3 research outputs found

    Πιλωτική διερεύνηση της δύναμης των καμπτύρων και εκτεινόντων σε αθλητές και αθλήτριες μοντέρνου πεντάθλου

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    Σκοπός της μελέτης ήταν να διερευνήσει πιλοτικά τη δύναμη καμπτήρων και εκτεινόντων σε αθλητές αι αθλήτριες Μοντέρνου Πεντάθλου. Για τον σκοπό αυτό η Εθνική ομάδα Νέων και Νεανίδων του Μοντέρνου Πεντάθλου αξιολογήθηκε σε ισοκινητικό δυναμόμετρο εξετάζοντας την ροπή κάμψης και έκτασης και τον αντιστοιχο λόγο των δύο κινήσεων. Τα ανθρωπομετρικά χαρακτηριστικά των αθλητών και αθλητριών ήταν τα παρακάτω: τρεις αθλητές της Εθνικής ομάδας Νέων ηλικίας 16.5±0.34 ετών, αναστήματος 180.6±3.45 cm, και σωματικού βάρους 65.3±4.67 kg και τρεις αθλήτριες της ομάδας Νεανίδων ηλικίας 15.3±0.52 ετών, αναστήματος 163.00±2.00 cm, και σωματικού βάρους 53.9±3.25 kg. Από τα αποτελέσματα φαίνεται ότι η έκταση θεωρείται ικανοποιητική για την ηλικία και το φύλο, ενώ οι τιμές της κάμψης επιδέχονται βελτίωσης και υποδηλώνουν κίνδυνο τραυματισμών στην οσφυική χώρα και αδυναμία υποστήριξης των ιδιαίτερων και πολύπλοκων βασικών κινητικών προτύπων των 5 διαφορετικών αγωνισμάτων του Μοντέρνου Πεντάθλου.The purpose of the study was to pilot investigate flexor strength and extending to Modern Pentathlon athletes. For this purpose, National Junior and Junior Modern Pentathlon team rated at isokinetic dynamometer examining the bending moment and the areas and the corresponding ratio of the two movements. The anthropometric characteristics of athletes and female athletes were the following: three athletes of the National Youth team 16.5±0.34 years, height 180.6±3.45 cm, and body weight 65.3±4.67 kg and three female athletes of the Junior team, age 15.3±0.52 years, height 163.00±2.00 cm, and body weight 53.9±3.25 kg. From the results it appears that the area is considered satisfactory for the age and gender, while bending values are subject to improvement and suggest risk injuries to the lumbar region and inability to support individuals and complex basic movement patterns of his 5 different competitions Modern Pentathlon

    BRCA1 Mutation Analysis in Breast/Ovarian Cancer Families from Greece

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    Germline mutations in BRCA1 gene account for varying proportions of breast/ovarian cancer families, and demonstrate considerable variation in mutational spectra coincident with ethnic and geographical diversity. We have screened for mutations the entire coding sequence of BRCA1 in 30 breast/ovarian cancer women with family history of two or more cases of breast cancer under age 50 and/or ovarian cancer at any age. Genomic DNA from patient was initially analyzed for truncating mutations in exon 11 with PTT followed by DNA sequencing. In the cases where no frameshift mutation was observed in exon 11, all other exons were screened with direct sequencing. Two novel (3099delT, 3277insG) and three already described (3741insA, 1623del5-TTAAA, 5382insC-twice) truncating mutations were identified. In addition, 6 point mutations (L771L, P871L, E1038G, K1183R, S1436S, S1613G) which are already classified as polymorphisms were identified. Three unclassified intronic variants (IVS16-68 G>A, IVS16-92 G>A, IVS18+ 65G>A) were also detected. These results show that BRCA1 deleterious mutations are present in a fraction (20%) of Greek breast/ovarian cancer families similar to other European countries. Mutations were detected in high-(3 3 members) as well as in moderate-risk (2 members) families. This is the first report of BRCA1 mutation analysis in Greece. (C) 2000 Wiley-Liss, Inc