37 research outputs found

    π+\pi^+ and π0\pi^0 Polarizabilities from {γγππ\gamma\gamma\rightarrow\pi\pi} Data on the Base of S-Matrix Approach

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    We suggest the most model-independent and simple description of the γγππ\gamma\gamma\rightarrow\pi\pi process near threshold in framework of S-matrix approach. The amplitudes contain the pion polarizabilities and rather restricted information about ππ\pi \pi interaction. Application of these formulae for description of MARK-II \cite{M2} and Crystal Ball \cite{CB} data gives: (αβ)C=(6.0±1.2)1042cm3(\alpha-\beta)^{C}=(6.0\pm 1.2)\cdot 10^{-42} {\rm cm}^{3}, (αβ)N=(1.4±2.1)1042cm3(\alpha-\beta)^{N}=(-1.4\pm 2.1)\cdot 10^{-42} cm^3 (in units system e2=4παe^2 = 4 \pi \alpha) at the experimental values of ππ\pi \pi scattering lengths. Both values are compartible with current algebra predictions.Comment: LaTeX, 14 pages plus 6 figures (not included, available upon request) , ISU-IAP.Th93-03, Irkuts


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    The article discusses results of the structural and functional analysis of molecular genetic abnormalities in various malignant tumors. Investigations have discovered more than 20 new markers for sporadic breast cancer. Several of them formed the test system, allowing the diagnosis with a specificity of 100%. Appearance of TMPRSS2/ERG4 chimeric gene is a frequent tumor-specific event, its expression is correlated with more aggressive forms of prostate cancer, may serve as a molecular marker for tumor cells and androgen assessment of tumor response to hormonal therapy. The effective systems for the early diagnosis of cervix and endometrium cancer were developed as well. Mutations in the VHL, deletions of chromosome 3 and methylation of several genes can predict the course and selection of effective therapy of clear cell kidney cancer. a number of molecular markers were identified for early diagnosis and prognosis of recurrence of bladder cancer. For diagnosis, prognosis and treatment of brain tumors we developed an effective complex system of markers. Protocol of molecular genetics investigation reveals the cause of the disease by more than 90% of patients with retinoblastoma. In order to study abnormal methylation in tumor genomes an innovative technology AFLOAT has been developed that allows to efficiently identify new markers with diagnostic value. Test systems of molecular genetic and epigenetic markers for early diagnosis and prognosis as well as for cancer therapy optimization have shown to be effective, have been approved for use in clinical practice and are being introduced into practical healthcare.Рассматриваются результаты структурно-функционального анализа молекулярно-генетических нарушений при различных злокачественных опухолях. Исследования позволили обнаружить более 20 новых маркеров для спорадического рака молочной железы, из которых сформированы тест-системы, позволяющие проводить диагностику со специфичностью 100%. Образование химерного гена TMPRSS2/ERG4 является частым опухоль-специфическим событием, его экспрессия коррелирует с более агрессивными формами рака предстательной железы может служить молекулярным маркером  андрогенчувствительности опухолевых клеток и оценки ответа опухоли на гормональную терапию. Разработаны эффективные системы для ранней диагностики рака шейки матки и эндометрия. Мутации гена VHL, делеции хромосомы 3 и метилирование ряда генов позволяет прогнозировать течение и подбор эффективной терапии светлоклеточного рака почки. Для ранней диагностики, прогноза течения и рецидивирования рака мочевого пузыря определен целый ряд молекулярных маркеров. Для диагностики, прогноза и лечения опухолей мозга разработана эффективная комплексная система маркеров. Протокол молекулярно-генетического  исследования позволяет обнаружить причину заболевания более чем у 90% пациентов с ретинобластомой.  Для исследования аномального метилирования в опухолевых геномах разработана инновационная технология AFLOAT, позволяющая эффективно выявлять новые маркеры, имеющие диагностическое значение. Тест-системы молекулярно-генетических и эпигенетических маркеров для ранней диагностики, прогноза течения и оптимизации терапии злокачественных новообразований показали свою эффективность, получили разрешение на использование в клинической практике и в настоящее время активно внедряются в практическое здравоохранение.

    QCD in the nuclear medium and effects due to Cherenkov gluons

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    The equations of in-medium gluodynamics are proposed. Their classical lowest order solution is explicitly shown for a color charge moving with constant speed. For nuclear permittivity larger than 1 it describes emission of Cherenkov gluons resembling results of classical electrodynamics. The values of the real and imaginary parts of the nuclear permittivity are obtained from the fits to experimental data on the double-humped structure around the away-side jet obtained at RHIC. The dispersion of the nuclear permittivity is predicted by comparing the RHIC, SPS and cosmic ray data. This is important for LHC experiments. Cherenkov gluons may be responsible for the asymmetry of dilepton mass spectra near rho-meson, observed in the SPS experiment with excess in the low-mass wing of the resonance. This feature is predicted to be common for all resonances. The "color rainbow" quantum effect might appear according to higher order terms of in-medium QCD if the nuclear permittivity depends on color.Comment: 29 p., 4 figs; for "Phys. Atom. Nucl." volume dedicated to 80th birthday of L.B. Okun; minor corrections on pp. 11 and 13 in v


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    Personal style of cognition (cognitive traction) and the level of involvement of the student (engagement) in the assessment and development of digital competencies of the teacher

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    The article presents the results of the intermediate stage of the research conducted within the framework of the project of the Russian Foundation for Basic Research No. 19-29-14030 ”Cognitive models and algorithms for the formation of digital competence of a teacher in the conditions of digitalization of general education”. The project is aimed at improving the effectiveness of the teacher’s activities in the context of digitalization of education by developing the digital competence of the teacher through the introduction of cognitive models and algorithms for evaluating the digital competencies of teachers and making decisions on the design or adjustment of professional development programs. The current state of the problem of professional and personal development of teachers in the context of digitalization of education, their digital competence, approaches to the identification of digital competencies and their assessment is studied, conceptual approaches to the identification of digital competencies of teachers are defined and the main indicators of their assessment are developed. At the second stage (2021), a structural model of the organization of professional development of teachers is being developed, taking into account the requirements of digitalization of general education on the basis of a competence-based approach. There is also the task of developing a cognitive model of the advanced training program (ATP), which allows us to take into account the strength of the links between the studied modules and digital competencies based on the application of an algorithm for assessing the significance of disciplines. The results of this work are proposed for discussion in this article

    Neutron, gamma and Roentgen fluorescent activation analysis of hair of children suffering from bronchial asthma

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    The aim of present study was the multiparametric study of dangerous microelements content in the hair of children under school and primary school age which included 12 children ill with bronchial asthma and 11 control group persons in the town of Troitsk, Moscow Region. The hair specimens with weight 15-220 mg were analysed with the application of epithermal neutron activation analysis conducted at experimental installation REGATA and neutron source-unique Pulsed Fast Reactor IBR-2, with the application of combined gamma-neutron irradiation at Microtron MT-25 and with Roentgen Fluorescence Analysis device of JINR. The data of elements content in hair were obtained with solid state track detectors and semiconductor electronic spectrometers. The solid state track detectors provide the determination of U, Th, Bi and Be elements at the level of sensitivity up to 10-8-10-9 g/g. These data were compared with more representative information about dangerous microelements concentration obtained with NAA and RFA analyses. The obtained concentrations of most elements vary in a wide range, but in agreement with the known data. The highest degree of element dispersion was observed for U, Th, Pb, I, Br, Sb, Co, K and Be (the radiation coefficient was higher than 100-200%). The presented analysis of results shows that in the clinical picture there is some proved correlation between an increased content of some element in hair and symptoms of their accumulation in the organism of ill children, the revelation of which is the basic idea of our examination. © 2001 Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved


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    Role of antioxidant therapy in patients with moderate and severe COVID-19

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    The coronavirus disease COVID-19 is characterized by high mortality and the lack of effective etiotropic therapy. Activation of oxidative stress may be one of the links in the pathogenesis of organ damage of this infection. Objective. To assess the ability of Mexidol® to influence the rate of clinical improvement in pneumonia caused by the SARSCoV- 2 virus in hospitalized patients with the novel coronavirus disease COVID-19 and concomitant discirculatory encephalopathy. 62 patients over the age of 18 years with confirmed new coronavirus disease COVID-19 according to computed tomography (CT) of the lungs (stages CT1, CT2, CT3) and PCR of a swab from the nasopharynx and oropharynx for SARS-CoV-2 virus RNA were included. After randomization patients of group 1 received an infusion of Mexidol® at a dose of 1000 mg/day, patients of group 2 – an infusion of isotonic sodium chloride solution for 7 days. Compared with the control group, the patients receiving Mexidol® therapy showed a significantly more pronounced decrease in body temperature, a tendency towards a decrease in the severity of shortness of breath. In the Mexidol® group, the concentration of superoxidedismutase did not change, while in the control group there was a tendency to its decrease, C-reactive protein decreased 2.2 times more than in the control group (p = 0.09). There was a tendency for a more rapid decrease in ferritin in the active intervention group. Mexidol® therapy can have a positive effect on the clinical manifestations and severity of laboratory-inflammatory syndrome in patients with the new coronavirus disease COVID-19. © 2021, Dynasty Publishing House. All rights reserved