14 research outputs found

    Parahydrogen-Induced Polarization Detected with Continuous Flow Magic Angle Spinning NMR

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    Parahydrogen-induced polarization (PHIP) detected as an enhancement of NMR signal at pairwise addition of hydrogen atoms from the H<sub>2</sub> molecule to olefin is an effective tool for discriminating among the possible mechanisms of hydrogenation reaction. Previously reported PHIP effects for heterogeneous hydrogenation were observed only for gas-phase molecules, that is, for those desorbed from the catalyst surface. In this case, valuable information on the possible intermediates and the reaction products on the catalyst surface could not be provided. In this paper, a magic angle spinning (MAS) NMR technique was applied for the first time for registration of PHIP produced in hydrogenation of propene with para-H<sub>2</sub> on the Pt-supported on metal oxide catalyst (Pt/TiO<sub>2</sub>). We demonstrate that the use of the <sup>1</sup>H MAS NMR technique under the condition of a continuous flow of the reagents (CF MAS NMR) enables registration of polarization in both the gas phase and the adsorbed species. Application of CF MAS NMR could be useful for detecting PHIP effects on heterogeneous catalysts and for the study of the mechanisms of heterogeneously catalyzed hydrogenation reactions

    Characterization of Fast Restricted Librations of Terephthalate Linkers in MOF UiO-66(Zr) by <sup>2</sup>H NMR Spinā€“Lattice Relaxation Analysis

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    <sup>2</sup>H NMR spinā€“lattice relaxation was used to probe small-amplitude torsional vibrations (librations) of the organic terephthalate linkers in metalā€“organic framework (MOF) UiO-66Ā­(Zr) saturated with benzene molecules. In UiO-66 (Zr) the mobile phenylene fragments exhibit a complex rotational dynamics of the phenylene rings with fast librations and much slower Ļ€-flips around the <i>C</i><sub>2</sub> symmetry axis. We show that due to the intrinsic broad distribution of the Ļ€-flips rate, the relaxation process for the deuterium in the Cā€“D group of phenylene fragment is multiexponential. Two main modes of <i>T</i><sub>1</sub> relaxation are clearly detected, corresponding to the fast <i>T</i><sub>1</sub><sup>fast</sup> and the slow <i>T</i><sub>1</sub><sup>slow</sup> relaxation. Based on the experimental observation of two-exponential relaxation, a computational model for this <i>T</i><sub>1</sub> relaxation behavior capable to reproduce the peculiarities of the MOF linkers dynamics was built. Computational analysis allows to establish that the librational motion affects mostly the <i>T</i><sub>1</sub><sup>slow</sup>, while <i>T</i><sub>1</sub><sup>fast</sup> remains unaffected by this motion. Simulation of the <i>T</i><sub>1</sub><sup>slow</sup> dependence on the libration rate <i>k</i><sub>lib</sub> shows that in the range of the librational frequencies of 10<sup>6</sup>ā€“10<sup>9</sup> Hz the <i>T</i><sub>1</sub><sup>slow</sup> is not sensitive to the <i>k</i><sub>lib</sub> variation, and therefore a precise correspondence between <i>T</i><sub>1</sub><sup>slow</sup> and <i>k</i><sub>lib</sub> cannot be established. <i>T</i><sub>1</sub><sup>slow</sup> exhibits a specific ā€œpeak-like-shapeā€ dependence of <i>k</i><sub>lib</sub> in the range of 10<sup>9</sup>ā€“10<sup>12</sup> Hz. In this range of libration frequencies an unambiguous relation between <i>T</i><sub>1</sub><sup>slow</sup> and <i>k</i><sub>lib</sub> exists only in a very narrow frequency window of 0.1 Ɨ 10<sup>10</sup>ā€“5 Ɨ 10<sup>10</sup> Hz. The best conditions to characterize the librational motion by means of <i>T</i><sub>1</sub> relaxation analysis are met when the flipping motion is almost frozen (<i>k</i><sub>flip</sub> < 10<sup>3</sup> Hz) because <i>T</i><sub>1</sub><sup>slow</sup> becomes extremely sensitive to the variation of <i>k</i><sub>lib</sub>

    Guest Controlled Rotational Dynamics of Terephthalate Phenylenes in Metalā€“Organic Framework MIL-53(Al): Effect of Different Xylene Loadings

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    MIL-53 is an interesting metalā€“organic framework (MOF) with a ā€œbreathingā€ framework which is envisioned for a number of potential applications. It is suggested that the processes of hydrocarbon adsorption, diffusion, and separation by this material are strongly influenced by flexibility of the framework and fastly moving terephthalate phenylene fragments, representing the array of molecular rotors. To govern the mentioned processes we need to learn how to monitor the flexibility of the framework and identify the specific effects of particular hydrocarbons on the rotational motion of phenylene fragments. Here we demonstrate that flexibility, i.e., large pore (LP) and narrow pore (NP) crystalline state interconversions of the framework, can be monitored by following the evolution of phenylene fragments dynamics with temperature by <sup>2</sup>H solid-state nuclear magnetic resonance. We have established that the dynamics of phenylene fragments is very sensitive to the loading of xylene guests and the MOF structural state. The rotation rate is higher and the activation barrier lower for the LP state of the guest-free or loosely loaded material, whereas the NP and LP states with high loadings and dense guest packing show a decrease of the rotation rates and increase of the rotation energetic barrier

    Mobility of the 2ā€‘Methylimidazolate Linkers in ZIFā€‘8 Probed by <sup>2</sup>H NMR: Saloon Doors for the Guests

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    ZIF-8 is one of the most interesting metalā€“organic frameworks due to its high stability and unique capabilities for hydrocarbons separation. Its porous network is formed by large almost spherical cavities interconnected by very narrow windows, āˆ¼3.4 ƅ, which should be too small even for methane. At the same time the direct experimental observations show that ZIF-8 cavities are able to host even such large molecules as benzene. This effect is associated with the flexibility of the cavity widows, arising from dynamical freedom on the 2-methylimidazole (2-mIM) linkers that form the framework. In this work, by means of <sup>2</sup>H NMR we show that the 2-mIM linkers of the ZIF-8 are very mobile and their mobility is sensitive to the presence of benzene guest. In contrast with other known MOFs based on linearly bonded carboxylates, in guest-free ZIF-8 the plane of 2-mIM linker exhibits two-site flips within a sector of 2Ļ†<sub>f</sub> = 34Ā° with very low activation barrier (1.5 kJ mol<sup>ā€“1</sup>) and high rates (āˆ¼10<sup>12</sup> s<sup>ā€“1</sup>). Above 380 K the linkers begin to demonstrate additional fast librations with gradually increasing amplitudes Ī³<sub>lib</sub> comparable with the two-site flips (Ī³<sub>lib</sub> = Ā±17Ā° above 560 K). This is direct evidence that the ZIF-8 linkers twist notably, thus increasing the aperture of the windows sufficiently to fit very large molecules. Upon benzene loading, the geometry of the observed motions remains similar but the potential barrier of the linkers flipping rises up to 9 kJ mol<sup>ā€“1</sup>

    Mobility of <i>tert-</i>Butyl Alcohol in MFI Framework Type Studied by Deuterium NMR

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    The molecular mobility of deuterated <i>tert-</i>butyl alcohol (TBA) adsorbed in MFI framework type (silicalite-1 and ZSM-5 zeolite) has been studied by use of <sup>2</sup>H NMR spectroscopy in the range of 106ā€“453 K. In H-ZSM-5, the reorientation of the molecule as a whole is strongly restricted (Ļ„<sub>C</sub> ā‰Ŗ <i>Q</i><sub>0</sub><sup>ā€“1</sup> ā‰ˆ 10<sup>ā€“6</sup> s) by hydrogen bonding to BrĆønsted acid sites (BAS). Being adsorbed to BAS, the motion of TBA molecules is described by intramolecular rotations around two successive <i>C</i><sub>3</sub> and <i>C</i><sub>3</sub>ā€² axes (CD<sub>3</sub>ā€“C and Cā€“O bonds). The activation energy for the methyl groups rotation around the Cā€“O bond (<i>E</i><sub>a</sub> = 8.0 Ā± 1.6 kJ mol<sup>ā€“1</sup>) is two times lower compared to that in solid TBA (<i>J. Phys. Chem. A</i> <b>2011</b>, <i>115</i>, 7428). This shows that the motion of the butyl fragment of TBA in MFI framework is less restricted compared to the case of solid TBA. In silicalite-1, the TBA molecule is additionally involved into reorientational motions as a whole: one of the motions represents an exchange among orientations provided by the directions of four framework channels driven by the translational jump diffusion. The activation barriers for the jump diffusion between two zigzag channels (<i>E</i><sub>a</sub> = 7 Ā± 2 kJ mol<sup>ā€“1</sup>) and between zigzag and straight channels (<i>E</i><sub>a</sub> = 5 Ā± 1 kJ mol<sup>ā€“1</sup>) are of the similar values. The other motion represents a large-amplitude wobbling of the TBA molecule localized at a channel intersection site cavity. This motion is described by a fast restricted wobbling of the molecular axis in a sphere sector. The wobbling boundaries become gradually broader as temperature increases, allowing thus a larger accessible space for the TBA molecule to explore. The anisotropy of this motion persists even at 453 K, revealing the presence of a strong intracavity barrier that blocks the TBA from free rotational diffusion inside the cavity. This study demonstrates that the <sup>2</sup>H NMR analysis of both line shape and spinā€“lattice relaxation represents a powerful tool to investigate the particular pore confinement effect on the molecular mobility of TBA adsorbed in the MFI framework

    Rotational and Translational Motion of Benzene in ZIFā€‘8 Studied by <sup>2</sup>H NMR: Estimation of Microscopic Self-Diffusivity and Its Comparison with Macroscopic Measurements

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    In relation to unique properties of metalā€“organic framework (MOF) ZIF-8 to adsorb and separate hydrocarbons with kinetic diameters notably larger than the entrance windows of the porous system of this microporous material, the molecular dynamics of benzene adsorbed on ZIF-8 has been characterized and quantified with <sup>2</sup>H nuclear magnetic resonance. We have established that within the ZIF-8 cage the benzene molecule undergoes fast rotations, hovering in the symmetric potential of the spherical cage and relatively slow isotropic reorientations by collisions with the walls. Benzene performs also translational jump diffusion between neighboring cages characterized by an activation barrier <i>E</i><sub>D</sub> = 38 kJ mol<sup>ā€“1</sup> and a pre-exponential factor Ļ„<sub>D0</sub> = 4 Ɨ 10<sup>ā€“10</sup> s. This microscopic measurement of benzene mobility allows us to estimate the self-diffusion coefficient for benzene in ZIF-8 (<i>D</i><sup>0</sup><sub>self</sub> ā‰ˆ 4 Ɨ 10<sup>ā€“16</sup> m<sup>2</sup> s<sup>ā€“1</sup> at <i>T</i> = 323 K). Macroscopic measurements of diffusivities derived from membrane permeation studies (3.5 Ɨ 10<sup>ā€“15</sup> m<sup>2</sup> s<sup>ā€“1</sup> at <i>T</i> = 298 K for fractional occupancy Ī˜ ā‰ˆ 0.99) and sorption uptake (<i>D</i><sub>i,MS</sub> ā‰ˆ 10<sup>ā€“20</sup> m<sup>2</sup> s<sup>ā€“1</sup> at 323 K) are several orders of magnitude larger or smaller than the microscopic self-diffusion coefficient <i>D</i><sup>0</sup><sub>self</sub>, which was derived from relaxation time analysis. This experimental finding is attributed to the limits of macroscopic measurements

    Probing the Guest-Mediated Structural Mobility in the UiO-66(Zr) Framework by <sup>2</sup>H NMR Spectroscopy

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    The solid-state <sup>2</sup>H NMR technique (analysis of both the spectrum line shape and the spinā€“lattice relaxation) was used to probe both slow and fast dynamical modes of the phenylene fragments of terephthalate linkers of the UiO-66Ā­(Zr) framework affected by the presence of benzene guest in the pores of the material. Such approach allowed us to probe different motions within a broad range of time scale, 10<sup>ā€“3</sup>ā€“10<sup>ā€“11</sup> s. The internal dynamics in the UiO-66Ā­(Zr) framework is represented by torsional motions of the phenylene fragment of the linker including 2-site 180Ā° flips (Ļ€-flips) of the plane of the phenylene ring and its restricted librations. In the presence of benzene loaded in the MOF pores the rate of Ļ€-flips decreases essentially and the activation barrier for this motion increases. The activation barrier has been found to increase almost in a linear fashion on benzene loading. Such observation is surprisingly unique among other MOFs with mobile linkers, like MIL-53Ā­(Al) or MOF-5. The fast librational motion occurs on a scale of āˆ¼10<sup>10</sup> Hz and shows no notable dependence on the guest loading. It has been established that anisotropy of <i>T</i><sub>1</sub> relaxation of the <sup>2</sup>H NMR powder pattern of the phenylene fragments is especially sensitive to the librational motion when this motion is in a range of 10<sup>7</sup>ā€“10<sup>11</sup> Hz. Within this range of libration frequencies, analysis of the anisotropic spinā€“lattice (<i>T</i><sub>1</sub>) relaxation allows quantitative estimation of the rate of librational motion

    Methane Activation on In-Modified ZSMā€‘5 Zeolite. H/D Hydrogen Exchange of the Alkane with BrĆønsted Acid Sites

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    In relation to clarifying the pathway of methane activation on In-modified zeolites, a comparative analysis of kinetics of hydrogen (H/D) exchange between methane-<i>d</i><sub>4</sub> and BrĆønsted acid sites (BAS) for both the pure acid form zeolite (H-ZSM-5) and In-modified zeolites (In<sup>+</sup>/H-ZSM-5 and InO<sup>+</sup>/H-ZSM-5) has been performed. Monitoring of the kinetics has been carried out with <sup>1</sup>H magic-angle spinning NMR spectroscopy in situ within the temperature range of 453ā€“568 K. While the rate of exchange on In<sup>+</sup>/H-ZSM-5 is 1 order of magnitude larger than that on H-ZSM-5, the exchange occurs on InO<sup>+</sup>/H-ZSM-5 by 2 orders of magnitude faster than that on H-ZSM-5. Significant increase of the rate and decrease of the activation energy (<i>E</i><sub>a</sub> = 74 Ā± 6 kJā€‰mol<sup>ā€“1</sup>) and the temperature threshold (453 K) for the reaction of the exchange on InO<sup>+</sup>/H-ZSM-5 compared to the rate, activation energy, and temperature threshold (543 K) for the reaction on In<sup>+</sup>/H-ZSM-5 (<i>E</i><sub>a</sub> = 127 Ā± 27 kJā€‰mol<sup>ā€“1</sup>) and H-ZSM-5 (<i>E</i><sub>a</sub> = 118 Ā± 9 kJā€‰mol<sup>ā€“1</sup>) have been rationalized in terms of involvement of both InO<sup>+</sup> and BAS in activation of methane molecules on the zeolite. Some transient intermediate complex of methane with the zeolite InO<sup>+</sup> species and BAS has been assumed to be formed within the zeolite pore. This complex is involved either in the reaction of H/D exchange with BAS of the zeolite or evolves further to offer indium methyl species

    Characterization and Dynamics of the Different Protonic Species in Hydrated 12-Tungstophosphoric Acid Studied by <sup>2</sup>H NMR

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    Solid heteropolyacids (HPAs) are promising nonpolluting superacids used as catalysts and solid proton conductors. The catalytic and conducting properties of HPAs are very sensitive to the amount of hydration water present in the system, as water molecules tend to interact with the HPA acid protons to form [H<sub>3</sub>O]<sup>+</sup> and [H<sub>5</sub>O<sub>2</sub>]<sup>+</sup> ions. These ions constitute active species that govern the catalytic reaction pathways and the proton migration mechanism. Establishing the structure and mobility of protonic species could yield important information concerning the functions of material based on HPA hydrates. In this work, we have performed the analysis of both <sup>2</sup>H NMR line shape and the evolution of <i>T</i><sub>1</sub>, <i>T</i><sub>2</sub> relaxation with temperature for the deuterated analogue of the solid 12-tungstophosphoric acid (TPA Ɨ <i>n</i>H<sub>2</sub>O) at different hydration levels (0 < <i>n</i> < 6) in the wide temperature range of 103ā€“503 K. This allowed us to characterize in detail the mobility of different protonic species, including acidic OH groups, water molecules, and hydroxonium ions. Kinetic parameters of internal and diffusional motions for different protonic species at different hydration levels <i>n</i> of TPA Ɨ <i>n</i>H<sub>2</sub>O were derived

    Methane Activation on Zn<sup>2+</sup>-Exchanged ZSMā€‘5 Zeolites. The Effect of Molecular Oxygen Addition

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    In relation to the reported methane activation on Zn-modified zeolite ZSM-5 at room temperature to afford the surface methoxy species by Xu et al. (<i>Chem. Sci.</i> <b>2012</b>, <i>3</i>, 2932), the activation of methane on Zn<sup>2+</sup>-exchanged H-ZSM-5 zeolite in the absence and the presence of molecular oxygen has been studied with <sup>13</sup>C magic angle spinning (MAS) NMR spectroscopy. It has been established that the methane activation on zinc cationic sites under nonoxidative conditions occurs exclusively by an ā€œalkylā€ pathway to form the surface zinc-methyl species. The addition of the molecular oxygen (dioxygen) to methane adsorbed on the Zn<sup>2+</sup>-exchanged H-ZSM-5 zeolite results in the surface methoxy and other oxygen-containing species, such as formate, acetaldehyde, and acetic acid. The formation of the surface methoxy species occurs by the oxidation with molecular oxygen of zinc-methyl species primarily formed on the zeolite surface. The Zn<sup>2+</sup>/ZSM-5 zeolite with full substitution of BrĆønsted acid sites (BAS) by Zn<sup>2+</sup> cations offers zinc-methyl species from methane at <i>T</i> ā‰„ 523 K, whereas Zn<sup>2+</sup>/H-ZSM-5 with partial substitution (60%) of BAS produces zinc-methyl at room temperature. BAS promotes the formation and decomposition (by the sample evacuation) of zinc-methyl species on Zn<sup>2+</sup>/H-ZSM-5 at room temperature. Zinc-methyl is readily oxidized by the dioxygen additive to offer methoxy species already at room temperature. Thus, it has been shown that pure methane forms only zinc-methyl species upon its interaction with zinc cationic sites of Zn<sup>2+</sup>-exchanged H-ZSM-5 zeolite, while the surface methoxide could be formed only by the interaction of zinc-methyl with dioxygen that might be contained in the reactive methane