1,792 research outputs found

    The Use of Surface Electromagnetic Waves to Measure Materials Properties

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    An Elementary Introduction to Surface Electromagnetic Waves (SEW) is Presented. the Emphasis is on Those Features of SEW Which Make Them Useful for Measuring Optical Properties of Thin Layers on Metals. the So-Called Two-Prism Technique for Making Such Measurements is Discussed, Some Preliminary Experimental Results Are Given, and Some Possible Applications Are Presented. © 1975

    Modern Spectroscopy with a Spectrometer by the Optogalvanic Effect

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    An Experiment Involving the Optogalvanic Effect Suitable for the Advanced Physics Laboratory is Described. This Experiment Complements the Usual Basic Experiment in Atomic Spectroscopy Where Spectra Are Recorded on Photographic Film with a Spectrograph or with a Monochromator and Photomultiplier. the Optogalvanic Effect Used the Atoms Being Studied as the Detector and a Tunable Dye Laser as the Source. Linewidths Observed Are Those of the Dye Laser that Are Considerably Smaller Than Those Obtained with the Usual Laboratory Monochromator. the student is Introduced to the Techniques of Spectroscopy with Pulsed Dye Lasers and to a Spectrum for Which LS Coupling Does Not Hold. © 1981, American Association of Physics Teacher

    Surface Electromagnetic Waves on Layered Systems with Damping

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    The Dispersion Curves, Propagation Distances, and Poynting Vectors of Surface Electromagnetic Waves Propagating on a System of Cu-Cu2O-Air with Variable Film Thickness Have Been Calculated using the Full Dispersion Realation Including Damping. Double-Dip Structure in the Propagation Distance for Intermediately Thick overlayers, the Shifting of One Dip Below ΣTO, and the Presence of the Other Dip at ΣLO Are Explained in Terms of Features of the Dispersion Curve. the Complete Poynting-Vector Calculations Show that Predictions of Field Bunching at ΣLO Are Probably in Error. © 1975 the American Physical Society

    Surface Electromagnetic Wave Mode and Field Analysis in a Metal-Metal-Oxide-Air System with Damping

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    An Explanation is Provided for the Surface Electromagnetic Wave (SEW) Energy Ejection from a Thin Film at the Longitudinal and Transverse Optical-Phonon Frequencies of the Film Material. Field Ratio Calculations Identify Previously Discussed Metal-Metal-Oxide-Air SEW Modes as Those Expected from the Berreman Configuration, and It is Shown that Greenler Technique High-Incidence-Angle-Reflectance Data on the Same System May Be Similarly Interpreted. © 1976 the American Physical Society

    Dispersion Curves for Surface Electromagnetic Waves with Damping

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    The Recent Observation of Back bending in the Dispersion Curves of Surface Plasmons on Silver Can Be Explained by Use of Fresnel\u27s Equations. in the Presence of Damping, the Results of Attenuated-Total-Reflection Measurements Can Be Displayed as Dispersion Curves Either with or Without Back bending. the Measurements for Silver with Back Bending Are Expected for Experiments in Which the Frequency is Fixed, and the Propagation Constant (Or Angle of Incidence) is Swept. © 1974 the American Physical Society

    Surface Electromagnetic Waves with Damping. I. Isotropic Media

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    Surface-Electromagnetic-Wave Dispersion Curves Are Usually Calculated using a Simple Equation Derived from Maxwell\u27s Equations and Boundary Conditions. When Complex Dielectric Functions Are Used for the Two Media, the Component of the Propagation Vector Along the Surface, Kx, Becomes Infinite as the Frequency Approaches the Surface Polariton Frequency Ωs If Ω is Considered Complex and Kx is Real. on the Other Hand, If Kx is Considered Complex and Ω Real, the Dispersion Curves Bend Back Toward Smaller Kx as Ω Approaches Ωs. We Have Previously Demonstrated that Both Types of Behavior Can Be Obtained from Attenuated-Total-Reflection Measurements of Silver. We Now Extend This Result to Other Materials and Show that Dispersion Curves Alone Present an Inadequate Summary of the Data. © 1976 the American Physical Society

    Absorption in the Infrared of Surface Electromagnetic Waves by Adsorbed Molecules on a Copper Surface

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    Experimental Observations Have Been Made for the First Time that Surface Electromagnetic Wave (SEW) Spectroscopy Can Be Used to Measure the Infrared Spectra of Adsorbed Molecules and Very Thin Films on Metal Surfaces. using a Tunable CO2 Laser (9.2-10.8 Μm Wavelength), the 975 and the 1037 Cm-1 Resonances of 5-25 Å Thick Physiosorbed Benzene on Copper Were Observed. Broadening of These Resonances for the Thinnest Layers of Benzene Was Observed. Also SEW Spectroscopy and Ellipsometry Were Used to Study Thin Films of Cellulose Acetate (15-75 Å) on Copper. Further, It Was Shown that Film Thicknesses Determined by SEW Spectroscopy Are in Agreement with the Ellipso metric Thicknesses and that the SEW Method is More Sensitive for Very Thin (\u3c25 \u3eÅ) Films. Copyright © 1976 American Institute of Physics

    Double Reflection Dips from Grating Ruled Semiconductors

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    The Double Reflectivity Dips, Previously Observed by Fischer Et Al. and Anderson Et Al., Which Appeared in the Reflection Spectra of Grating Surfaces On, the Te‐doped Semiconductors GaAs and InSb Around Both the Plasmon and Phonon Frequencies Have Been Measured in More Detail. in the Plasmon Region, Several Possible Explanations of the Phenomenon Are Discussed, But the Favored Explanation Involves Surface Damage. a Simple Two‐region Reflectivity Equation Checked with a Rigorous Grating Theory is Proposed and is Shown to Fit the Data Well. Copyright © 1975 WILEY‐VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGa

    Surface Electromagnetic Waves with Damping. II. Anisotropic Media

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    The Technique of Plotting the Attenuated-Total-Reflection (ATR) Reflectance as a Function of Both Frequency and Incident Angle using a Three-Dimensional Plot is Applied to Surface Electromagnetic Waves (SEW) in a Uniaxial Material, MnF2. It is Shown that Dispersion Curves Calculated Without Absorption Do Not Completely Describe the ATR Reflectivity. Experimental Data Confirming the Reflectance Surface Features Are Presented. Also, Additional Minima in the Reflectance Surface Not Associated with SEW Are Discussed. © 1977 the American Physical Society

    I.R. Lattice-Vibration Spectra of MnF2

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    The Room Temperature Reflectivity of MnF2 Has Been Measured in the Far I.r. between 50 and 800 Cm-1. the Reflectivity Spectra Show Four I.r.-Active Modes Which Can Be Identified as Eu and A2u Modes. the Spectra Also Show Structure Which Might Be Related to Multiphonon Effects. the Dielectric Functions Were Determined by Fitting the Reflectivity Data with Classical Oscillator Parameters. © 1974