46 research outputs found

    Current Situation of GNSS Networks in Romania

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    Nowadays, the need for a more precise positioning is a very high, therefore very demanding one, and this is one of the reasons why very large research funding is allocated in satellite technology, the second reason being global geopolitics situation. New satellite constellations are being developed existing satellites that have completed their mission are being replaced with satellites that incorporate technology far superior to their predecessors. Currently we have four constellations with global coverage, NAVSTAR-GPS and Glonass, Galileo and Compass. With the development of these global satellite systems, it is also necessary to develop the user segment, so this requires terrestrial reference stations to be updated to recognize the new signals from them. The article presents the situation of the global satellite systems and the situation of the permanent reference networks in Romania, which are developed by state or private companies

    Multiple sclerosis disease activity, a multi-biomarker score of disease activity and response to treatment in multiple sclerosis

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    Regular assessment of disease activity in relapsing-remitting multiple sclerosis (RRMS) is required to optimize clinical outcomes. Biomarkers can be a valuable tool for measuring disease activity in multiple sclerosis (MS) if they reflect the pathological processes underlying MS pathogenicity. In this pilot study, we combined multiple biomarkers previously analyzed in RRMS patients into an MS disease activity (MSDA) score to evaluate their ability to predict relapses and treatment response to glatiramer acetate (GA). Response Gene to Complement 32 (RGC-32), FasL, IL-21, SIRT1, phosphorylated SIRT1 (p-SIRT1), and JNK1 p54 levels were used to generate cut-off values for each biomarker. Any value below the cutoff for RGC-32, FasL SIRT1, or p-SIRT1 or above the cutoff for IL-21 or JNK1 p54 was given a +1 value, indicating relapse or lack of response to GA. Any value above the cutoff value for RGC-32, FasL, SIRT1, p-SIRT1 or below that for IL-21 or JNK1 p54 was given a -1 value, indicating clinical stability or response to GA. An MSDA score above +1 indicated a relapse or lack of response to treatment. An MSDA score below -1 indicated clinical stability or response to treatment. Our results showed that the MSDA scores generated using either four or six biomarkers had a higher sensitivity and specificity and significantly correlated with the expanded disability status scale. Although these results suggest that the MSDA test can be useful for monitoring therapeutic response to biologic agents and assessing clinically challenging situations, the present findings need to be confirmed in larger studies

    Motility parameters of equine epididymal spermatozoa after 24 hours intra-epididymal exposure to lidocaine using two commercial extenders

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    Epididymal spermatozoa is the last source for gamete rescue in case of emergency castration or sudden death of a valuable stallion, thus an ideal harvesting and preservation technique should be employed. Routinely, 2% lidocaine intraparenchymatous administration is used to provide analgesia prior to castration, but studies on the effect of lidocaine on epididymal spermatozoa motility parameters are limited. The purpose of this study was to determine the effects of lidocaine on equine epididymal spermatozoa, after 24 hours intraepididymal cool storage using two commercial extenders. We hypothesized that intraepididymal prolonged exposure to lidocaine, might affect motility parameters of epididymal stallion spermatozoa and that different extenders might have an impact. Sperm was collected from 20 epididymides of routinely castrated 3 year old KWPN stallions. 4 stallions received 10 ml 2% lidocaine intraparenchymatous 10 minutes prior to castration and 6 stallions were not medicated. Testicles were transported to an equipped facility and cooled stored for 24 hours. From each sample an aliquot was diluted in a commercial egg yolk based extender, and another in a commercial extender containing defined milk proteins. Motility parameters were registered 30 minutes after dilution, computer assisted. There were no statistical differences between motility parameters of spermatozoa exposed to lidocaine and spermatozoa not exposed, however progressive motility and linearity significantly differed among the two extenders

    Sistema de depuraci贸n de contaminantes fluorados en hornos cer谩micos

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    Treball Final de Grau en Enginyeria Qu铆mica. Codi: EQ1044. Curs acad猫mic: 2021/2022La finalidad de este proyecto es la instalaci贸n de un filtro depurador de contaminantes, para los hornos utilizados en la producci贸n cer谩mica de la empresa FABRICACI脫N ESPA脩OLA SANITARIA S.A. (Fabresa) Para as铆 poder cumplir con los Valores L铆mites de Emisi贸n (VLE) establecidos por los documentos BREF, los cuales se basan las Mejores T茅cnicas Disponibles (MTD) para fijar dichos valores. Tras haber consultado la Autorizaci贸n Ambiental Integrada (AAI) de la empresa, se detectaron elevados niveles de fluoruro de hidr贸geno (HF) provenientes de los dos hornos de cocci贸n del producto sin esmaltar. El HF al ser un contaminante peligroso para las personas y t贸xico para plantas y animales, debe ser depurado, lo que condiciona a la empresa a instalar un filtro para depurarlo. Para la instalaci贸n del filtro se han estudiado diferentes alternativas, entre ellas: usar filtros de mangas con adici贸n de reactivo, lechos fijos de adsorci贸n con adici贸n de reactivo o la depuraci贸n v铆a h煤meda. Se analizaron las ventajas y desventajas de estos equipos y se seleccion贸 el m谩s adecuado para tratar este tipo de contaminantes. Una vez seleccionado el filtro 贸ptimo, se analizaron los diferentes reactivos a utilizar para llevar a cabo la neutralizaci贸n, bajo la condici贸n de haber elegido un equipo que necesite adici贸n de reactivo. Los par谩metros considerados para seleccionar el mejor reactivo fueron: la forma de alimentaci贸n, el coste del reactivo y el contaminante a eliminar. Al tratarse de HF, se contemplaron el hidr贸xido de calcio (Ca(OH)2) y el bicarbonato de sodio (NaHCO3). Se plantearon los sistemas de reacci贸n y se escogi贸 el m谩s adecuado. Posteriormente a la selecci贸n del filtro 贸ptimo y reactivo a adicionar, se estudi贸 la implementaci贸n de un filtro com煤n para las dos chimeneas de los dos hornos o la instalaci贸n de un filtro para cada chimenea. An谩logamente a los procedimientos anteriores, se estudiaron las dos posibilidades y se eligi贸 la mejor opci贸n. Finalmente, al haber elegido las mejores alternativas para cada una de las selecciones, se plantearon las ecuaciones correspondientes al funcionamiento del sistema de depuraci贸n, los par谩metros para su dimensionamiento y un estudio econ贸mico en torno a la instalaci贸n de est


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    Separator type machines are used in food industry to separate useful parts of poly-granular materials from impurities. Most of their kind are vibratory machines that have specific motions directed with non-equilibrated masses generators. Work paper presented in the following is about vibrations measurements in order to establish that specific motions of these machine types. An original measurement hardware system is used next to specific programs for processing data that are obtained in order to detect motion trajectory along with transmitted vibratory motion to the ground. Conclusions drawn are that supporting elements are good both for motion sustainability and for damping of the transmitted vibrations to the ground


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    Fixed point theory for nonself generalized contractions in Kasahara spaces

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    In this paper we extend some results of V. Berinde, 艦t. M膬ru艧ter and I.A. Rus (Saturated contraction principles for nonself operators, generalizations and applications, Filomat, 31:11(2017), 3391-3406), which were given in metric spaces, to Kasahara spaces. Some research directions are also presented