop, in Dobrogea area, Romania

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    Sunflower diseases represent one of the most serious constraints in sunflower crop in Romania. Dobrogea region has around 24% of the area cultivated with sunflower in Romania. The pathogens attack is frequently severe and yield losses can reach up to 50 – 70 %. In the last years, climate change has an influence on the development of the pathogens, also on the host/pathogens interaction. Some changes occur between pathogenic races, some pathogens increase their attack, according with their thermal preferences Our studies have demonstrated that some of the most important pathogens in sunflower have changed their behavior in different climatic conditions. Some pathogens (Macrophomina phaseolina, Puccinia helianthi) which in the past did not attack too much this crop, in Romania, are present in some cultivated areas with sunflower, in Dobrogea, in the last three years. Also, the pathogen Plasmopara halstedii has developed more virulent races, during the last period. The parasite broomrape (Orobanche cumana Wallr.) has also developed new and more virulent races, comparing with those present four years ago, especially in Constanta area

    Sunflower genotypes with high tolerance to drought and extreme temperatures, having good resistance to some specific diseases

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    Sunflower is considered to be moderately resistant to drought, but in hot conditions, the plants suffer reduction in fertility, yield performance and quality of products. In literature there are mentioned some adoptive mechanisms of plants to drought: escape, avoidance and tolerance, as well as their genetic variability. For sunflower it is very important to increase the cold resistance in early development stages, at stage of germination, emergence and the stage of 2-3 leaves, in order to facilitate an early sowing. Wild Helianthus species are a very valuable source of resistance in increasing drought resistance as well as resistance to low temperatures in sunflower. Some of our best elite lines have been introduced in a process of improvement of resistance to drought, using recurrent selection. Also it has been transfered some genes for controling the attack of some important pathogenes. In this process of selection, we obtained inbred lines (CMS and pollen fertility restorer lines) having very good tolerance to drought as well as resistance to low temperatures