169 research outputs found

    On positive hypergraphs

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    Camarena, Cs\'{o}ka, Hubai, Lippner, and Lov\'{a}sz introduced the notion of positive graphs. This notion naturally extends to rr-uniform hypergraphs. In the case when rr is odd, we prove that a hypergraph is positive if and only if its Levi graph is positive. As an application, we show that the 11-subdivision of Kr,rK_{r,r} is not a positive graph when rr is odd.Comment: final version accepted by European Journal of Combinatoric

    On the asymptotic of lottery numbers

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    Let L(n,k,r,p)L(n,k,r,p) denote the minimum number of kk-subsets of an nn-set such that all the (np)\binom{n}{p} pp-subsets are intersected by one of them in at least rr elements. The case p=rp=r corresponds to the covering numbers, while the case k=rk=r corresponds to the Tur\'an numbers. In both cases, there exists a limit of L(n,k,r,p)/(nr)L(n,k,r,p) / \binom{n}{r} as nn\to\infty. We prove the existence of this limit in the general case

    Modified Erd\H{o}s-Ginzburg-Ziv constants for Z2d\mathbb{Z}_2^d

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    Let GG be a finite abelian group written additively, and let rr be a multiple of its exponent. The modified Erd\H{o}s-Ginzburg-Ziv constant sr(G)\mathsf{s}_r'(G) is the smallest integer ss such that every zero-sum sequence of length ss over GG has a zero-sum subsequence of length rr. We find exact values of s2k(Z2d)\mathsf{s}_{2k}'(\mathbb{Z}_2^d) for d2k+1d \leq 2k+1.Comment: 3 page

    Non-three-colorable common graphs exist

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    A graph H is called common if the total number of copies of H in every graph and its complement asymptotically minimizes for random graphs. A former conjecture of Burr and Rosta, extending a conjecture of Erdos asserted that every graph is common. Thomason disproved both conjectures by showing that the complete graph of order four is not common. It is now known that in fact the common graphs are very rare. Answering a question of Sidorenko and of Jagger, Stovicek and Thomason from 1996 we show that the 5-wheel is common. This provides the first example of a common graph that is not three-colorable.Comment: 9 page