2 research outputs found

    Reggeon field theory for large Pomeron loops

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    We analyze the range of applicability of the high energy Reggeon Field Theory H RFT derived in [1]. We show that this theory is valid as long as at any intermediate value of rapidity η throughout the evolution at least one of the colliding objects is dilute. Importantly, at some values of η the dilute object could be the projectile, while at others it could be the target, so that H RFT does not reduce to either H JIMWLK or H KLWMIJ . When both objects are dense, corrections to the evolution not accounted for in [1] become important. The same limitation applies to other approaches to high energy evolution available today, such as for example [2, 3] and [4-6]. We also show that, in its regime of applicability H RFT can be simplified. We derive the simpler version of H RFT and in the large N c limit rewrite it in terms of the Reggeon creation and annihilation operators. The resulting H RFT is explicitly self dual and provides the generalization of the Pomeron calculus developed in [4-6] by including higher Reggeons in the evolution. It is applicable for description of ‘large’ Pomeron loops, namely Reggeon graphs where all the splittings occur close in rapidity to one dilute object (projectile), while all the merging close to the other one (target). Additionally we derive, in the same regime expressions for single and double inclusive gluon production (where the gluons are not separated by a large rapidity interval) in terms of the Reggeon degrees of freedom

    KLWMIJ Reggeon field theory beyond the large N c limit

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    We extend the analysis of KLWMIJ evolution in terms of QCD Reggeon fields beyond leading order in the 1/ N c expansion. We show that there is only one type of corrections to the leading order Hamiltonian discussed in [1]. These are terms linear in original Reggeons and quadratic in conjugate Reggeon operators. All of these have the interpretation as vertices of the “‘merging”’ type 2 → 1, where two Reggeons merge into one. Importantly, the triple Pomeron merging vertex does not emerge from the KLWMIJ Hamiltonian. We show that, although in the range of applicability of the KLWMIJ Hamiltonian these merging terms are subleading in N c , in the dense-dense regime they all become of the same (leading) order in N c . In this regime vertices involving higher Reggeons are enhanced by inverse powers of the coupling constant