7 research outputs found

    Studio preliminare sulla resistenza strutturale del Gregorian Feed Rotator di SRT

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    Il Sardinia Radio Telescope è un radiotelescopio che svolge la sua attività di ricerca sotto la gestione operativa dell’Istituto Nazionale di Astrofisica. È situato nella località denominata “Pranu Sanguni”, appartenente al territorio comunale di San Basilio, a circa 35 Km da Cagliari. Sebbene sia stato progettato per ricevere segnali elettromagnetici fino alla frequenza massima di 116 GHz, attualmente il suo range osservativo è compreso tra 305 MHz e 26.5 GHz. Un upgrade dell’antenna, finanziato dal Programma Operativo Nazionale (PON), permetterà di raggiungere le massime prestazioni. Il piano dei lavori coinvolge anche il Gregorian Feed Rotator che sarà equipaggiato con nuovi ricevitori dal peso notevolmente superiore rispetto a quelli attualmente ospitati. A tal proposito, è stato condotto uno studio preliminare per valutare l’idoneità della struttura attuale rispetto al sostegno dei nuovi carichi previsti. Attraverso la realizzazione di un modello agli Elementi Finiti è stato possibile stimare le sollecitazioni a cui sarà sottoposto il traliccio che supporterà i ricevitori, e verificare la sua resistenza secondo i criteri definiti dalle attuali Norme Tecniche per le Costruzioni. Inoltre, è stato valutato l’effetto dell’aumento di carico sul cuscinetto di base

    Structural Identification from Operational Modal Analysis: The Case of Steel Structures

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    In the case of old existing structures where the cultural value is very high, structural health analyses and investigations would be better performed without damages or service interruptions. Thus, modal analysis aimed at identifying eigenfrequencies and eigenmodes represents a very effective strategy to identify structural characteristics. In this paper, an innovative strategy to identify structural parameters exploiting the modal information obtained from operational modal analysis is proposed. The importance of the structural modeling in the problem formulation is highlighted. In the case of a simply supported beam, it was possible to assess the beam steel elastic modulus, while in the case of a cantilever beam, some constraint characteristics have been evaluated as well. In the steel frame case, the focus was on the constraint conditions of the structure determining the flexural stiffness of the springs representing the column base constraints. The method performances are promising for applications in larger structures such as bridges and buildings

    Solar radiation effects on the Sardinia Radio Telescope performances

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    The Sardinia Radio Telescope, a 64-metre diameter fully steerable radio telescope operated by INAF, will be upgraded in order to extend its current operating frequency range 0.3-26.5 GHz up to 116 GHz, thanks to a National Operational Program (PON) funding assigned to INAF by the Italian Ministry of University and Research. The PON project is organized in nine Work Packages, one of which is dedicated to the accomplishment of a sophisticated metrology system designed to monitor the cause of the pointing errors and the reflector surface deformations. The entire antenna structure will therefore be equipped with a network of sensors, like thermal sensors, inclinometers, accelerometers, collimators, anemometers, strain gauges and others, to study environmental stresses and how they affect the SRT performances. This work is devoted to the investigation of the thermal stress effects produced by solar radiation. In particular, two analyses are carried out to confirm the relevance of a thorough temperature monitoring system, both conducted using Finite Element Analysis. First, a possible approach for the simulation of realistic thermal scenarios due to insolation is proposed and the effects on the pointing accuracy are analysed. Second, a feasible method to study the impacts that a differential heating of the Back Up Structure (BUS) produces on the radio telescope main reflector surface is presented. Finally, these effects are analysed as optical aberrations and modelled in terms of Zernike polynomials

    The high-frequency upgrade of the Sardinia Radio Telescope

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    We present the status of the Sardinia Radio Telescope (SRT) and its forthcoming update planned in the next few years. The post-process scenario of the upgraded infrastructure will allow the national and international scientific community to use the SRT for the study of the Universe at high radio frequencies (up to 116 GHz), both in single dish and in interferometric mode. A telescope like SRT, operating at high frequencies, represents a unique resource for the scientific community. The telescope will be ideal for mapping quickly and with relatively high angular resolution extended radio emissions characterized by low surface brightness. It will also be essential for spectroscopic and polarimetric studies of both Galactic and extragalactic radio sources. With the use of the interferometric technique, SRT and the other Italian antennas (Medicina and Noto) will operate within the national and international radiotelescope network, allowing astronomers to obtain images of radio sources at very high angular resolution

    Status of the High-Frequency Upgrade of the Sardinia Radio Telescope

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    The Sardinia Radio Telescope is going through a major upgrade aimed at observing the universe at up to 116 GHz. A budget of 18.700.000 E has been awarded to the Italian National Institute of Astrophysics to acquire new state-of-the-art receivers, back-end, and high-performance computing, to develop a sophisticated metrology system and to upgrade the infrastructure and laboratories. This contribution draws the status of the whole project at eight months from the end of the funding scheme planned for August 2022

    SRT performance measurements (2018-2021)

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    Tests of characterization are periodically performed at SRT in order to check the status of the antenna, ensure a good functioning of the different components (e.g. active surface, receivers, backends, etc), and improve the observing performances at the different frequencies. In particular, the tests include measurements of beam shape, pointing, gain curves and focus for the different receivers (L, C, X and K-bands). We report the results of the main tests carried out after a long stop of the antenna due to the reparation of the main servo motors chillers in 2020 and compare them with those carried out during the recommissioning in 2018 (after the change of the actuators of the active surface). These results will be useful in order to compare the new status of the antenna after the upgrade of the new receivers at higher frequency (PON)

    Fragility Curves for RC Structure under Blast Load Considering the Influence of Seismic Demand

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    The complex characteristics of explosion load as well as its increasingly high frequency in the civil environment highlight the need to develop models representing the behavior of structures under blast load. This work presents a probabilistic study of the performance of framed reinforced concrete buildings designed according to the current Italian NTC18 and European EC8 technical standards. First, a simplified single degree of freedom model representing the structural system under blast load has been developed. Then, a probabilistic approach based on Monte Carlo simulation analysis highlighted the influence of seismic demand on the behavior of Reinforced Concrete RC buildings subjected to blast load