6,537 research outputs found

    Can Baryonic Features Produce the Observed 100 Mpc Clustering?

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    We assess the possibility that baryonic acoustic oscillations in adiabatic models may explain the observations of excess power in large-scale structure on 100h^-1 Mpc scales. The observed location restricts models to two extreme areas of parameter space. In either case, the baryon fraction must be large (Omega_b/Omega_0 > 0.3) to yield significant features. The first region requires Omega_0 < 0.2h to match the location, implying large blue tilts (n>1.4) to satisfy cluster abundance constraints. The power spectrum also continues to rise toward larger scales in these models. The second region requires Omega_0 near 1, implying Omega_b well out of the range of big bang nucleosynthesis constraints; moreover, the peak is noticeably wider than the observations suggest. Testable features of both solutions are that they require moderate reionization and thereby generate potentially observable (about 1 uK) large-angle polarization, as well as sub-arc-minute temperature fluctuations. In short, baryonic features in adiabatic models may explain the observed excess only if currently favored determinations of cosmological parameters are in substantial error or if present surveys do not represent a fair sample of 100h^-1 Mpc structures.Comment: LaTeX, 7 pages, 5 Postscript figures, submitted to ApJ Letter

    Assessment of genetic structure among Australian east coast populations of snapper Chrysophrys auratus (Sparidae)

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    Snapper Chrysophrys auratus is a high-value food fish in Australia targeted by both commercial and recreational fisheries. Along the east coast of Australia, fisheries are managed under four state jurisdictions (Queensland, Qld; New South Wales, NSW; Victoria, Vic.; and Tasmania, Tas.), each applying different regulations, although it is thought that the fisheries target the same biological stock. An allozyme-based study in the mid-1990s identified a weak genetic disjunction north of Sydney (NSW) questioning the single-stock hypothesis. This study, focused on east-coast C. auratus, used nine microsatellite markers to assess the validity of the allozyme break and investigated whether genetic structure exists further south. Nine locations were sampled spanning four states and over 2000 km, including sites north and south of the proposed allozyme disjunction. Analyses confirmed the presence of two distinct biological stocks along the east coast, with a region of genetic overlap around Eden in southern NSW, ~400 km south of the allozyme disjunction. The findings indicate that C. auratus off Vic. and Tas. are distinct from those in Qld and NSW. For the purpose of stock assessment and management, the results indicate that Qld and NSW fisheries are targeting a single biological stock.

    Co-Culture of Endothelial Cells and Smooth Muscle Cells in a Flow Environment: An Improved Culture Model of the Vascular Wall?

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    Numerous studies have demonstrated that the neighboring smooth muscle cells (SMC) influence the morphology, cytoskeleton and growth of co-cultured endothelial cells (EC). Also, flow-induced laminar shear stress has been shown to induce cell elongation, F-actin reorganization and growth inhibition in cultured EC. We investigated the effect of neighboring SMC and collagen matrix on the response of EC to shear stress. The co-culture system was made by growing porcine aortic SMC in a gel of collagen type I and then seeding porcine aortic EC (P AEC) on the top surface. Then the co-culture was exposed to steady, laminar shear stress of 10 and 30 dynes/cm2 in a parallel-plate flow chamber. EC had a different morphology when cultured on top of collagen gels as compared to cells grown on plastic. When grown in static co-culture with SMC, EC were already elongated and showed a random wavy pattern of orientation. When exposed to 30 dynes/cm2, the EC aligned with the direction of flow after 24 to 48 hours. We suggest that the elongation and orientation of the EC, when cultured on a collagen matrix under static conditions, may be due to contact guidance on the collagen fibers previously rearranged by the SMC during gel retraction. Shear stress, however, was sufficient to induce cell orientation along the direction of flow

    Long-Term Survival after Gamma Knife Radiosurgery in a Case of Recurrent Glioblastoma Multiforme: A Case Report and Review of the Literature

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    The management of recurrent glioblastoma is highly challenging, and treatment outcomes remain uniformly poor. Glioblastoma is a highly infiltrative tumor, and complete surgical resection of all microscopic extensions cannot be achieved at the time of initial diagnosis, and hence local recurrence is observed in most patients. Gamma Knife radiosurgery has been used to treat these tumor recurrences for select cases and has been successful in prolonging the median survival by 8–12 months on average for select cases. We present the unique case of a 63-year-old male with multiple sequential recurrences of glioblastoma after initial standard treatment with surgery followed by concomitant external beam radiation therapy and chemotherapy (temozolomide). The patient was followed clinically as well as with surveillance MRI scans at every 2-3-month intervals. The patient underwent Gamma Knife radiosurgery three times for 3 separate tumor recurrences, and the patient survived for seven years following the initial diagnosis with this aggressive treatment. The median survival in patients with recurrent glioblastoma is usually 8–12 months after recurrence, and this unique case illustrates that aggressive local therapy can lead to long-term survivors in select situations. We advocate that each patient treatment at the time of recurrence should be tailored to each clinical situation and desire for quality of life and improved longevity

    Gamma knife radiosurgery for essential tremor: A Case report and review of the literature

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    Approximately 5 million people in America are affected by essential tremors (ET), which are classified as a type of benign movement disorder. This disease manifests as tremors that usually occur in the hands, but they may also be present in the head, face, tongue, and lower limbs. Radiofrequency thalamotomy (RF) and deep brain stimulation (DBS) are common invasive procedures with proven track records that are used to treat ET. Although these procedures have high success rates, they still put patients at risk of potential side effects and are invasive by nature. Thalamotomy using the gamma knife (GK) also produces favorable outcomes in treating tremors, without the complications associated with invasive neurosurgery procedures. This report describes the presenting symptoms and extended treatment outcome for a patient with an advanced case of ET, who received GK thalamotomy treatment six years ago. Because of this non-invasive treatment, she regained the ability to paint and live with an improved quality of life. We also discuss and review the relevant literature regarding the risks and benefits of this treatment modality. GK thalamotomy is one effective option for the treatment of ET, and due to its noninvasive nature, it has a different risk profile than neurosurgery. We suggest that GK thalamotomy should be presented as one viable treatment option to all ET patients, and should be recommended to those who would be best served by less invasive treatment techniques

    Gamma knife radiosurgery for movement disorders: a concise review of the literature

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    Medication is the predominant method for the management of patients with movement disorders. However, there is a fraction of patients who experience limited relief from pharmaceuticals or experience bothersome side-effects of the drugs. Deep brain stimulation (DBS) and surgical lesioning of the thalamus and basal ganglia are respected neurosurgical procedures, with valued success rates and a very low incidence of complications. Despite these positive outcomes, DBS and surgical lesioning procedures are contraindicated for some patients. Stereotactic radiosurgery with the Gamma Knife (GK) has been used as a lesioning technique for patients seeking a non-invasive treatment alternative and for medication-intolerable patients, who are unable to undergo DBS or lesioning due to comorbid medical conditions. Tremors of various etiologies are treated using GK thalamotomy, which targets the ventralis intermedius nucleus. GK thalamotomy produces favorable outcomes when treating tremors, with success rates ranging from 80-100%. In contrast, GK pallidotomy targets the internal globus pallidus, and is used in treating bradykinesia, rigidity, and dyskinesia. Although radiosurgery has proven beneficial for tremors, radiosurgical pallidotomy for bradykinesia, rigidity, and dyskinesia remains questionable, with mixed success rates in the literature that ranges from 0-87%. We suggest that GK thalamotomy be offered along with other neurosurgical approaches as a feasible treatment option to patients who prefer the non-invasive nature of radiosurgery and to those who are unqualified candidates for the neurosurgical alternatives. Also, we advise that patients with bradykinesia, rigidity, and dyskinesia be educated about the variability in the literature pertaining to GK pallidotomy before proceeding with treatment

    Clinical Outcomes of Gamma Knife Radiosurgery in the Treatment of Patients with Trigeminal Neuralgia

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    Since its introduction by Leksell, Gamma Knife radiosurgery (GKRS) has become increasingly popular as a management approach for patients diagnosed with trigeminal neuralgia (TN). For this reason, we performed a modern review of the literature analyzing the efficacy of GKRS in the treatment of patients who suffer from TN. For patients with medically refractory forms of the condition, GKRS has proven to be an effective initial and repeat treatment option. Cumulative research suggests that patients treated a single time with GKRS exhibit similar levels of facial pain control when compared to patients treated multiple times with GKRS. However, patients treated on multiple occasions with GKRS are more likely to experience facial numbness and other facial sensory changes when compared to patients treated once with GKRS. Although numerous articles have reported MVD to be superior to GKRS in achieving facial pain relief, the findings of these comparison studies are weakened by the vast differences in patient age and comorbidities between the two studied groups and cannot be considered conclusive. Questions remain regarding optimal GKRS dosing and targeting strategies, which warrants further investigation into this controversial matter

    Characterization of Pulmonary Metastases in Children With Hepatoblastoma Treated on Children\u27s Oncology Group Protocol AHEP0731 (The Treatment of Children With All Stages of Hepatoblastoma): A Report From the Children\u27s Oncology Group.

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    Purpose To determine whether the pattern of lung nodules in children with metastatic hepatoblastoma (HB) correlates with outcome. Methods Thirty-two patients with metastatic HB were enrolled on Children\u27s Oncology Group Protocol AHEP0731 and treated with vincristine and irinotecan (VI). Responders to VI received two additional cycles of VI intermixed with six cycles of cisplatin/fluorouracil/vincristine/doxorubicin (C5VD), and nonresponders received six cycles of C5VD alone. Patients were imaged after every two cycles and at the conclusion of therapy. All computed tomography scans and pathology reports were centrally reviewed, and information was collected regarding lung nodule number, size, laterality, timing of resolution, and pulmonary surgery. Results Among the 29 evaluable patients, only 31% met Response Evaluation Criteria in Solid Tumors (RECIST) for measurable metastatic disease. The presence of measurable disease by RECIST, the sum of nodule diameters greater than or equal to the cumulative cohort median size, bilateral disease, and ≥ 10 nodules were each associated with an increased risk for an event-free survival event ( P = .48, P = .08, P = .065, P = .03, respectively), with nodule number meeting statistical significance. Ten patients underwent pulmonary resection/metastasectomy at various time points, the benefit of which could not be determined because of small patient numbers. Conclusion Children with metastatic HB have a poor prognosis. Overall tumor burden may be an important prognostic factor for these patients. Lesions that fail to meet RECIST size criteria (ie, those \u3c 10 mm) at diagnosis may contain viable tumor, whereas residual lesions at the end of therapy may constitute eradicated tumor/scar tissue. Patients may benefit from risk stratification on the basis of the burden of lung metastatic disease at diagnosis