120 research outputs found

    History-Free Sequential Aggregate Signatures from Generic Trapdoor Functions

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    A sequential aggregate signature (SAS) scheme allows multiple users to sequentially combine their respective signatures in order to reduce communication costs. Historically, early proposals required the use of trapdoor permutation (e.g., RSA). In recent years, a number of attempts have been made to extend SAS schemes to post-quantum assumptions. Many post-quantum signatures have been proposed in the hash-and-sign paradigm, which requires the use of trapdoor functions and appears to be an ideal candidate for sequential aggregation attempts. However, the hardness in achieving post-quantum one-way permutations makes it difficult to obtain similarly general constructions. Direct attempts at generalizing permutation-based schemes have been proposed, but they either lack formal security or require additional properties on the trapdoor function, which are typically not available for multivariate or code-based functions. In this paper, we propose a history-free sequential aggregate signature based on generic trapdoor functions, generalizing existing techniques. We prove the security of our scheme in the random oracle model by adopting the probabilistic hash-and-sign with retry paradigm, and we instantiate our construction with three post-quantum schemes, comparing their compression capabilities. Finally, we discuss how direct extensions of permutation-based SAS schemes are not possible without additional properties, showing the insecurity of two existing multivariate schemes when instantiated with Unbalanced Oil and Vinegar

    MAYO: Optimized Implementation with Revised Parameters for ARMv7-M

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    We present an optimized constant-time implementation of the MAYO signature scheme on ARMv7-M. MAYO is a novel multivariate proposal based on the trapdoor function of the Unbalanced Oil and Vinegar scheme. Our implementation builds on existing techniques for UOV-based schemes and introduces a new approach for evaluating the polar forms of quadratic maps. We modify MAYO\u27s original parameters to achieve greater benefits from the proposed optimizations, resulting in slightly larger keys and shorter signatures for the same level of security. We evaluate the optimized implementation with the new parameters on the STM32H753ZIT6 microcontroller and measure its performance for the signing and verification procedures. At NIST security level I, signing requires approximately 43M cycles, and verification requires approximately 6M cycles. Both are 2.6 times faster than the results obtained from the original parameters

    Probiotics May Improve Serum Folate Availability in Pregnant Women: A Pilot Study

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    BACKGROUND: Probiotics are living microorganisms that confer a health benefit when administered in adequate amounts. There is evidence in the current literature about the importance of probiotic use in pregnancy. The early supplementation of probiotics in the perinatal and postnatal periods seems to have a positive impact on the overall mother’s health and future health of infants. AIM: Our pilot study aimed to test the ability of specific probiotics strains in combination with the kiwi-unique enzyme actinidin to improve the availability of folic acid in 20 pregnant women. METHODS: We investigate 20 pregnant women in early (4–10 weeks) (6 patients), intermedium (11–20 weeks) (6 patients), and late (21–30 weeks) (8 patients) pregnancy. RESULTS: Our findings show that the tested formula promotes increased concentration of serum folate in women’s blood and contributes to the control of blood sugar and body weight, regardless of the gestational period (early, intermediate or late). CONCLUSIONS: Our data support the main results reported in the scientific literature about the importance of probiotics intake in pregnancy

    Efficacy of Sea Salt-Based Mouthwash and Xylitol in Improving Oral Hygiene among Adolescent Population: A Pilot Study

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    The scientific community has definitely demonstrated the importance of the use of mouthwash in daily oral hygiene. In our pilot study, we tested the effectiveness of a novel mouth rinse containing sea salt, xylitol, and lysozyme. Streptococcus mutans (S. mutans) growth, and plaque index in adolescent patients aged 14–17 years, were observed. The bacterial load was investigated by in vitro microbiological analysis; the plaque index was assessed through the O’Leary’s Plaque Control Record (PCR). The study has shown that the use of a sea salt-based mouthwash in daily oral hygiene reduces the bacterial levels of S. mutans (p < 0.01) linked to the combined action of xylitol and lysozyme, together with the action of sea salt. Our preliminary data confirm and improve the main results reported in the scientific literature on the importance of the use of xylitol, lysozyme, and sea salt in oral health

    measles mumps and rubella vaccination and autism misperception miscommunication vs scientific evidence results of a blinded anonymous italian survey

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    Herd immunity towards measles, one of the 20 most lethal diseases in human history, has been recently challenged on a global scale. Despite a missing causal relationship, vaccine fear has triggered a global anti vaccine movement. We investigated i) the extent of the vaccination-autism false belief in a selected Italian population from two geographical areas with and without an ongoing epidemics for a potentially vaccination-preventable infectious disease (Neisseria meningitidis, groups C and B); ii) the corresponding information source; and iii) the belief in a possible global conspiracy. Four different population sub-categories (I-general population; II-parents of autistic children; III-paramedics; IV-physicians, biologists and pharmacists; n=424) were administered anonymous questionnaires. A total of 30.1% of the general population and the 54.5% of autism parents participants believed in a vaccine-autism relationship (P<0.0001). The web was the major information source for the general population (35.3%). A total of 41.6% of the general population believes in a cover up of potential conflicts of interests by the Institutions. The belief in the autism-vaccination link was also positively related to the parenthood of an autistic child (OR:5.78, 95%CI: 2.36 to 14.12). We conclude that, against scientific evidence, information source and emotional involvement are major influencers of the misperception in the vaccine-autism paradigm, potentially fuelling the resurgence of vaccinepreventable diseases with major public health consequences

    Isoprostanoids in clinical and experimental neurological disease models

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    Isoprostanoids are a large family of compounds derived from non-enzymatic oxidation of polyunsaturated fatty acids (PUFAs). Unlike other oxidative stress biomarkers, they provide unique information on the precursor of the targeted PUFA. Although they were discovered about a quarter of century ago, the knowledge on the role of key isoprostanoids in the pathogenesis of experimental and human disease models remains limited. This is mainly due to the limited availability of highly purified molecules to be used as a reference standard in the identification of biological samples. The accurate knowledge on their biological relevance is the critical step that could be translated from some mere technical/industrial advances into a reliable biological disease marker which is helpful in deciphering the oxidative stress puzzle related to neurological disorders. Recent research indicates the value of isoprostanoids in predicting the clinical presentation and evolution of the neurological diseases. This review focuses on the relevance of isoprostanoids as mediators and potential biomarkers in neurological diseases, a heterogeneous family ranging from rare brain diseases to major health conditions that could have worldwide socioeconomic impact in the health sector. The current challenge is to identify the preferential biochemical pathways that actually follow the oxidative reactions in the neurological diseases and the consequence of the specific isoprostanes in the underlying pathogenic mechanisms

    Persistent Unresolved Inflammation in the Mecp2

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    Rett syndrome (RTT) is a rare neurodevelopmental disorder usually caused by mutations in the X-linked gene methyl-CpG-binding protein 2 (MECP2). Several Mecp2 mutant mouse lines have been developed recapitulating part of the clinical features. In particular, Mecp2-308 female heterozygous mice, bearing a truncating mutation, are a validated model of the disease. While recent data suggest a role for inflammation in RTT, little information on the inflammatory status in murine models of the disease is available. Here, we investigated the inflammatory status by proteomic 2-DE/MALDI-ToF/ToF analyses in symptomatic Mecp2-308 female mice. Ten differentially expressed proteins were evidenced in the Mecp2-308 mutated plasma proteome. In particular, 5 positive acute-phase response (APR) proteins increased (i.e., kininogen-1, alpha-fetoprotein, mannose-binding protein C, alpha-1-antitrypsin, and alpha-2-macroglobulin), and 3 negative APR reactants were decreased (i.e., serotransferrin, albumin, and apolipoprotein A1). CD5 antigen-like and vitamin D-binding protein, two proteins strictly related to inflammation, were also changed. These results indicate for the first time a persistent unresolved inflammation of unknown origin in the Mecp2-308 mouse model

    The Use of Twitter to Track Levels of Disease Activity and Public Concern in the U.S. during the Influenza A H1N1 Pandemic

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    Twitter is a free social networking and micro-blogging service that enables its millions of users to send and read each other's “tweets,” or short, 140-character messages. The service has more than 190 million registered users and processes about 55 million tweets per day. Useful information about news and geopolitical events lies embedded in the Twitter stream, which embodies, in the aggregate, Twitter users' perspectives and reactions to current events. By virtue of sheer volume, content embedded in the Twitter stream may be useful for tracking or even forecasting behavior if it can be extracted in an efficient manner. In this study, we examine the use of information embedded in the Twitter stream to (1) track rapidly-evolving public sentiment with respect to H1N1 or swine flu, and (2) track and measure actual disease activity. We also show that Twitter can be used as a measure of public interest or concern about health-related events. Our results show that estimates of influenza-like illness derived from Twitter chatter accurately track reported disease levels
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