92 research outputs found

    Robust Latent Representations via Cross-Modal Translation and Alignment

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    Multi-modal learning relates information across observation modalities of the same physical phenomenon to leverage complementary information. Most multi-modal machine learning methods require that all the modalities used for training are also available for testing. This is a limitation when the signals from some modalities are unavailable or are severely degraded by noise. To address this limitation, we aim to improve the testing performance of uni-modal systems using multiple modalities during training only. The proposed multi-modal training framework uses cross-modal translation and correlation-based latent space alignment to improve the representations of the weaker modalities. The translation from the weaker to the stronger modality generates a multi-modal intermediate encoding that is representative of both modalities. This encoding is then correlated with the stronger modality representations in a shared latent space. We validate the proposed approach on the AVEC 2016 dataset for continuous emotion recognition and show the effectiveness of the approach that achieves state-of-the-art (uni-modal) performance for weaker modalities

    Multiple Source Localization Based on Acoustic Map De-Emphasis

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    This paper describes a novel approach for localization of multiple sources overlapping in time. The proposed algorithm relies on acoustic maps computed in multi-microphone settings, which are descriptions of the distribution of the acoustic activity in a monitored area. Through a proper processing of the acoustic maps, the positions of two or more simultaneously active acoustic sources can be estimated in a robust way. Experimental results obtained on real data collected for this specific task show the capabilities of the given method both with distributed microphone networks and with compact arrays

    Fed-EE: Federating Heterogeneous ASR Models using Early-Exit Architectures

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    Automatic speech recognition models require large speech recordings for training. However, the collection of such data often is cumbersome and leads to privacy concerns. Federated learning has been widely used as an effective decentralized technique that collaboratively learns a shared model while keeping the data local on clients devices. Unfortunately, client devices often feature limited computation and communication resources leading to practical difficulties for large models. In addition, the heterogeneity that characterizes edge devices make unpractical federating a single model that fits all the different clients. Differently from the recent literature, where multiple different architectures are used, in this work we 10 propose using early-exiting. This brings 2 benefits: a single model is used on a variety of devices; federating the models is straightforward. Experiments on the public dataset TED-LIUM 3 show that our proposed approach is effective and can be combined with basic federated learning strategies. We also shed light on how to federate self-attention models for speech recognition, for which an established recipe does not exist in literature

    Compact recurrent neural networks for acoustic event detection on low-energy low-complexity platforms

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    Outdoor acoustic events detection is an exciting research field but challenged by the need for complex algorithms and deep learning techniques, typically requiring many computational, memory, and energy resources. This challenge discourages IoT implementation, where an efficient use of resources is required. However, current embedded technologies and microcontrollers have increased their capabilities without penalizing energy efficiency. This paper addresses the application of sound event detection at the edge, by optimizing deep learning techniques on resource-constrained embedded platforms for the IoT. The contribution is two-fold: firstly, a two-stage student-teacher approach is presented to make state-of-the-art neural networks for sound event detection fit on current microcontrollers; secondly, we test our approach on an ARM Cortex M4, particularly focusing on issues related to 8-bits quantization. Our embedded implementation can achieve 68% accuracy in recognition on Urbansound8k, not far from state-of-the-art performance, with an inference time of 125 ms for each second of the audio stream, and power consumption of 5.5 mW in just 34.3 kB of RAM

    Learning to Rank Microphones for Distant Speech Recognition

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    Fully exploiting ad-hoc microphone networks for distant speech recognition is still an open issue. Empirical evidence shows that being able to select the best microphone leads to significant improvements in recognition without any additional effort on front-end processing. Current channel selection techniques either rely on signal, decoder or posterior-based features. Signal-based features are inexpensive to compute but do not always correlate with recognition performance. Instead decoder and posterior-based features exhibit better correlation but require substantial computational resources. In this work, we tackle the channel selection problem by proposing MicRank, a learning to rank framework where a neural network is trained to rank the available channels using directly the recognition performance on the training set. The proposed approach is agnostic with respect to the array geometry and type of recognition back-end. We investigate different learning to rank strategies using a synthetic dataset developed on purpose and the CHiME-6 data. Results show that the proposed approach is able to considerably improve over previous selection techniques, reaching comparable and in some instances better performance than oracle signal-based measures

    Unsupervised cross-modal deep-model adaptation for audio-visual re-identification with wearable cameras

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    Model adaptation is important for the analysis of audio-visual data from body worn cameras in order to cope with rapidly changing scene conditions, varying object appearance and limited training data. In this paper, we propose a new approach for the on-line and unsupervised adaptation of deep-learning models for audio-visual target re-identification. Specifically, we adapt each mono-modal model using the unsupervised labelling provided by the other modality. To limit the detrimental effects of erroneous labels, we use a regularisation term based on the Kullback-Leibler divergence between the initial model and the one being adapted. The proposed adaptation strategy complements common audio-visual late fusion approaches and is beneficial also when one modality is no longer reliable. We show the contribution of the proposed strategy in improving the overall re-identification performance on a challenging public dataset captured with body worn cameras

    An Experimental Review of Speaker Diarization methods with application to Two-Speaker Conversational Telephone Speech recordings

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    We performed an experimental review of current diarization systems for the conversational telephone speech (CTS) domain. In detail, we considered a total of eight different algorithms belonging to clustering-based, end-to-end neural diarization (EEND), and speech separation guided diarization (SSGD) paradigms. We studied the inference-time computational requirements and diarization accuracy on four CTS datasets with different characteristics and languages. We found that, among all methods considered, EEND-vector clustering (EEND-VC) offers the best trade-off in terms of computing requirements and performance. More in general, EEND models have been found to be lighter and faster in inference compared to clustering-based methods. However, they also require a large amount of diarization-oriented annotated data. In particular EEND-VC performance in our experiments degraded when the dataset size was reduced, whereas self-attentive EEND (SA-EEND) was less affected. We also found that SA-EEND gives less consistent results among all the datasets compared to EEND-VC, with its performance degrading on long conversations with high speech sparsity. Clustering-based diarization systems, and in particular VBx, instead have more consistent performance compared to SA-EEND but are outperformed by EEND-VC. The gap with respect to this latter is reduced when overlap-aware clustering methods are considered. SSGD is the most computationally demanding method, but it could be convenient if speech recognition has to be performed. Its performance is close to SA-EEND but degrades significantly when the training and inference data characteristics are less matched.Comment: 52 pages, 10 figure
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