1,948 research outputs found

    How the stomach and the brain work together at rest

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    Low-frequency electrical waves in the stomach seem to be synchronised with the activity of a newly discovered resting-state network in the human brain

    Seismic amelioration of existing reinforced concrete buildings. Strategy to optimize the amount of reinforcement for joints

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    Most of the existing Reinforced Concrete (RC) buildings in Italy were built according to obsolete regulations that were not enough aware of issues related to seismic design so that they need to be upgraded by pursuing either amelioration or full seismic rehabilitation. In doing that, the first step is to figure out what is, based on the results of the initial analysis of the structure in its ante-operam version, the best overall dissipative mechanism that could be ob-tained by a number of suitable and economically convenient local interventions. The choice of the overall dissipative mechanism strongly affects the amount of reinforcement to be adopted for the beam-column joints. For new buildings, the current adopted capacity design philosophy pursues an overall beam-sway mechanism in which plastic hinges first form in beams and at last at the base of the columns. On the contrary,for existing ones, often very irregular and gravity-load-dominated, pursuing such overall mechanism may result either uneconomic or even extremely difficult to implement due to the amount of reinforcement to be inserted in the joints. In such cases, an overall dissipative mechanism allowing, at some extent, columns flex-ural plasticizationshould be accepted and clearly identified in advance. Anyway,such ap-proach needs to be addressed properly in order to avoid the formation of column-sways at one story only that would result very dangerous due to the excessive demand of plastic rotations on the resulting hinges. This paper presents two simple models that may help the designer in deal-ing with the operations above. The formeris a model that allows to understand if, given the existing RC building case-study, either the beam-sway or a hybrid beam-column-sway mecha-nism should be conveniently pursued during the design of the retrofitting intervention. The lat-ter isa model that allows to design a hybrid beam-column-sway overall mechanism involving a suitable number of stories such as to guarantee a uniform and reasonable demand of plastic rotations in the involved columns

    Nonminimality of spirals in sub-Riemannian manifolds

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    We show that in analytic sub-Riemannian manifolds of rank 2 satisfying a commutativity condition spiral-like curves are not length minimizing near the center of the spiral. The proof relies upon the delicate construction of a competing curve

    Optimization of force-limiting seismic devices connecting structural subsystems

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    This paper is focused on the optimum design of an original force-limiting floor anchorage system for the seismic protection of reinforced concrete (RC) dual wall-frame buildings. This protection strategy is based on the interposition of elasto-plastic links between two structural subsystems, namely the lateral force resisting system (LFRS) and the gravity load resisting system (GLRS). The most efficient configuration accounting for the optimal position and mechanical characteristics of the nonlinear devices is obtained numerically by means of a modified constrained differential evolution algorithm. A 12-storey prototype RC dual wall-frame building is considered to demonstrate the effectiveness of the seismic protection strategy

    Dense bidisperse suspensions under non-homogenous shear

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    We study the rheological behaviour of bidisperse suspensions in three dimensions under a non-uniform shear flow, made by the superimposition of a linear shear and a sinusoidal disturbance. Our results show that i) only a streamwise disturbance in the shear-plane alters the suspension dynamics by substantially reducing the relative viscosity, ii) with the amplitude of the disturbance determining a threshold value for the effect to kick-in and its wavenumber controlling the amount of reduction and which of the two phases is affected. We show that, iii) the rheological changes are caused by the effective separation of the two phases, with the large or small particles layering in separate regions. We provide a physical explanation of the phase separation process and of the conditions necessary to trigger it. We test the results in the whole flow curve, and we show that the mechanism remains substantially unaltered, with the only difference being the nature of the interactions between particles modified by the phase separation

    Mean value formulas on surfaces in Grushin spaces

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    We prove (sub)mean value formulas at the point 0∈Σ0\in\Sigma for (sub)harmonic functions a on a hypersurface Σ⊂Rn+1\Sigma\subset\mathbb{R}^{n+1} where the differentiable structure and the surface measure depend on the ambient Grushin structure

    Higher order Goh conditions for singular extremals of corank 1

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    We prove Goh conditions of order n for strictly singular length minimizing curves of corank 1, under the assumption that the lower order intrinsic differentials of the end-point map vanish. This result relies upon the proof of an open mapping theorem for maps with non-singular nth differential

    Il problema del collegamento. La sintesi della percezione in neuroscienze, filosofia e logica

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    L'Uomo è in grado di collegare le informazioni che riceve dagli organi di senso fino a percepire in modo consapevole l'ambiente che lo circonda come uno scenario unificato, costituito da oggetti coerenti invece che da dati disorganizzati. Nella mia tesi presento le principali descrizioni di questo fenomeno di sintesi percettiva, fornisco una rassegna critica dei modelli neuroscientifici che cercano di spiegarlo e illustro il contributo che un'indagine filosofica e logica può fornire al riguardo. Ne concludo che si tratta di un fenomeno unitario ma articolato in più livelli descrittivi, interpretabile come una forma di ragionamento in condizioni d'incertezza e precisamente come inferenza bayesiana. Questa soluzione è compatibile con l'evidenza sperimentale e permette di preservare il carattere soggettivo della percezione spesso evidenziato dagli epistemologi. Humans can bind informations they get from sense organs to consciously perceive the surrounding environment as a whole dotted with coherent objects rather than with raw data. In my thesis I report on the main accounts of this synthetic process of perception, I critically review the neuroscientific models which seek to explain it and I show how philosophy and logic may be useful to improve our understanding of the topic. I conclude that despite its different levels of description the process still retains unity and can be conceived as a form of uncertain reasoning. More precisely, binding is a form of Bayesian inference. This solution fits with experimental evidences as well as with the subjective character of perception, which epistemologists often point out

    Sintesi e caratterizzazione di poli(esteri) per applicazioni biomediche

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    Da tempo nei laboratori in cui si svolge il presente lavoro di tesi è in corso un'indagine diretta alla sintesi, caratterizzazione ed uso di materiali polimerici polifunzionali, di origine sintetica, semisintetica e naturale, specificatamente progettati per applicazioni in campo biomedico e farmacologico. Questo studio, che coinvolge esperienze di carattere multidisciplinare, è articolato su più linee di ricerca differenziate, volte alla formulazione di materiali polimerici per il rilascio controllato e mirato di farmaci, sia proteici che convenzionali,per uso farmaceutico ed il loro impiego come substrati ("scaffolds") per la proliferazione cellulare nel campo dell'ingegneria tissutale. L'obiettivo iniziale del presente lavoro è la preparazione di poliesteri ottenuti mediante polimerizzazione per apertura d'anello di 4-alchilossicarbonil-3,3-dimetil-2-ossetanoni, appositamente sintetizzati e di altri monomeri commercialmente reperibili. Segue la polimerizzazione anionica per apertura d'anello, condotta in massa,dei 4-alchilossicarbonil-3,3-dimetil-2-ossetanoni sintetizzati e la loro caratterizzazione mediante spettroscopia NMR, FT-IR e SEC
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