83 research outputs found


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    Upper and lower airways may be considered as a unique entity, interested by coexisting inflammatory processes that share common etiopathogenic mechanisms. Previous studies have strongly demonstrated a relationship between rhinosinusitis and asthma. This has led to the introduction of the concept of "united airways", which has also been included in the WHO document Allergic Rhinitis and its Impact on Asthma (ARIA); this concept has important consequences also on the treatment of these disorders. To better summarize the evident connection between upper and lower airway disease we decided to describe it as a multilayered construction, each level pointing out more deeply the relationship between these entities

    Antibiotic treatment alone for acute rhinosinusitis gives a poor response in allergic children.

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    Acute rhinosinusitis (ARS) is frequent in children. Patients with allergic rhinitis show signs of more impaired paranasal sinus functioning than normal subjects during viral colds. This study evaluated the effectiveness of administering antibiotics alone to treat ARS in both allergic and non-allergic children. We obtained informed consent from the parents of each patient enrolled in the study. 97 children, 55 males and 42 females aged between 4 and 9 years (46 of whom were allergic), suffering from ARS, were treated with amoxicilline-clavulanate (50 mg/Kg bid) for 14 days. Symptoms and endoscopic signs of illness were evaluated at baseline and immediately after treatment. Symptoms improved significantly (p<0.001) after treatment in 84 patients, equally distributed between allergic and non-allergic subjects. On the contrary, endoscopic signs disappeared only in 49 children, 9 of whom were allergic (OR 14.9, 95\%CI 4.6-40.1, p<0.001). Slight to fair agreement was observed between clinical symptoms and endoscopic signs (agreement 64\% , Kappa=0.28, McNemar test p<0.001). Antibiotic therapy alone in the treatment of ARS may be generally insufficient to resolve symptoms, mainly endoscopic signs. Moreover, in allergic children this issue appears to be more evident

    Local rhamnosoft, ceramides and L-isoleucine in atopic eczema: A randomized, placebo controlled trial

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    none8noBackground: A non-steroidal, anti-inflammatory moisturizing cream containing rhamnosoft, ceramides, and L-isoleucine (ILE) (pro-AMP cream) has been recently developed for the specific treatment of atopic eczema (AE) of the face. In this trial, we evaluated the clinical efficacy and tolerability of pro-AMP cream in the treatment of facial AE in children in comparison with an emollient cream. Methods: In a randomized, prospective, assessor-blinded, parallel groups (2:1) controlled trial, 107 children (72 allocated to pro-AMP cream and 35 allocated to control group) with mild-to-moderate chronic AE of the face were enrolled. Treatments were applied twice daily for a 6-week period. Facial Eczema Severity Score (ESS) was evaluated at baseline, week 3, and week 6, by an assessor unaware of treatment allocation. Investigator's Global Assessment (IGA) score was assessed at week 3 and at week 6. Tolerability was evaluated at week 3 and at week 6 using a 4-point score (from 0: low tolerability to 3: very good tolerability). Results: At baseline ESS, mean (SD) was 6.1 (2.4) in the pro-AMP cream group and 5.3 (3) in the control group. In the pro-AMP group, in comparison with baseline, ESS was significantly reduced to 2.5 (-59%) after 3wks and to 1.0 (-84%) at week 6 (p=0.0001). In the control group, ESS was reduced to 3 (-42%) at week 2 and to 2.6 (-50%) at week 6. At week 6, ESS in pro-AMP cream was significantly lower than the control group (1.0 vs. 2.6; p=0.001). Both products were well tolerated. Conclusion: Pro-AMP cream has shown to be effective in the treatment of mild-to-moderate chronic lesion of AE of the face. Clinical efficacy was greater in comparison with an emollient cream. (Clinical trial Registry: NTR4084).Marseglia, Alessia; Licari, Amelia; Agostinis, Fabio; Barcella, Antonio; Bonamonte, Domenico; Puviani, Mario; Milani, Massimo; Marseglia, Gian LuigiMarseglia, Alessia; Licari, Amelia; Agostinis, Fabio; Barcella, Antonio; Bonamonte, Domenico; Puviani, Mario; Milani, Massimo; Marseglia, GIAN LUIG

    Efficacy of Bacillus clausii spores in the prevention of recurrent respiratory infections in children: a pilot study

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    Probiotic milk has been previously demonstrated to reduce the number of respiratory infections (RI) among children attending day care centres. Thus, this pilot study was aimed to assess the efficacy and the safety of 3 month treatment with Bacillus clausii in the prevention of recurrent respiratory infections (RRI) in children. Eighty children with RRI were studied: 40 of them were randomly treated with B. clausii for 3 months, and followed up for further 3 months; 40 were included in the control group during the same period. Children treated with B. clausii had shorter duration of RI in comparison with the control group both during the treatment phase (mean 11.7 days vs 14.37; p=0.037) and the follow-up period (mean 6.6 days vs 10.92; p=0.049). This effect was evident also in allergic children during the follow-up. In conclusion, this pilot study provides the first preliminary evidence that B. clausii may exert a significant and persistent impact on RI in children and is safe and well tolerated

    Influence of the killing method of the black soldier fly on its lipid composition

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    Black soldier fly (BSF, Hermetia illucens) represents a valuable source of biomolecules and it also constitutes an economic way to valorise residual biomasses. BSF prepupae contain high amounts of lipids (37% DM basis). The present investigation aimed at studying the composition of BSF lipids and the effect of killing/storage on their quality. The main fatty acid was lauric acid, sterols were represented primarily by beta-sitosterol and campesterol. Global fatty acid and sterol profiles, determined by GC–MS, were only slightly affected by the killing procedure, while lipid classes distribution, determined by 1H NMR, strongly changed. Prepupae killed by freezing showed a drastic reduction of acylglycerols during storage and a relevant release of free fatty acids, likely due to activation of lipases. On the contrary, prepupae killed by blanching have a stable lipid fraction constituted mainly by triacylglycerols. Therefore, killing procedure strongly influences BSF oil composition and the potential applications

    Difficult vs. Severe Asthma: Definition and Limits of Asthma Control in the Pediatric Population

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    Evaluating the degree of disease control is pivotal when assessing a patient with asthma. Asthma control is defined as the degree to which manifestations of the disease are reduced or removed by therapy. Two domains of asthma control are identified in the guidelines: symptom control and future risk of poor asthma outcomes, including asthma attacks, accelerated decline in lung function, or treatment-related side effects. Over the past decade, the definition and the tools of asthma control have been substantially implemented so that the majority of children with asthma have their disease well controlled with standard therapies. However, a small subset of asthmatic children still requires maximal therapy to achieve or maintain symptom control and experience considerable morbidity. Childhood uncontrolled asthma is a heterogeneous group and represents a clinical and therapeutic challenge requiring a multidisciplinary systematic assessment. The identification of the factors that may contribute to the gain or loss of control in asthma is essential in differentiating children with difficult-to-treat asthma from those with severe asthma that is resistant to traditional therapies. The aim of this review is to focus on current concept of asthma control, describing monitoring tools currently used to assess asthma control in clinical practice and research, and evaluating comorbidities and modifiable and non-modifiable factors associated with uncontrolled asthma in children, with particular reference to severe asthma

    'HighChest': An augmented freezer designed for smart food management and promotion of eco-efficient behaviour

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    This paper introduces HighChest, an innovative smart freezer designed to promote energy efficient behavior and the responsible use of food. Introducing a novel humanâmachine interface (HMI) design developed through assessment phases and a user involvement stage, HighChest is state of the art, featuring smart services that exploit embedded sensors and Internet of things functionalities, which enhance the local capabilities of the appliance. The industrial design thinking approach followed for the advanced HMI is intended to maximize the social impact of the food management service, enhancing both the user experience of the product and the userâs willingness to adopt eco- and energy-friendly behaviors. The sensor equipment realizes automatic recognition of food by learning from the users, as well as automatic localization inside the deposit space. Moreover, it provides monitoring of the applianceâs usage, avoiding temperature and humidity issues related to improper use. Experimental tests were conducted to evaluate the localization system, and the results showed 100% accuracy for weights greater or equal to 0.5 kg. Drifts due to the lid opening and prolonged usage time were also measured, to implement automatic reset corrections

    Allergic Rhinitis and Quality of Life in Children

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    Allergic rhinitis is a respiratory disease caused by an inflammatory process related to IgE mediated reaction versus allergens to which the subject is sensitized. Allergic rhinitis is not an isolated disease because the nasal mucosa inflammation involves paranasal sinuses and lower airways, thus worsening the asthmatic symptoms. Recently, a new classification of allergic rhinitis based on the duration and severity of clinical symptoms has been proposed. This classification takes into consideration both the quality of life and the possible impact of the symptoms on school, work and free-time activities. Children's quality of life is severely compromised by frequent night awakenings, easy fatigue, defects of language and irritability, which can have a negative influence on learning abilities. Allergic rhinitis has a negative impact on the quality of life of the whole family because it can cause interference on social life, and financial costs

    A case of fetal hydrops: prenatal diagnosis and neonatal management

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    Hydrops fetalis (HF) is a serious fetal condition defined as an abnormal fluid accumulation in fetal extravascular compartments and body cavities caused by either immune or non immune conditions. Immune hydrops is caused by fetal hemolysis medi¬ated by circulating maternal antibodies to fetal red blood cell antigens. Its most common determinant is rhesus incompatibility. Systemic Lupus Eritematosus (SLE) is another rare cause of immune fetal hydrops, when the pregnancy is complicated by the presence of a third degree congenital heart block (CHB). The Neonatal Lupus Syndrome occurs with a prevalence of 2%. We reported the case of severe fetal hydrops in a 31 weeks pregnant woman affected by mild maternal D alloimmunization and SLE. Despite fetal hydrops and a mild positive indirect Coombs’ test, the flow-rate study with the Systolic Peak Velocity (PSV) of the MCA excluded a fetal anemia. At birth, blood gas showed a condition of severe metabolic and respiratory acidosis (pH 6.43, pO2 9.9 mmHg, pCO2 206 mmHg, Base Excess (BE) -35 mmol/l, HCO3- 2.7 mmol/l) and a mild anemia (Hemoglobin 10.3 g/dl). ECG revealed a normal sinus rhythm and a CHB was excluded. Despite the critical clinical condition, no cardiorespiratory or neurological adverse outcomes occurred in the newbor

    Clinical and immunological phenotypes of selective IgM deficiency in children: Results from a multicenter study

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    background: a few studies assessed the clinical and immunological features of selective IgM deficiency (SIgMD), especially in the pediatric age. we aimed to characterize the clinical and immunological phenotypes of a cohort of pediatric patients with SIgMD according to the different diagnostic criteria available. methods: In this multicenter study, we evaluated pediatric SIgMD patients diagnosed at the pediatric clinic in pavia, Italy, or through the Italian primary Immunodeficiency NETwork (IPINET) and monitored changes in their diagnosis over a time frame that ranges from several months to several years. results: forty-eight patients with SIgMD were included (mean serum IgM: 33 mg/dL). the most common clinical manifestations were recurrent infections (67%) and allergies (48%). subgroup analysis according to SIgMD definition criteria of the european society for Immunodeficiencies (ESID) showed no significant difference in clinical manifestations, also considering the group with additional immunological abnormalities. sixteen patients had long-term follow-up, during which 87% preserved their SIgMD diagnosis, while two patients showed a reduction in IgA in addition to low IgM. conclusions: our data suggest that the identification of a reduction in serum IgM in children should lead to a complete immunological work-up to obtain a comprehensive clinical and immunological characterization of the patient. the follow-up of these patients is fundamental to define the disease evolution and appropriate management
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