119 research outputs found

    Mikobakterioza svinja - potcenjena pretnja

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    Although Mycobacterium avium subspecies are generally not considered food pathogens, the infections caused by these particular nontuberculous mycobacteria (NTM) can represent a serious threat to immunocompromised population. Additionally, infections with a member of Mycobacterium Avium Compex (MAC) can affect the efficiency of BCG vaccines used for the humans. In infected animals, M. avium may be present in different tissues without apparent clinical symptoms and macroscopic lesions. Veterinary meat inspection would then fail to recognize infected animals and such meat and meat products thereof could enter the human diet. The aim of this paper is also to analyze the current control policy in Europe according to infections of pigs with the members of MAC, and point out the risks for public health. By analyzing a large number of meat samples and other dietary nutrients, different groups of authors have provided evidence to support the hypothesis that M. avium is present in the everyday environment. Therefore, food as a source of infection with mycobacteria should not be ignored. The control of mycobacteria requires a better diagnostic approach, having in mind recent positive cases of M. avium subspecies hominissuis (MAH) in an increasing number of exported pigs from EU countries to Serbia. The introduction of reliable diagnostic methods for MAH could result in decreasing the occurrence of infection in pigs, as well as in humans, having in mind that WHO reported 10 million new cases of tuberculosis-mycobacteriosis in the human population in 2015 with 21% of these cases occurring in immunocompromised individuals and children.Mada se pripadnici podvrste Mycobacterium avium ne smatraju uzročnicima koji se primarno prenose putem hrane, infekcija ovim netuberkuloznim mikobakterijama (NTM) može predstavljati značajnu pretnju za zdravlje imunokompromitovanih jedinki. Infekcija pripadnicima Mycobacterium avium kompleksa (MAC) može da utiče na BCG imunitet u humanoj populaciji. U inficiranim životinjama M. avium može biti prisutan u različitim organima bez izraženih kliničkih simptoma i morfoloških manifestacija. Iz tog razloga veterinarska inspekcija na liniji klanja nema mogućnost da detektuje inficirane životinje, pa meso i mesni proizvodi od ovih životinja mogu ući u lanac ljudske ishrane. Cilj ovog rada je da iznese i trenutnu politiku kontrole infekcije svinja pripadnicima MAC-a u Evropi, kao i da ukaže na glavne potencijalne rizike. Analizom velikog broja uzoraka mesa i drugih namernica za ljudsku ishranu, različite grupe autora u svojim istraživanjima dokazale su prisustvo M. avium, pa se hrana kao izvor infekcije mikobakterijama ipak ne sme zanemariti. Kontrola mikobakterija zahteva bolji dijagnostički pristup, uzimajući u obzir i povećan broj slučajeva infekcija M. avium subsp hominissuis kod svinja koje su se uvozile u Srbiju iz zemalja EU proteklih godina. Uvođenje pouzdanih dijagnostičkih metoda za utvrđivanje MAH uzročnika trebalo bi da smanjeni rizik od infekcije kod svinja, pa i kod ljudi, imajući u vidu da je na osnovu podataka Svetske zdravstvene organizacije registrovano 10 miliona novih slučajeva tuberkuloze odn. mikobakterioze ljudi u toku 2015. godine, a 21% ovih slučajeva zabeleženo je upravo u populaciji imunokopromitovanih jedinki

    Transmissible tumors in animals and prognostic parameters

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    Трансмисивни венерични тумор паса (CTVT) и неопластична болест лица тасманијског ђавола (DFTD) једина су два позната природноклонски трансмисивна тумора. Ови канцери се шире физичким преношењем туморских ћелија на другог домаћина, путем трансплантације, односно превазилажењем баријере хистокомпатибилности. Упркос њиховој заједничкој етиологији, CTVT и DFTD имају посебне развојне и адаптационе механизме. Квалитативно и квантитативно одређивање биолошких прогностичких фактора у ткиву оболелих животиња говори директно о способности метастазирања тумора, а тиме и о прогнози неопластичне болести. Праћење клиничких и биолошких прогностичких фактора значајно је за дијагнозу, терапију и предикцију тумора код људи и животиња.Canine transmissible venereal tumor (CTVT) and Tasmanian devil facial tumor disease (DFTD) are the only two known naturally occurring clonally transmissible cancers. These cancers are transmitted by the physical transfer of viable tumor cells that can be transplanted across histocompatibility barriers into unrelated hosts. Despite their common etiology, CTVT and DFTD have unique life histories. The qualitative and quantitative determination of the biological prognostic factors in the tissue of affected animals directly indicates possible tumour metastasizing, and consequently also the prognosis of the neoplastic disease. The monitoring of clinical and biological prognostic factors is important for the therapy and prediction of tumours in humans and animals

    Od SARS-a do Kovid-a 19: od delimično istražene bolesti prošlosti do pandemije sadašnjosti

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    U novembru 2002. godine, u kineskoj provinciji Guandong poče- la je epidemija, životno ugrožavajuće respiratorne bolesti nepoznate etiologije. Bolest se odlikovala teškim akutnim respiratornim sindro- mom i skraćeno se naziva SARS, a pred kraj ove pandemije, otkrive- no je da je prouzrokovana novim korona virusom (SARS-CoV). Iako su azijske cibetke (Pagumalarvata) direktno prenosile prepandemij- ski soj virusa na ljude, stvarni izvori virusa bile su različite vrste slepih miševa. Bolest se iz Kine proširila na 30 zemalja, dijagnostikovana je kod 8 000 ljudi i prouzrokovala je stopu smrtnosti od 10 posto. Slično prvoj, druga pandemija SARS-a je počela u kineskom gradu Vuhanu 2019. Godine i bila je povezana sa najmanje dve vrste sisara: pango- linima i slepim miševima. SARS-CoV 2, kao i bolest koja iz njega proi- stiče - COVID 19, su ovoga puta zarazili desetine miliona ljudi, godinu dana od izbijanja pandemije. COVID 19 je prouzrokovao stopu smrt- nosti od 2,4% i značajno je uticao na zdravstvene, obrazovne i eko- nomske sisteme i živote ljudi. Pokrenuta su brojna komparativna ispiti- vanja na animalnim modelima i uočene su razlike, ali i brojne sličnosti koronavirusnih infekcija mačaka i ljudi. Ponovljeni način prenošrnja i procena postojanja nekoliko hiljada korona virusa slepih miševa su- gerišu da prošla, sadašnja i buduća pandemija SARS-a, ne treba da budu iznenađenje

    Infektivni peritonitis mačaka (FIP) u našem sekcionom materijalu

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    Feline infectious peritonitis (FIP) has been diagnozed in our section material in 23 cats, 19 Persian and 4 domestic, of both sexes, aged between 5 months and 8 years. The majority of the infected population were animals under 20 months of age. The macroscopic finding in most cats was of granulomatous character, and large quantities of goldenyellow gelatinous exudate were observed in the stomach cavity of 7 animals, corresponding to the exudative form of FIP. Granulomas were in most cases located in the abdomen wall, liver, spleen, omentum and serous membrane of intestines, and the histological structure was characterized by fibrinoid-necrotic centers with numerous lymphocytes, monocytes, angioblasts and fibroblasts. Immunohistochemically, feline corona virus (FCV) antigens were exprimed in the cytoplasm of macrophages, more rarely in plasma cells in granulomas, and sometimes in necrotized areas.Infektivni peritonitis mačaka (FIP) dijagnostikovan je u našem sekcionom materijalu kod 23 mačke, 19 persijskih i 4 domaće, oba pola, uzrasta između 5 meseci i 8 godina. Većinu inficirane populacije činile su životinje mlađe od 20 meseci. Makroskopski nalaz bio je kod većine mačaka granulomatoznog karaktera, a kod 7 životinja uočena je veća količina zlatno-žutog želatinoznog eksudata u trbušnoj duplji, što odgovara eksudativnoj formi FIP-a. Granulomi su bili smešteni u većini slučajeva u zidu abdomena, jetri slezini, omentumu i serozi creva, a histološka građa odlikovala se fibrinoidno-nekrotičnim centrima, sa mnogobrojnim limfocitima, monocitima angioblastima i fibroblastima. Imunohistohemijski, antigeni corona-virusa mačaka (FCV) eksprimirani su u citoplazmi makrofaga, ređe u plazma ćelijama u granulomima, a ponekad i u nekrotizovanim oblastima

    Kvantitativna i kvalitativna analiza Ag-NOR kod benignih i malignih tumora mlečne žlezde kuja

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    In this retrospective study, quantitative and qualitative analyses of argyrophil nucleolar organizer regions (AgNORs) in 54 malignant and 18 benign canine mammary gland tumors were made. Statistical analysis showed a significant difference in the mean number of AgNORs per cell between benign and malignant tumors (p lt 0.01). There was no significant difference in the mean number of AgNORs per cell between complex carcinomas, simple carcinomas and carcinomas in mixed tumors (p>0.05), as well as between adenomas and benign mixed tumors (p>0.05). Six different patterns of AgNOR distribution were observed. Types I, II, III and in only two cases, type IV, were observed in benign tumors, while all six types were observed in malignant tumors. The predominant types in malignant tumors were III, IV, V and VI. Cell types II, III and IV were predominant in malignant tumors with 5.5-7 AgNORs per cell, while cell types V and VI were dominant in tumors with more than 7 AgNORs per cell.U ovoj retrospektivnoj studiji izvršena je kvalitativna i kvantitativna analiza arigrofilnih organizatora nukleolusa (AgNORs), 54 maligna i 18 benignih tumora mlečne žlezde pasa. Uočene su statistički značajne razlike u prosečnom broju AgNORs po ćeliji između benignih i malignih tumora (p lt 0.01). Nisu dokazane statistički značajne razlike u prosečnom broju AgNORs po ćeliji između kompleksnih karcinoma, prostih karcinoma i karcinoma u mešovitom tumoru (p>0.05). Zapaženo je šest različitih tipova distribucije AgNORs. Tipovi I, II, III i samo u dva slučaja tip IV su uočeni kod benignih tumora, dok su kod malignih tumora uočeno svih šest tipova. Dominantni tipovi kod malignih tumora su III, IV, V and VI. Ćelije tipa II, III i IV dominiraju kod tumora kji imaju prosečno 5.5-7 AgNORs po ćeliji, dok tipovi V i VI su dominantni kod tumora koji imaju prosečno više od 7 AgNORs po ćeliji

    Current swine respiratory diseases morphology in intensive swine production in Serbia

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    Swine respiratory diseases represent one of the most frequent health issues in pig production worldwide. Despite the great progress that has been made in the field of diagnostics, control and prophylaxis, respiratory diseases still remain the most challenging health problem in modern commercial pig production. The list of infectious agents that cause respiratory diseases in swine is extensive and includes both, bacterial and viral pathogens. In Serbia, more than fifteen years after the introduction of modern vaccines, the list of bacterial pathogens related to swine respiratory infections still include Mycoplasma hyopneumoniae, Actinobacillus pleuropneumoniae, Haemophilus parasuis and Pasteurella multocida. On the other hand, most commonly involved viral pathogens are Porcine Reproductive and Respiratory Syndrome Virus, Swine influenza virus, Porcine circovirus type 2 and Pseudorabies virus. The morphological features of pneumonia where several agents are involved, depend on the predominant etiological agent. Expanding knowledge of the main pathogens associated with swine respiratory diseases and the effects of their interactions on the disease outcome is important for further investigations of lung diseases and implementation of control strategies in commercial pig populations in Serbia. This review discusses the latest findings on swine respiratory disease and current trends in Serbian pig production

    Patohistološki i imunohistohemijski parametri značajni za prognozu i terapiju tumora pasa i mačaka

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    The development of tumours implies a disproportion between proliferation, growth and differentiation, which is accompanied by significant genotypic and phenotypic variations in the diseased. The scenario of multiple oncogenic effects on the inhibition of cell growth, apoptosis and maturation, on the stimulation of proliferation, on cell migration and tissue invasion, is responsible for the occurrence of tumours both in humans and in ani­mals. The qualitative and quantitative determination of biological prognostic factors in the tissue of affected cats and dogs directly indicates a possible tumour metastasizing, and consequently also the prognosis of neoplastic disease. Monitoring of clinical and biological prognostic factors is important for therapy and prediction of tumours in humans and animals. The determination of the proliferative potential of tumour cells by immunohistochemical detection of Ki-67 and PCNA is used in grading certain tumours in cats and dogs. It is also possible immunohistochemically to prove factors of angiogenesis and numerous activating and inhibiting proteins in the tumour tissue. In addition to other histological, clinical and biological parameters, they are significant for the further prognosis and therapy of neoplastic diseases.Razvoj tumora podrazumeva nesklad između proliferacije, rasta i diferencijacije, što je praćeno značajnim genotipskim i fenotipskim varijacijama kod obolele jedinke. Brojni onkogeni efekti inhibišu starenje ćelije, apoptozu i maturaciju, a stimulišu proliferaciju, ćelijsku migraciju i tkivnu invaziju kod ljudi i životinja. Kvalitativno i kvantitativno određivanje bioloških prognostičkih faktora u tkivu obolelih pasa i mačaka govori direktno o sposobnosti metastaziranja tumora, a time i o prognozi neoplastične bolesti. Praćenje kliničkih i bioloških prognostičkih faktora značajno je za terapiju i predikciju tumora kod ljudi i životinja. Određivanje proliferativnog potencijala tumorskih ćelija, imunohistohemijskom detekcijom Ki-67 i PCNA koristi se u gradiranju nekih tumora kod pasa i mačaka. Faktore angiogeneze i brojne aktivirajuće i inhibitorne proteine, moguće je takođe imunohistohemijski dokazati u tkivu tumora. Oni su uz ostale histološke, kliničke i biološke parametre značajni za dalju prognozu i terapiju neoplastičnih bolesti

    Prognostic markers significant for therapy of tumours in dogs

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    Višestruki onkogeni efekti utiču na inhibiciju maturacije ćelije, migraciju i tkivnu invaziju. Razvoj tumora podrazumeva nesklad između proliferacije, rasta i diferencijacije, što je praćeno značajnim genotipskim i fenotipskim varijacijama. Kvalitativno i kvantitativno određivanje bioloških prognostičkih faktora u tkivu govori o metastatskom potencijalu tumora i predikciji neoplastične bolesti. Faktore angiogeneze i brojne aktivirajuće i inhibitorne proteine moguće je imunohistohemijski dokazati u tkivu tumora, a imunofenotipizacija limfoma je nužna za izbor terapijskog protokola. Određivanje proliferativnog potencijala tumorskih ćelija imunohistohemijskom detekcijom PCNA, Ki-67, CD-117, CD45 koristi se u gradiranju mastocitoma. Sve je značajnija klinička korelacija rasta tumora sa ekspresijom različitih antigena na tumorskim ćelijama.The multiple oncogenic effects on the inhibition of cell maturation, on cell migration and tissue invasion, is responsible for the occurrence of tumours. The development of tumours implies a disproportion between proliferation, growth and differentiation, which is accompanied by significant genotypic and phenotypic variations in the diseased. The qualitative and quantitative determination of the biological prognostic factors in the tissue indicates possible tumour metastasizing, and consequently also the prognosis of the neoplastic disease. It is possible immunohistochemically to prove factors of angiogenesis and numerous activating and inhibiting proteins in the tumour tissue, which is also very important for properly choice of lymphoma therapy. The determination of the proliferative potential of tumour cells by immunohistochemical detection of PCNA, Ki-67, CD-117, CD 45, is used in grading of mast cell tumours. In addition to other histological, clinical and biological parameters, they are significant for the further prognosis and therapy of neoplasms

    The role of hepatic myofibroblasts in liver cirrhosis in fallow deer (Dama dama) naturally infected with giant liver fluke (Fascioloides magna)

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    Background: This paper describes liver cirrhosis in 35 fallow deer infected with the giant liver fluke, as well as the distribution, origin, and role of myofibroblasts in its development. Results: In liver of infected deer, stripes of connective tissue are wound around groups of degenerated and regenerated liver lobuli. In the connective tissue, lymphocytes and macrophages which often contain parasite hematin are also present. The walls of the bile ducts are thickened, the epithelium multiplied with mucous metaplasia, and desquamated cells, parasite eggs and brown pigment are present in their lumen. In the livers with cirrhosis, immunopositivity to alpha-SMA and desmin was observed in cells in portal and septal spaces, at the edge between fibrotic septa and the surrounding parenchyma and in perisinusoidal spaces. These cells vary in size, they are round, oval, spindle-shaped or irregular in shape, similar to vascular smooth muscle cells. The derangement of epithelial-mesenchymal interactions detected in chronic cholangiopathies is most probably the pro-fibrogenic mechanism in liver cirrhosis of fallow deer (Dama dama) infected with the giant liver fluke (Fascioloides magna). Conclusion: Myofibroblasts, especially hepatic stellate cells (HSCs), play an important role in the synthesis of extracellular matrix components in the development of parasitic fibrosis and cirrhosis in the liver of fallow deer

    Mastocitom unutar lipoma kod bele toj pudle

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    Uprkos činjenici da su mastocitomi jedna od najčešćih neoplazmi kod pasa, postoji samo jedan objavljeni slučaj mastocitoma u lipomu. U ovom slučaju, kod 11-godišnje ženke toj pudle primećeno je prisustvo dobro ograničene, pokretne, meko-elastične mase na lateralnoj strani grudnog koša. Histopatološki pregled je pokazao dobro ograničenu masu koja se sastojala od zrelih adipocita između kojih se nalaze skupine ćelija sa granuliranom citoplazmom. Bojenjem toluidin plavim je dokazano prisustvo metahromatskih granula u citoplazmi mastocita. Histopatološke i imunohistohemijske karakteristike ukazale su na to da je ispitani mastocitom niskog stepena maligniteta