2 research outputs found

    Análisis de la influencia del marketing sensorial en el comportamiento de compra de la concesionaria Andinamotors S.A ciudad de Riobamba

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    El presente proyecto de investigación está encaminado a direccionar una comunicación en función de los sentidos y conexiones mentales para generar un impacto afectivo e influir en el comportamiento de compra. Se hace uso de una metodología que ayude a fundamentar la investigación según el tema “Análisis de la influencia del marketing sensorial en el comportamiento de compra de la concesionaria Andinamotors S.A ciudad de Riobamba” indagación que se realiza para detectar posibles carencias igualmente conocer las necesidades vigentes por los consumidores; se hace uso de la matriz RMG para realizar un diagnóstico a nivel de la competitividad y las ventas de la concesionaria generándose a través de la integración de una perspectiva en la comunicación de los clientes. Finalmente se considera la antropología cultural en la construcción de estrategias que involucren los sentidos, la comunicación y el posicionamiento de la empresa. Seguidamente de la obtención de resultados se diagnostica un entorno insuficiente en la combinación de los elementos sensoriales con la empresa. Se considera que Andinamotors se encuentra en un rango positivo a nivel general en el mercado su porcentaje es de 25%. Sin embargo según el estudio efectuado en la concesionaria se concluye que no maneja una comunicación interactiva que mejore la experiencia de compra y active la dependencia emocional con la memoria del individuo enfocada a las expectativas mediante estímulos sensoriales, debido a esto se recomienda la aplicación de estrategias que inciten a mejorar el bienestar del cliente así también como la comunicación y posicionamiento despertando un vínculo de fidelización e impacto sensorial que impulse la compra.The present study is aimed to conduct a communicative process based on sensory and mental connections to generate an affective impact and influence the consumer´s shopping behavior. It was applied a methodology to substantiate the research according to the topic: "Analysis of the influence of sensory marketing on buying behavior in a car dealer called Andinamotors S.A located in Riobamba city" a study that was carried out to detect possible deficiencies and also to know the consumers needs; The RMG matrix is used to make a diagnosis at a level of competitiveness and the comany´s sales, which is generated through the integration of a perspective in customer communication. Finally, a cultural anthropology is considered during the construction of strategies that involve senses, communication and the positioning of the company. After the results, an insufficient environment is diagnosed regarding the combination of sensory elements of the company. Andinamotors is ranked in a positive status within the market, with a 25%. However, according to the study developed in Andinamotors, it is concluded that, the company lacks of an interactive communication process to improve the shopping experience to activate the costumer´s emotional dependence and memory focused on expectations through sensory stimuli. Therefore, the application of strategies is recommended in order to improve the well-being of the client, the communicative process and the brand position of the company, creating a link of loyalty through a sensory impact that boosts a purchase

    Psychology of Smell: Its Influence on the Consumer in the Boutiques of the City of Riobamba

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    Olfactory marketing is a current trend that arises from sensory marketing and neuromarketing, which creates sensory experiences through smell, with certain aromas within the points of sale, in order to influence a consumer’s association toward a product or a brand and thus the profitability of the company. Sensory marketing focuses on the correct use of the senses and the management of emotions, which positively favors the sale of a product or service. Olfactory perception is the first sensory system that produces emotions when it receives a stimulus and stays longer in memory. The current research analyzes a specific aroma used in boutiques to increase the association of the brand with the consumer's memory. A neurosensory instrument called electroencephalogram was used to determine the cognitive fluency of the aroma. The equipment records the electrical activity of the brain, these impulses generate levels of meditation and attention before the influence of an aroma