32 research outputs found

    Intravascular Large B-Cell Lymphoma Presenting as Dementia and Hemolytic Anemia

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    Background: Intravascular lymphoma (IVL) is an uncommon disease characterized by atypical lymphoid cells growing inside the lumina of small vessels. The diversity of clinical presentation due to possible involvement of multiple organs often complicates its diagnosis. Case Report: Here, we report on a case of IVL with rapidly progressive dementia and Coombs-negative hemolytic anemia. Interestingly, the erythrocytes exhibited a decreased osmotic resistance. Bone marrow histopathology revealed increased erythropoiesis and, finally, a small monoclonal B lymphocyte population. Cerebral magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) demonstrated few micro-bleedings. Computed tomography (CT) showed bilateral ground-glass opacity of the lungs. Within a few days, the patient developed respiratory failure and died. On post-mortem examination, intravascular large B-cell lymphoma with almost complete infiltration of the brain and lungs was diagnosed. Conclusion: IVL should be considered early in situations of unexplained neuropsychiatric disease along with markedly elevated levels of lactic dehydrogenase, anemia, and hemolysis

    Liquid biopsy can cure early colorectal cancer recurrence – Case Report

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    In the context of colorectal cancer (CRC), circulating tumor DNA (ctDNA) is frequently used to monitor the minimal residual disease (MRD). ctDNA has become an excellent biomarker to predict which patients with CRC are likely to relapse due to the persistence of micrometastases. MRD diagnosis via analysis of ctDNA may allow much earlier detection of relapse compared with conventional diagnosis during follow-up. It should lead to an increased rate of curative-intended complete resection of an asymptomatic relapse. Besides, ctDNA can provide crucial information on whether and how intensively adjuvant or additive therapy should be administered. In the present case, analysis of ctDNA gave us a crucial hint to the use of more intensive diagnostics (MRI and Positron emission tomography–computed tomography PET-CT) which led to earlier detection of CRC relapse. Metastasis detected early are more likely to be completely resectable with curative intent

    Liquid biopsy for improving diagnosis and monitoring of CNS lymphomas:A RANO review

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    BACKGROUND: The utility of liquid biopsies is well documented in several extracranial and intracranial (brain/leptomeningeal metastases, gliomas) tumors. METHODS: The RANO (Response Assessment in Neuro-Oncology) group has set up a multidisciplinary Task Force to critically review the role of blood and cerebrospinal fluid (CSF)-liquid biopsy in CNS lymphomas, with a main focus on primary central nervous system lymphomas (PCNSL). RESULTS: Several clinical applications are suggested: diagnosis of PCNSL in critical settings (elderly or frail patients, deep locations, and steroid responsiveness), definition of minimal residual disease, early indication of tumor response or relapse following treatments, and prediction of outcome. CONCLUSIONS: Thus far, no clinically validated circulating biomarkers for managing both primary and secondary CNS lymphomas exist. There is need of standardization of biofluid collection, choice of analytes, and type of technique to perform the molecular analysis. The various assays should be evaluated through well-organized central testing within clinical trials.</p

    Liquid biopsy for improving diagnosis and monitoring of CNS lymphomas:A RANO review

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    BACKGROUND: The utility of liquid biopsies is well documented in several extracranial and intracranial (brain/leptomeningeal metastases, gliomas) tumors. METHODS: The RANO (Response Assessment in Neuro-Oncology) group has set up a multidisciplinary Task Force to critically review the role of blood and cerebrospinal fluid (CSF)-liquid biopsy in CNS lymphomas, with a main focus on primary central nervous system lymphomas (PCNSL). RESULTS: Several clinical applications are suggested: diagnosis of PCNSL in critical settings (elderly or frail patients, deep locations, and steroid responsiveness), definition of minimal residual disease, early indication of tumor response or relapse following treatments, and prediction of outcome. CONCLUSIONS: Thus far, no clinically validated circulating biomarkers for managing both primary and secondary CNS lymphomas exist. There is need of standardization of biofluid collection, choice of analytes, and type of technique to perform the molecular analysis. The various assays should be evaluated through well-organized central testing within clinical trials.</p

    Antimikrobielle Aktivität des Histon H1.2 in vitro\textit {in vitro} und in infizierten Brandwunden

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    Problem:\bf {Problem:} Die Haut ist ein Schutzschild des menschlichen Körpers gegen pathogene Mikroorganismen. Verbrennungen prädisponieren Schwerbrandverletzte zu Wundinfektionen durch unterschiedliche Mikroorganismen. Im Rahmen dieser Studie wurde untersucht, ob rekombinantes humanes Histon H1.2 als Lokaltherapie von Wundinfektionen einsetzbar ist. Methode:\bf {Methode:} Es wurden die antimikrobielle Eigenschaft des Histon H1.2 in vitro\textit {in vitro} und in einem infizierten Rattenverbrennungsmodell charakterisiert. Zudem wurden die hämolytische und die zytotoxische Aktivität des Histon H1.2 bestimmt. Wir verglichen das Histon H1.2 mit dem antimikrobiellen Peptid Protegrin-1 und mit klinisch eingesetzten Antibiotika und Antimykotika. Ergebnis:\bf {Ergebnis:} Das Histon H1.2 zeigte ausnahmslos eine signifikant stärkere antimikrobielle Aktivität im Vergleich zu den klinisch eingesetzten Antibiotika und Antimykotika bei fehlender hämolytischer Aktivität. In den in vivo\textit {in vivo} Versuchen wurde eine signifikante Reduktion der Bakterienzahl gezeigt

    Liquid biopsy and other non-invasive diagnostic measures in PCNSL

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    Primary central nervous system lymphoma is a rare but highly aggressive form of non-Hodgkin lymphoma that remains confined to the CNS neuroaxis. The diagnosis of PCNSL requires a high level of suspicion as clinical presentation varies depending on the involved CNS areas. Neurological symptoms and MRI findings may mimic gliomas, demyelinating lesions, or infectious and granulomatous diseases. Almost all PCNSL patients undergo invasive surgical procedures for definite diagnosis. Stereotactic biopsy is still the gold standard in achieving a diagnostic accuracy of 73–97%. Both the potential procedural morbidity and mortality, as well as the time to definite histopathologic diagnosis resulting in delays of treatment initiation, have to be considered. On the contrary, minimally invasive procedures, such as MRI, CSF cytology, and flow cytometry, still have limited value due to inferior specificity and sensitivity. Hence, novel diagnostic approaches, including mutation analyses (MYD88) in circulating tumor DNA (ctDNA) and the determination of microRNAs (miR-21, miR-19b, and miR-92) as well as cytokine levels (IL10 and IL6) in blood, cerebrospinal fluid (CSF), and vitreous fluid (VRF), move into the focus of investigation to facilitate the diagnosis of PCNSL. In this review, we outline the most promising approaches that are currently under clinical consideration

    Clinical Application of Liquid Biopsy in Targeted Therapy of Metastatic Colorectal Cancer

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    Background. Colorectal cancers (CRC) shed DNA into blood circulation. There is growing evidence that the analysis of circulating tumor DNA can be effectively used for monitoring of disease, to track tumor heterogeneity and to evaluate response to treatment. Case Presentation. Here, we describe two cases of patients with advanced CRC. The first case is about a patient with no available tissue for analysis of RAS mutation status. Liquid biopsy revealed RAS-wild-type and the therapy with anti-EGFR (epidermal growth factor receptor) monoclonal antibody cetuximab could be initiated. In the second case, the mutational profile of a patient with initial wild-type RAS-status was continually tracked during the course of treatment. An acquired KRAS exon 3 mutation was detected. The number of KRAS mutated fragments decreased continuously after the discontinuation of the therapy with EGFR-specific antibodies. Conclusion. Liquid biopsy provides a rapid genotype result, which accurately reproduces the current mutation status of tumor tissue. Furthermore, liquid biopsy enables close monitoring of the onset of secondary resistance to anti-EGFR therapy