39 research outputs found

    On the multiplicity of tangent cones of monomial curves

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    Let Λ\Lambda be a numerical semigroup, CAn\mathcal{C}\subseteq \mathbb{A}^n the monomial curve singularity associated to Λ\Lambda, and T\mathcal{T} its tangent cone. In this paper we provide a sharp upper bound for the least positive integer in Λ\Lambda in terms of the codimension and the maximum degree of the equations of T\mathcal{T}, when T\mathcal{T} is not a complete intersection. A special case of this result settles a question of J. Herzog and D. Stamate.Comment: To appear on Arkiv f\"or Matemati

    s-Hankel hypermatrices and 2 x 2 determinantal ideals

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    We introduce the concept of s-Hankel hypermatrix, which generalizes both Hankel matrices and generic hypermatrices. We study two determinantal ideals associated to an s-Hankel hypermatrix: the ideal I generated by certain 2 x 2 slice minors, and the ideal \tilde{I} generated by certain 2 x 2 generalized minors. We describe the structure of these two ideals, with particular attention to the primary decomposition of I, and provide the explicit list of minimal primes for large values of s. Finally we give some geometrical interpretations and generalise a theorem of Watanabe

    On a conjecture of Wilf about the Frobenius number

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    Given coprime positive integers a1<...<ada_1 < ...< a_d, the Frobenius number FF is the largest integer which is not representable as a non-negative integer combination of the aia_i. Let gg denote the number of all non-representable positive integers: Wilf conjectured that dF+1F+1gd \geq \frac{F+1}{F+1-g}. We prove that for every fixed value of a1d\lceil \frac{a_1}{d} \rceil the conjecture holds for all values of a1a_1 which are sufficiently large and are not divisible by a finite set of primes. We also propose a generalization in the context of one-dimensional local rings and a question on the equality d=F+1F+1gd = \frac{F+1}{F+1-g}

    Syzygies in Hilbert schemes of complete intersections

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    Let d1,,dc d_1, \ldots, d_{c} be positive integers and let YPn Y \subseteq \mathbb{P}^n be the monomial complete intersection defined by the vanishing of x1d1,,xcdcx_1^{d_1}, \ldots, x_{c}^{d_{c}}. For each Hilbert polynomial p(ζ)p(\zeta) we construct a distinguished point in the Hilbert scheme Hilbp(ζ)(Y)\mathrm{Hilb}^{p(\zeta)}(Y), called the expansive point. We develop a theory of expansive ideals, and show that they play for Hilbert polynomials the same role lexicographic ideals play for Hilbert functions. For instance, expansive ideals maximize number of generators and syzygies, they form descending chains of inclusions, and exhibit an extremal behavior with respect to hyperplane sections. Conjecturally, expansive subschemes provide uniform sharp upper bounds for the syzygies of subschemes ZHilbp(ζ)(X)Z \in \mathrm{Hilb}^{p(\zeta)}(X) for all complete intersections X=X(d1,,dc)PnX = X(d_1, \ldots, d_{c}) \subseteq \mathrm{P}^{n}. In some cases, the expansive point achieves extremal Betti numbers for the infinite free resolutions associated to subschemes in Hilbp(ζ)(Y) \mathrm{Hilb}^{p(\zeta)}(Y). Our approach is new even in the special case Y=PnY = \mathbb{P}^{n}, where it provides several novel results and a simpler proof of a theorem of Murai and the first author.Comment: 26 page

    On the Lex-plus-powers Conjecture

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    Let SS be a polynomial ring over a field and ISI\subseteq S a homogeneous ideal containing a regular sequence of forms of degrees d1,,dcd_1, \ldots, d_c. In this paper we prove the Lex-plus-powers Conjecture when the field has characteristic 0 for all regular sequences such that dij=1i1(dj1)+1d_i \geq \sum_{j=1}^{i-1} (d_j-1)+1 for each ii; that is, we show that the Betti table of II is bounded above by the Betti table of the lex-plus-powers ideal of II. As an application, when the characteristic is 0, we obtain bounds for the Betti numbers of any homogeneous ideal containing a regular sequence of known degrees, which are sharper than the previously known ones from the Bigatti-Hulett-Pardue Theorem.Comment: To appear in Advances in Mathematic

    Correspondence scrolls

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    This paper initiates the study of a class of schemes that we call correspondence scrolls, which includes the rational normal scrolls and linearly embedded projective bundle of decomposable bundles, as well as degenerate K3 surfaces, Calabi-Yau 3-folds, and many other examples

    On the growth of deviations

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    The deviations of a graded algebra are a sequence of integers that determine the Poincare series of its residue field and arise as the number of generators of certain DG algebras. In a sense, deviations measure how far a ring is from being a complete intersection. In this paper we study extremal deviations among those of algebras with a fixed Hilbert series. In this setting, we prove that, like the Betti numbers, deviations do not decrease when passing to an initial ideal and are maximized by the Lex-segment ideal. We also prove that deviations grow exponentially for Golod rings and for certain quadratic monomial algebras.Comment: Corrected some minor typos in the version published in PAM

    Edge ideals and DG algebra resolutions

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    Let R=S/IR= S/I where S=k[T1,,Tn]S=k[T_1, \ldots, T_n] and II is a homogeneous ideal in SS. The acyclic closure RYR \langle Y \rangle of kk over RR is a DG algebra resolution obtained by means of Tate's process of adjoining variables to kill cycles. In a similar way one can obtain the minimal model S[X]S[X], a DG algebra resolution of RR over SS. By a theorem of Avramov there is a tight connection between these two resolutions. In this paper we study these two resolutions when II is the edge ideal of a path or a cycle. We determine the behavior of the deviations εi(R)\varepsilon_i(R), which are the number of variables in RYR\langle Y \rangle in homological degree ii. We apply our results to the study of the kk-algebra structure of the Koszul homology of RR