1 research outputs found

    Additional file 1: Figure S1. of Multivitamins and minerals modulate whole-body energy metabolism and cerebral blood-flow during cognitive task performance: a double-blind, randomised, placebo-controlled trial

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    Exploratory analysis of the effects of differing task demands on ratings of mental fatigue/difficulty and all physiological variables, irrespective of treatment. Table S1. Mean scores (+SEM) averaged across Day 1 and Day 56 from the exploratory analysis of the effects of differing task demands on ratings of mental fatigue/difficulty and all physiological variables, irrespective of treatment. Table S2. Means (+SEM) of ICa data obtained during the 5 min pre-task resting period, the control tapping task and 5 task periods on Day 1 and Day 56. Table S3. Cognitive task performance scores (mean plus SEM) on Day 1 and Day 56. Table S4. Subjective difficulty and mental fatigue data (+SEM) from Day 1 and Day 56. (DOC 328 kb