67 research outputs found

    Decomposability of Linear Maps under Tensor Products

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    Both completely positive and completely copositive maps stay decomposable under tensor powers, i.e under tensoring the linear map with itself. But are there other examples of maps with this property? We show that this is not the case: Any decomposable map, that is neither completely positive nor completely copositive, will lose decomposability eventually after taking enough tensor powers. Moreover, we establish explicit bounds to quantify when this happens. To prove these results we use a symmetrization technique from the theory of entanglement distillation, and analyze when certain symmetric maps become non-decomposable after taking tensor powers. Finally, we apply our results to construct new examples of non-decomposable positive maps, and establish a connection to the PPT squared conjecture.Comment: 26 pages, 3 figure

    All unital qubit channels are 44-noisy operations

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    We show that any unital qubit channel can be implemented by letting the input system interact unitarily with a 44-dimensional environment in the maximally mixed state and then tracing out the environment. We also provide an example where the dimension of such an environment has to be at least 33.Comment: 8 pages, no picture

    On the monotonicity of a quantum optimal transport cost

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    We show that the quantum generalization of the 22-Wasserstein distance proposed by Chakrabarti et al. is not monotone under partial traces. This disproves a recent conjecture by Friedland et al. Finally, we propose a stabilized version of the original definition, which we show to be monotone under the application of general quantum channels.Comment: 9 pages. Comments are welcom

    Cutting cakes and kissing circles

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    To divide a cake into equal sized pieces most people use a knife and a mixture of luck and dexterity. These attempts are often met with varying success. Through precise geometric constructions performed with the knife replacing Euclid's straightedge and without using a compass we find methods for solving certain cake-cutting problems exactly. Since it is impossible to exactly bisect a circular cake when its center is not known, our constructions need to use multiple cakes. Using three circular cakes we present a simple method for bisecting each of them or to find their centers. Moreover, given a cake with marked center we present methods to cut it into n pieces of equal size for n=3,4 and 6. Our methods are based upon constructions by Steiner and Cauer from the 19th and early 20th century.Comment: 9 pages, 11 figures. Simplified proof of main resul

    Entropy Production of Doubly Stochastic Quantum Channels

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    We study the entropy increase of quantum systems evolving under primitive, doubly stochastic Markovian noise and thus converging to the maximally mixed state. This entropy increase can be quantified by a logarithmic-Sobolev constant of the Liouvillian generating the noise. We prove a universal lower bound on this constant that stays invariant under taking tensor-powers. Our methods involve a new comparison method to relate logarithmic-Sobolev constants of different Liouvillians and a technique to compute logarithmic-Sobolev inequalities of Liouvillians with eigenvectors forming a projective representation of a finite abelian group. Our bounds improve upon similar results established before and as an application we prove an upper bound on continuous-time quantum capacities. In the last part of this work we study entropy production estimates of discrete-time doubly-stochastic quantum channels by extending the framework of discrete-time logarithmic-Sobolev inequalities to the quantum case.Comment: 24 page

    Relative Entropy Convergence for Depolarizing Channels

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    We study the convergence of states under continuous-time depolarizing channels with full rank fixed points in terms of the relative entropy. The optimal exponent of an upper bound on the relative entropy in this case is given by the log-Sobolev-1 constant. Our main result is the computation of this constant. As an application we use the log-Sobolev-1 constant of the depolarizing channels to improve the concavity inequality of the von-Neumann entropy. This result is compared to similar bounds obtained recently by Kim et al. and we show a version of Pinsker's inequality, which is optimal and tight if we fix the second argument of the relative entropy. Finally, we consider the log-Sobolev-1 constant of tensor-powers of the completely depolarizing channel and use a quantum version of Shearer's inequality to prove a uniform lower bound.Comment: 21 pages, 3 figure

    Bi-PPT channels are entanglement breaking

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    In a recent paper, Hirche and Leditzky introduced the notion of bi-PPT channels which are quantum channels that stay completely positive under composition with a transposition and such that the same property holds for one of their complementary channels. They asked whether there are examples of such channels that are not antidegradable. We show that this is not the case, since bi-PPT channels are always entanglement breaking. We also show that degradable quantum channels staying completely positive under composition with a transposition are entanglement breaking
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