2 research outputs found

    Growth and conservation of Piptocoma discolor (Pigüe) in the Province of Pastaza - Ecuador

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    Piptocoma discolor (Pigüe) is a species native to the Amazon of South America, with predominance in the secondary forest. include Pigue as a forest species that contributes to the economic and social development of the Amazon it is essential to develop the modeling of its growth for the conservation of the species. This study was conducted in an area of 2 ha of a farm located in the canton of Mera, and the information of 100 random samples of trees in various growth stages was collected. The initial growth phase was considered up to 16 months with respect to diameter and height; the diameter greater 2.9, cm and smaller 0.71 cm, with a coefficient of variation of 0.33 and a kurtosis of 1.86, of the plants. In geomorphological conditions typical of the area and with respect to the height it has a value greater value of 2.59 m and a minimum value of 0.86 m. The average growth curves describe a polynomial of degree two, with a coefficient of determination (R2) of 0.997 for diameter and (R2) between 0.993 for height of growth velocity with non-linear behavior, mathematical models and their projection of the diameter of growth of the tree at 6 years with diameter of 19.74 cm and height 25.32 m, and with weight of 542.88 kg, of biomass, this shows that the conservation of the species in the province of Pastaza, front to the exploitation of the annual production of 32,181,341.47 million metric tons and being acceptable in relation to other pioneer species for the economic development of the Ecuadorian Amazon

    Crecimiento y conservación del Piptocoma discolor (Pigüe) en la Provincia de Pastaza – Ecuador

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    Piptocoma discolor (Pigüe) is a species native to the Amazon of South America, with predominance in the secondary forest. include Pigue as a forest species that contributes to the economic and social development of the Amazon it is essential to develop the modeling of its growth for the conservation of the species. This study was conducted in an area of 2 ha of a farm located in the canton of Mera, and the information of 100 random samples of trees in various growth stages was collected. The initial growth phase was considered up to 16 months with respect to diameter and height; the diameter greater 2.9, cm and smaller 0.71 cm, with a coefficient of variation of 0.33 and a kurtosis of 1.86, of the plants. In geomorphological conditions typical of the area and with respect to the height it has a value greater value of 2.59 m and a minimum value of 0.86 m. The average growth curves describe a polynomial of degree two, with a coefficient of determination (R2) of 0.997 for diameter and (R2) between 0.993 for height of growth velocity with non-linear behavior, mathematical models and their projection of the diameter of growth of the tree at 6 years with diameter of 19.74 cm and height 25.32 m, and with weight of 542.88 kg, of biomass, this shows that the conservation of the species in the province of Pastaza, front to the exploitation of the annual production of 32,181,341.47 million metric tons and being acceptable in relation to other pioneer species for the economic development of the Ecuadorian Amazon.Piptocoma discolor (Pigüe) es una especie nativa de la Amazonía de América del Sur, con predominancia en el bosque secundario. El objetivo de esta investigación fue modelar el crecimiento de esta especie para incluirla como especie forestal para que contribuya al desarrollo económico y social de la Amazonía. Este estudio se realizó en un área de 2 ha., de una finca ubicada en el cantón Mera;  se recopiló la información de 100 muestras, al azar, de árboles en diversos estados de crecimiento. Se consideró la fase crecimiento inicial hasta los 16 meses con respecto al diámetro y altura; el diámetro mayor 2,9, cm. y menor 0,71 cm., con un coeficiente de variación de 0,33 y una curtosis de 1,86, de las plantas. En condiciones geomorfológicas propias de la zona y con respecto a la altura, presenta un  valor de 2,59 m. y mínimo de 0,86 m. Las curvas de crecimiento promedio describen una polinómica de grado dos, con un coeficiente de determinacion (R2) de 0,997 para diametro y (R2) entre 0,993 para altura de la velocidad de crecimiento con un comportamiento no lineal; los modelos matemáticos y su proyección del diámetro de crecimiento del árbol a los 6 años con diámetro de 19,74 cm, y altura 25,32 m.,  con peso de 542,88 kg. de biomasa demuestran que la conservación de la especie en la provincia de Pastaza, frente al aprovechamiento de la producción anual de 32.181.341,47 millones de toneladas métricas es aceptable en relación con otras especies pioneras para el desarrollo económico de la Amazonía ecuatoriana