9 research outputs found

    Domestic tourism and regional inequality in Brazil

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    This paper analyzes the consumption patterns of tourists coming from different domestic origins and choosing other domestic destinations in Brazil, in terms of expenditure level and composition. We also look at the different alternatives of financing tourist expenditures and their implications for the net multipliers in an integrated framework. We use survey data for domestic tourism in Brazil to consolidate an interregional matrix of expenditures by tourists and then use an interregional input-output system for Brazil to compute the tourism multiplier effects based on alternative hypotheses for the sources of financing of expenditures by tourists. The results are analyzed, and their implications for regional inequality in the country are discussed

    Modeling Interjurisdictional Tax Competition in a Federal System

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    Interjurisdictional tax competition is a controversial theme little studied in an empirical approach in spite of the great advance in the theoretical debate at last decades. This paper aims to build a bridge between such theoretical issues and the empirical tools using an interregional general equilibrium model to evaluate the welfare effects of an experimental game of tax competition between two regional governments of the Brazilian federal system. The model recognizes the horizontal and vertical fiscal linkages underlying the Brazilian federalism. The results imply in a welfare-improving Nash equilibrium, in opposition with many theoretical issues. It can be seen that the fiscal externalities of tax competition does matter for such output not only due the mobility of the regional tax base but also because the substitution effect between regional goods and international goods since tax competition reduces the domestic prices. Additionally, the constitutional rules impose a rigid mechanism of fiscal transfers from central government to regional governments and contribute to alleviate the reduction pressures on the regional public goods because the increase in central government’s tax base also increase the regional government revenues. Then, interjurisdicional tax competition in the Brazilian federal system can be associated with gains in private consumption that overcome the reduction in regional public good provisions, reinforcing the welfare-improving equilibrium.

    Domestic tourism and regional inequality in Brazil

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    This paper analyzes the consumption patterns of tourists coming from different domestic origins and choosing other domestic destinations in Brazil, in terms of expenditure level and composition. We also look at the different alternatives of financing tourist expenditures and their implications for the net multipliers in an integrated framework. We use survey data for domestic tourism in Brazil to consolidate an interregional matrix of expenditures by tourists and then use an interregional input-output system for Brazil to compute the tourism multiplier effects based on alternative hypotheses for the sources of financing of expenditures by tourists. The results are analyzed, and their implications for regional inequality in the country are discussed

    Interregional input-ouptut system for Ecuador, 2007: methodology and results

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    In this paper, we explore the structural characteristics of the interregional input-output system developed for Ecuador for the year 2007. As part of an ongoing project that aims to develop an interregional CGE model for the country, this database was developed under conditions of limited information. It provides the opportunity to better understand the spatial linkage structure associated with the national economy in the context of its 22 provinces, 15 sectors and 60 different products. This exploratory analysis is based on the description of structural coefficients and the use of traditional input-output techniques. Finally, we further explore the spatial linkage structure by looking at the regional decomposition of final demand. It is hoped that this exercise might result in a better appreciation of a broader set of dimensions that might improve our understanding of the integrated interregional economic system in Ecuador.Interregional input-output model; Ecuador; spatial linkages

    Interregional input-ouptut system for Ecuador, 2007: methodology and results

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    In this paper, we explore the structural characteristics of the interregional input-output system developed for Ecuador for the year 2007. As part of an ongoing project that aims to develop an interregional CGE model for the country, this database was developed under conditions of limited information. It provides the opportunity to better understand the spatial linkage structure associated with the national economy in the context of its 22 provinces, 15 sectors and 60 different products. This exploratory analysis is based on the description of structural coefficients and the use of traditional input-output techniques. Finally, we further explore the spatial linkage structure by looking at the regional decomposition of final demand. It is hoped that this exercise might result in a better appreciation of a broader set of dimensions that might improve our understanding of the integrated interregional economic system in Ecuador

    Interregional input-ouptut system for Ecuador, 2007: methodology and results

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    In this paper, we explore the structural characteristics of the interregional input-output system developed for Ecuador for the year 2007. As part of an ongoing project that aims to develop an interregional CGE model for the country, this database was developed under conditions of limited information. It provides the opportunity to better understand the spatial linkage structure associated with the national economy in the context of its 22 provinces, 15 sectors and 60 different products. This exploratory analysis is based on the description of structural coefficients and the use of traditional input-output techniques. Finally, we further explore the spatial linkage structure by looking at the regional decomposition of final demand. It is hoped that this exercise might result in a better appreciation of a broader set of dimensions that might improve our understanding of the integrated interregional economic system in Ecuador

    Eficiência Produtiva Regional da Agricultura Brasileira: uma análise de fronteira estocástica

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    This study aims to analyze the regional productive efficiency of agriculture using estimation techniques of stochastic production frontiers and exploratory spatial data analysis. The estimation was carried out for permanent and temporary crops separately using data from 2006 Agricultural Census. The results of production equation show that productive factors such as land area and labor promote productivity gains to those crops related to respectively increase returns to scale and technological intensity. Results also show that the linkage between efficiency and specialization is positive for permanent crops but negative for temporary crops. Additionally, the efficiency of temporary crops seems more sensitive to geographical factors as precipitations, temperature and biomes. The spatial analysis applied to permanent crops identified high efficiency clusters in Northeast and South and low efficiency clusters in the North. Considering temporary crops, it was identified high efficiency clusters in Northeast and Southeast and low efficiency clusters concentrated in North and Northeast of Brazil