3 research outputs found

    Letramento literário: o Enem e a formação escolar do leitor de literatura

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    Principal forma de acesso ao ensino superior, o Exame Nacional do Ensino Médio – ENEM – modela os currículos do Ensino Médio, forjando não só os conteúdos, mas as práticas a serem desenvolvidas na escola. Este trabalho investiga a adequação entre as práticas de letramento literário escolar presumidas pela prova do ENEM e as orientações dos documentos oficiais para a formação do leitor de literatura. Os dados foram recolhidos de todas as provas do ENEM – aplicadas entre 1998 e 2011 – das quais foram selecionadas as questões relativas ao campo da literatura. Procedeu-se à análise qualitativa e quantitativa dos dados que aponta para o seguinte resultado parcial: a predominância de questões focadas na atividade interpretativa sinaliza a possibilidade de superação de um modelo de trabalho com a literatura voltado mais para o estudo teórico e histórico do texto literário que para o desenvolvimento de habilidades de leitura e contato efetivo e subjetivo com o texto. Por outro lado, há ainda equívocos na abordagem do texto literário no referido exame, dentre os quais destacamos a persistente existência de questões que desconsideram o texto selecionado para análise. São questões que atuam em prejuízo da compreensão de que o texto deve estar no centro de qualquer prática de letramento literário e de que os conhecimentos teóricos sobre o campo da literatura devem subsidiar as práticas de leitura. Outros tipos de questões que podem atuar em prejuízo do objetivo principal da literatura na escola são aquelas que requerem a mera identificação de recursos do literário ou, ainda pior, aquelas focadas na aferição de conhecimentos sobre a linguagem, permitindo-se que o texto literário torne-se pretexto para a avaliação de habilidades gerais de leitura

    The 32nd Brazilian Society of Virology (SBV) 2021 Annual Meeting

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    The Brazilian Society of Virology has been organizing annual meetings for 32 years now. The 32nd annual meeting, which occurred in 2021, was once again an online meeting in consequence of the issues imposed by COVID-19, even with the vaccination advances. As in the 2020 meeting, the number of attendees was high, with considerable participation by undergraduate, graduate, and postdoc students. Distinguished scientists from different countries offered high-quality conferences, and oral presentation sessions were presented by young scientists showing their newest research results. For almost five hours a day during five days, attendees discussed high-quality science related to all areas of virology. Even with the difficulties imposed by another pandemic year, the 32nd SBV annual meeting achieved its most important goal—to inspire young scientists and discuss high-quality virology research

    33rd Brazilian Society for Virology (SBV) 2022 Annual Meeting

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    Each year, the Brazilian Society for Virology promotes a national meeting during the second semester of the year. In October 2022, the 33rd meeting took place at Arraial da Ajuda, Porto Seguro, Bahia, in-person:.this was the first in-person meeting since 2019, as the 2020 and 2021 events occurred online due to the issues imposed by COVID-19. It was a great pleasure for the whole audience to return to an in-person event, which certainly improved the interactions between the attendees in all ways. As usual, the meeting involved massive participation of undergraduate, graduate, and postdoc students, and several noteworthy international researchers were present. During five afternoons and evenings, attendees could discuss and learn about the most recent data presented by distinguished scientists from Brazil and other countries. In addition, young virology researchers from all levels could present their latest results as oral presentations and posters. The meeting covered all virology areas, with conferences and roundtables about human, veterinary, fundamental, environmental, invertebrate, and plant virology. The costs associated with attending the in-person event caused a slight reduction in the number of attendees compared to the two online events. However, even with this issue, the attendance was impressive. The meeting successfully achieved its most important goals: inspiring young and senior scientists and discussing high-quality, up-to-date virology research