2,051 research outputs found

    Photoionisation and Heating of a Supernova Driven, Turbulent, Interstellar Medium

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    The Diffuse Ionised Gas (DIG) in galaxies traces photoionisation feedback from massive stars. Through three dimensional photoionisation simulations, we study the propagation of ionising photons, photoionisation heating and the resulting distribution of ionised and neutral gas within snapshots of magnetohydrodynamic simulations of a supernova driven turbulent interstellar medium. We also investigate the impact of non-photoionisation heating on observed optical emission line ratios. Inclusion of a heating term which scales less steeply with electron density than photoionisation is required to produce diagnostic emission line ratios similar to those observed with the Wisconsin H{\alpha} Mapper. Once such heating terms have been included, we are also able to produce temperatures similar to those inferred from observations of the DIG, with temperatures increasing to above 15000 K at heights |z| > 1 kpc. We find that ionising photons travel through low density regions close to the midplane of the simulations, while travelling through diffuse low density regions at large heights. The majority of photons travel small distances (< 100pc); however some travel kiloparsecs and ionise the DIG.Comment: 10 pages, 13 figures, accepted to MNRA


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    The raison d'être of this study was to understand how consumer perceptions of an image damaging event such as a product recall can differ based on their philosophical proclivities. Towards this end, the paper contrasts responses from two groups of consumers, one which was trained in Aristotelean Ethics, and another which was not. The authors felt that the latter group’s response presented a more Kantian perspective to the issues involved and was distinctly different from the group representing Aristotelean Ethics (Nichomachean). For the purpose of this study, the authors develop and validate an instrument to measure consumers’ perceptions about product recalls. The resultant Product Recall Confidence Survey (PRCS) measures the perceptions of possible Toyota consumers in light of the recalls of Toyota vehicles due to acceleration problems. The instrument also measures consumer confidence in the firm in terms of a future purchase. The ethical systems of Kant and Aristotle provide a theoretical underpinning in terms of understanding the complex issue of product recalls. The authors have used statistical tools like factor analysis (PCA – Varimax Rotation) and scale statistics (internal consistency) for determining the initial psychometric properties of the PRCS. Response differences were then measured and evaluated based on an Independent Samples TTest thus verifying Known-Groups Validity (Spector, 1992) and also confirming the initial hypothesis suggested above

    The Turbulent Warm Ionized Medium: Emission Measure Distribution and MHD Simulations

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    We present an analysis of the distribution of H-alpha emission measures for the warm ionized medium (WIM) of the Galaxy using data from the Wisconsin H-Alpha Mapper (WHAM) Northern Sky Survey. Our sample is restricted to Galactic latitudes |b| > 10. We removed sightlines intersecting nineteen high-latititude classical H II regions, leaving only sightlines that sample the diffuse WIM. The distribution of EM sin |b| for the full sample is poorly characterized by a single normal distribution, but is extraordinarily well fit by a lognormal distribution, with = 0.146 +/- 0.001 and standard deviation 0.190 +/- 0.001. drops from 0.260 +/- 0.002 at Galactic latitude 10<|b|<30 to 0.038 +/- 0.002 at Galactic latitude 60<|b|<90. The distribution may widen slightly at low Galactic latitude. We compare the observed EM distribution function to the predictions of three-dimensional magnetohydrodynamic simulations of isothermal turbulence within a non-stratified interstellar medium. We find that the distribution of EM sin |b| is well described by models of mildy supersonic turbulence with a sonic Mach number of ~1.4-2.4. The distribution is weakly sensitive to the magnetic field strength. The model also successfully predicts the distribution of dispersion measures of pulsars and H-alpha line profiles. In the best fitting model, the turbulent WIM occupies a vertical path length of 400-500 pc within the 1.0-1.8 kpc scale height of the layer. The WIM gas has a lognormal distribution of densities with a most probable electron density n_{pk} = 0.03 cm^{-3}. We also discuss the implications of these results for interpreting the filling factor, the power requirement, and the magnetic field of the WIM.Comment: 16 pages, 13 figures, ApJ in press. Replacement reflects version accepted for publicatio

    Blasting away a dwarf galaxy: the \u27tail\u27 of ESO 324-G024

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    We present Australia Telescope Compact Array radio data of the dwarf irregular galaxy ESO 324-G024 which is seen in projection against the giant, northern lobe of the radio galaxy Centaurus A (Cen A, NGC 5128). The distorted morphology and kinematics of ESO 324-G024, as observed in the 21 cm spectral line emission of neutral hydrogen, indicate disruptions by external forces. We investigate whether tidal interactions and/or ram pressure stripping are responsible for the formation of the H Itail stretching to the north-east of ESO 324-G024 with the latter being most probable. Furthermore, we closely analyse the sub-structure of Cen A\u27s polarized radio lobes to ascertain whether ESO 324-G024 is located in front, within or behind the northern lobe. Our multiwavelength, multicomponent approach allows us to determine that ESO 324-G024 is most likely behind the northern radio lobe of Cen A. This result helps to constrain the orientation of the lobe, which is likely inclined to our line of sight by approximately 60° if NGC 5128 and ESO 324-G024 are at the same distance
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