49 research outputs found

    Reduction in grey matter atrophy in patients with relapsing multiple sclerosis following treatment with cladribine tablets

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    Background and purpose Measures of atrophy in the whole brain can be used to reliably assess treatment effect in clinical trials of patients with multiple sclerosis (MS). Trials assessing the effect of treatment on grey matter (GM) and white matter (WM) atrophy are very informative, but hindered by technical limitations. This study aimed to measure GM and WM volume changes, using a robust longitudinal method, in patients with relapsing MS randomized to cladribine tablets 3.5 mg/kg or placebo in the CLARITY study. Methods We analysed T1-weighted magnetic resonance sequences using SIENA-XL, from 0 to 6 months (cladribine, n = 267; placebo, n = 265) and 6 to 24 months (cladribine, n = 184; placebo, n = 186). Mean percentage GM and WM volume changes (PGMVC and PWMVC) were compared using a mixed-effect model. Results More GM and WM volume loss was found in patients taking cladribine versus those taking placebo in the first 6 months of treatment (PGMVC: cladribine: -0.53 vs. placebo: -0.25 [p = 0.045]; PWMVC: cladribine: -0.49 vs. placebo: -0.34 [p = 0.137]), probably due to pseudoatrophy. However, over the period 6 to 24 months, GM volume loss was significantly lower in patients on cladribine than in those on placebo (PGMVC: cladribine: -0.90 vs. placebo: -1.27 [p = 0.026]). In this period, volume changes in WM were similar in the two treatment arms (p = 0.52). Conclusions After a short period of pseudoatrophy, treatment with cladribine 3.5 mg/kg significantly reduced GM atrophy in comparison with placebo. This supports the relevance of GM damage in MS and may have important implications for physical and cognitive disability progression. © 2022 The Authors

    Extraction of Phenolic Compounds from Palm Oil Processing Residues and Their Application as Antioxidants

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    Nusproizvodi proizvodnje palminog ulja, i to pogača od palminih sjemenki, palmina vlakna, ljuske palminih sjemenki i prazni grozdovi palminog ploda, upotrijebljeni su za ekstrakciju polifenolnih spojeva. Među tim nusproizvodima je pogača od palminih sjemenki sadržavala najviše ukupnih fenolnih spojeva, i to 5,19 mg u g suhe tvari, izraženih kao ekvivalent galne kiseline, dok je najmanje imao prazni grozd palminog ploda, i to 1,79 mg/g. Radi optimiranja ekstrakcije fenola ispitani su sljedeći parametri: vrijeme ekstrakcije i omjer tekuće i krute tvari. Najveći ukupni udjel fenola od 5,35 mg/g pri omjeru tekuće i krute tvari od 40:1 tijekom ekstrakcije od 20 min imala je pogača od palminih sjemenki. Pomoću HPLC-DAD metode određeni su glavni fenolni spojevi iz nusprodukata proizvodnje palminog ulja. Pogača od palminih sjemenki sadržavala je najviše pirogalola, te 4-hidroksibenzojeve, galne i ferulinske kiseline. Prazni grozdovi palminog ploda i palmina vlakna bili su bogati hidroksibenzojevom kiselinom, dok je pirogalol bio dominantan sastojak ekstrakta ljuski palminih sjemenki. Svi su ekstrakti imali oksidacijsku aktivnost, koja je potvrđena DPPH analizom, te ispitana dodatkom ekstrakta suncokretovom ulju radi produljenja roka trajanja. Dodatkom 0,8 % ekstrakta pogače od palminih sjemenki povećalo se indukcijsko vrijeme suncokretovog ulja za više od 50 %. Rezultati istraživanja potvrđuju da je pogača od palminih sjemenki nusproizvod s dodanom vrijednošću koji se može upotrijebiti kao antioksidans u prehrambenoj industriji.The side streams derived from the palm oil production process, namely palm kernel cake, palm pressed fibre, palm kernel shells and empty fruit bunches, were evaluated as sources of phenolic compounds. Among these streams, kernel cake had the highest total phenolic content (in mg of gallic acid equivalents (GAE) per g of dry sample) with a value of 5.19, whereas the empty fruit bunches had the lowest value (1.79). The extraction time and liquid-to-solid ratio were investigated to optimize the phenolic extraction. Kernel cake exhibited the highest total phenolic content (5.35 mg/g) with a liquid-to-solid ratio of 40:1 during 20 min of extraction. The main phenolic compounds of the extracts deriving from all byproduct streams were also identified and quantified with HPLC-DAD. Pyrogallol, 4-hydroxybenzoic acid, gallic acid and ferulic acid were the main compounds found in kernel cake extracts. Empty fruit bunch and pressed fibre extracts were also rich in 4-hydroxybenzoic acid, while pyrogallol was the predominant compound in kernel shell extracts. All extracts showed antioxidant activity as it was indicated from the results of DPPH analysis and subsequently tested in sunflower oil aiming to prolong its shelf life. The addition of 0.8 % kernel cake extract increased the induction time of sunflower oil more than 50 %. According to the results obtained in this study, kernel cake extracts could be considered as a value-added co-product with a potential application as antioxidants in the food industry

    Summary of Research: Collaboration Between Healthcare Professionals and People with Multiple Sclerosis to Develop Communication Tools to Improve the Standard of Multiple Sclerosis Care

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    : This is a summary of a previously published paper: Joint Healthcare Professional and Patient Development of Communication Tools to Improve the Standard of MS Care. It describes a collaboration between people with multiple sclerosis (PwMS) and healthcare professionals (HCPs) to identify challenges in multiple sclerosis (MS) care and design tools to improve communication during consultations

    Large wood debris that clogged bridges followed by a sudden release: the 2019 flash flood in Catalonia

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    The aim is the reconstruction of the October 2019 flash flood, that was documented through extensive field work: rainfall (300 mm in just a few hours), flood marks, times of flood passage and witnesses' snapshots and reports, channel changes, log drift (20,000 trees) and woody debris at bridges, as well as large damage and six fatalities. The methods are: hydrological model built for the rainfall-runoff in the basin and the flood routing in the river, use of hydraulic principles such as flow at waterfalls, flow against obstacles (trees), etc. and finally 1D/2D free surface numerical models. The uppermost 100 km2 produced discharges of 700 m3/s (up to 50 m3/s/km2, locally). Three bridges failed, but their cascading failure (when one failure triggers the next one downstream) was not proved. The main channel widened more than 10 times, dragging away soil and vegetation like a bulldozer. The resulting large wood debris that clogged two bridges worsened the inundation. An anomalous flow downstream, probably a surge of around 1090 m3/s, due to the failure of a woody jam at a narrow bridge, took two lives. Water Authority is now warning flood planners that vegetated, torrential basins may cause catastrophic floods in the valley towns, if their narrow bridges are sensitive to woody debris.Catalan Water Authority and its Tarragona officers, Meteoprades and Fons Signatus, Joan March and a number of witnesses. The UPC's contribution was funded by the contract CTN2000029 of the “Agència Catalana de l′Aigua”. The UB's contribution has been developed within the framework of the AGORA project, funded by the "Agència Catalana de l′Aigua". Our thanks to the "Museu de la Vida Rural", in l′Espluga de Francolí, and all the citizens who contributed to the return of experience. The UIB's research has been supported by the Ministerio de Ciencia, Innovación y Universidades (CGL2017-82868-R and PID2020-113036RB-I00/AEI/10.13039/501100011033 research projects, which are partially supported by the European Regional Development Funds).Peer ReviewedPostprint (published version