1,913 research outputs found

    Ridge Network in Crumpled Paper

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    The network formed by ridges in a straightened sheet of crumpled paper is studied using a laser profilometer. Square sheets of paper were crumpled into balls, unfolded and their height profile measured. From these profiles the imposed ridges were extracted as networks. Nodes were defined as intersections between ridges, and links as the various ridges connecting the nodes. Many network and spatial properties have been investigated. The tail of the ridge length distribution was found to follow a power-law whereas the shorter ridges followed a log-normal distribution. The degree distribution was found to have an exponentially decaying tail, and the degree correlation was found to be disassortative. The facets created by the ridges and the Voronoi diagram formed by the nodes have also been investigated.Comment: 8 pages, 10 figure, 2 tables Replaced due to wrong formating of author name

    Self-Affinity in the Gradient Percolation Problem

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    We study the scaling properties of the solid-on-solid front of the infinite cluster in two-dimensional gradient percolation. We show that such an object is self affine with a Hurst exponent equal to 2/3 up to a cutoff-length proportional to the gradient to the power (-4/7). Beyond this length scale, the front position has the character of uncorrelated noise. Importantly, the self-affine behavior is robust even after removing local jumps of the front. The previously observed multi affinity, is due to the dominance of overhangs at small distances in the structure function. This is a crossover effect.Comment: 4 pages, 4 figure

    Failure properties of loaded fiber bundles having a lower cutoff in fiber threshold distribution

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    Presence of lower cutoff in fiber threshold distribution may affect the failure properties of a bundle of fibers subjected to external load. We investigate this possibility both in a equal load sharing (ELS) fiber bundle model and in local load sharing (LLS) one. We show analytically that in ELS model, the critical strength gets modified due to the presence of lower cutoff and it becomes bounded by an upper limit. Although the dynamic exponents for the susceptibility and relaxation time remain unchanged, the avalanche size distribution shows a permanent deviation from the mean-fiels power law. In the LLS model, we analytically estimate the upper limit of the lower cutoff above which the bundle fails at one instant. Also the system size variation of bundle's strength and the avalanche statistics show strong dependence on the lower cutoff level.Comment: 7 pages and 7 figure

    Anomalous Scaling and Solitary Waves in Systems with Non-Linear Diffusion

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    We study a non-linear convective-diffusive equation, local in space and time, which has its background in the dynamics of the thickness of a wetting film. The presence of a non-linear diffusion predicts the existence of fronts as well as shock fronts. Despite the absence of memory effects, solutions in the case of pure non-linear diffusion exhibit an anomalous sub-diffusive scaling. Due to a balance between non-linear diffusion and convection we, in particular, show that solitary waves appear. For large times they merge into a single solitary wave exhibiting a topological stability. Even though our results concern a specific equation, numerical simulations supports the view that anomalous diffusion and the solitary waves disclosed will be general features in such non-linear convective-diffusive dynamics.Comment: Corrected typos, added 3 references and 2 figure

    Fracture in Three-Dimensional Fuse Networks

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    We report on large scale numerical simulations of fracture surfaces using random fuse networks for two very different disorders. There are some properties and exponents that are different for the two distributions, but others, notably the roughness exponents, seem universal. For the universal roughness exponent we found a value of zeta = 0.62 +/- 0.05. In contrast to what is observed in two dimensions, this value is lower than that reported in experimental studies of brittle fractures, and rules out the minimal energy surface exponent, 0.41 +/- 0.01.Comment: 4 pages, RevTeX, 5 figures, Postscrip

    Origin of the Universal Roughness Exponent of Brittle Fracture Surfaces: Correlated Percolation in the Damage Zone

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    We suggest that the observed large-scale universal roughness of brittle fracture surfaces is due to the fracture process being a correlated percolation process in a self-generated quadratic damage gradient. We use the quasi-static two-dimensional fuse model as a paradigm of a fracture model. We measure for this model, that exhibits a correlated percolation process, the correlation length exponent nu approximately equal to 1.35 and conjecture it to be equal to that of uncorrelated percolation, 4/3. We then show that the roughness exponent in the fuse model is zeta = 2 nu/(1+2 nu)= 8/11. This is in accordance with the numerical value zeta=0.75. As for three-dimensional brittle fractures, a mean-field theory gives nu=2, leading to zeta=4/5 in full accordance with the universally observed value zeta =0.80.Comment: 4 pages RevTeX

    Diamagnetic Susceptibility and Current Distributions in Granular Superconductors at Percolation

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    Comments: 4 pages RevTeX, 4 Postscript figures. References added. We study a two-dimensional granular superconducting network at the percolation threshold under the influence of an external perpendicular magnetic field. By numerical simulations on the full nonlinear problem, we determine the scaling exponent for the magnetic susceptibility. Further, we report on the scaling properties of the current distribution. The scaling of the current is found to be independent of the value of the magnetic field. Our results are in contradiction with previous numerical results based on linearized equations. We find a value for the susceptibility exponent which does not agree with existing theoretical suggestions, but agrees perfectly with renormalization group calculations

    Roughness of Interfacial Crack Front: Correlated Percolation in the Damage Zone

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    We show that the roughness exponent zeta of an in-plane crack front slowly propagating along a heterogeneous interface embeded in a elastic body, is in full agreement with a correlated percolation problem in a linear gradient. We obtain zeta=nu/(1+nu) where nu is the correlation length critical exponent. We develop an elastic brittle model based on both the 3D Green function in an elastic half-space and a discrete interface of brittle fibers and find numerically that nu=1.5, We conjecture it to be 3/2. This yields zeta=3/5. We also obtain by direct numerical simulations zeta=0.6 in excellent agreement with our prediction. This modelling is for the first time in close agreement with experimental observations.Comment: 4 pages RevTeX

    Band Formation during Gaseous Diffusion in Aerogels

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    We study experimentally how gaseous HCl and NH_3 diffuse from opposite sides of and react in silica aerogel rods with porosity of 92 % and average pore size of about 50 nm. The reaction leads to solid NH_4Cl, which is deposited in thin sheet-like structures. We present a numerical study of the phenomenon. Due to the difference in boundary conditions between this system and those usually studied, we find the sheet-like structures in the aerogel to differ significantly from older studies. The influence of random nucleation centers and inhomogeneities in the aerogel is studied numerically.Comment: 7 pages RevTex and 8 figures. Figs. 4-8 in Postscript, Figs. 1-3 on request from author

    Failure Processes in Elastic Fiber Bundles

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    The fiber bundle model describes a collection of elastic fibers under load. the fibers fail successively and for each failure, the load distribution among the surviving fibers change. Even though very simple, the model captures the essentials of failure processes in a large number of materials and settings. We present here a review of fiber bundle model with different load redistribution mechanism from the point of view of statistics and statistical physics rather than materials science, with a focus on concepts such as criticality, universality and fluctuations. We discuss the fiber bundle model as a tool for understanding phenomena such as creep, and fatigue, how it is used to describe the behavior of fiber reinforced composites as well as modelling e.g. network failure, traffic jams and earthquake dynamics.Comment: This article has been Editorially approved for publication in Reviews of Modern Physic
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