10 research outputs found

    Excessive BMI is associated with higher C-peptide level at recognition but also with its greater loss in two years clinical observation in children with new onset type 1 diabetes

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    IntroductionThe prevalence of obesity in general pediatric population increases without sparing children with T1D. We intended to find factors associated with the possibility of preserving endogenous insulin secretion in individuals with long-standing T1D. At onset, higher BMI is associated with higher C-peptide level, which may indicate to be one of the favorable factors involved in preserving residual β-cell function. The study determines the influence of BMI on C-peptide secretion in children newly diagnosed with T1D in two years observation.MethodsWe assessed the possible relationship between selected pro- and anti-inflammatory cytokines, body mass at recognition and β-cell function status. 153 pediatric patients with newly diagnosed T1D were divided into quartiles according to BMI-SDS index. We separated a group consisted of patients with BMI-SDS >1. Participants were followed up for two years and examined for changes in body weight, HbA1c, and insulin requirement. C-peptide was assessed at baseline and after two years. We evaluated the patients’ levels of selected inflammatory cytokines at baseline.ResultsSubjects with higher BMI-SDS presented higher serum C-peptide levels and lower insulin requirements at diagnosis than children with lower body weight. The two-year follow-up showed that C-peptide levels of obese patients dropped more rapidly than in children with BMI-SDS within normal limits. The group with BMI-SDS >1 showed the greatest decrease in C-peptide level. Despite statistically insignificant differences in HbA1c at diagnosis between the study groups, in the fourth quartile and BMI-SDS >1 groups, HbA1c as well as insulin requirements increased after two years. The levels of cytokines varied the most between BMI-SDS <1 and BMI-SDS >1 groups and were significantly higher within BMI-SDS >1 group.DiscussionHigher BMI, associated with enhanced levels of inflammatory cytokines, relates to preservation of C-peptide at T1D recognition in children but is not beneficial in the long term. A decrease in C-peptide levels combined with an increase in insulin requirements and in HbA1c among patients with high BMI occur, which may indicate a negative effect of excessive body weight on the long term preservation of residual β-cell function. The process seems to be mediated by inflammatory cytokines

    The short-term and long-term effects of intranasal mesenchymal stem cell administration to noninflamed mice lung

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    Mesenchymal stem cells (mesenchymal stromal cells; MSC)-based therapies remain a promising approach to treat degenerative and inflammatory diseases. Their beneficial effects were confirmed in numerous experimental models and clinical trials. However, safety issues concerning MSCs’ stability and their long-term effects limit their implementation in clinical practice, including treatment of respiratory diseases such as asthma, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, and COVID-19. Here, we aimed to investigate the safety of intranasal application of human adipose tissue-derived MSCs in a preclinical experimental mice model and elucidate their effects on the lungs. We assessed short-term (two days) and long-term (nine days) effects of MSCs administration on lung morphology, immune responses, epithelial barrier function, and transcriptomic profiles. We observed an increased frequency of IFNγ- producing T cells and a decrease in occludin and claudin 3 as a long-term effect of MSCs administration. We also found changes in the lung transcriptomic profiles, reflecting redox imbalance and hypoxia signaling pathway. Additionally, we found dysregulation in genes clustered in pattern recognition receptors, macrophage activation, oxidative stress, and phagocytosis. Our results suggest that i.n. MSCs administration to noninflamed healthy lungs induces, in the late stages, low-grade inflammatory responses aiming at the clearance of MSCs graft

    Evaluating the Role of Circulating Dendritic Cells in Methimazole-Treated Pediatric Graves’ Disease Patients

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    Graves’ disease (GD) is hyperthyroidism associated with organ-specific autoimmune inflammation. GD occurs more frequently in adults than in children; however, pediatric patients are a therapeutic challenge due to cycles of remissions and relapses requiring constant monitoring at every stage of treatment administered. Dendritic cells (DCs) are considered to be a link between innate and adaptive immunity. DCs, as antigen-presenting cells (APCs), are involved in antigen presentation to T lymphocytes, thereby initiating a shift towards effector cells. In accordance, DCs also participate in the modulation of tolerance to specific antigens. To date, the data on DCs’ role in Graves’ pathological processes are scarce. Therefore, here, we evaluated the frequencies and role of circulating DCs in GD pediatric patients treated with methimazole. Flow cytometric analysis was implemented to evaluate three subsets of dendritic cells and their correlation with clinical GD-related parameters. We found significantly higher levels of DC subsets in patients at diagnosis. Furthermore, methimazole treatment seemed to effectively reduce subsets of DCs, which, in addition, were found to differentially correlate with thyroid function. Our study shed new light on DCs’ role in the pediatric GD pathomechanism. Further studies are required for the mechanistic assessment of DCs’ exact role in disease progression and influence on thyroid function

    The Phenotype of the Adipocytes Derived from Subcutaneous and Visceral ADMSCs Is Altered When They Originate from Morbidly Obese Women: Is There a Memory Effect?

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    Adipose tissue is an abundant source of mesenchymal stem cells (ADMSCs). Evidence has suggested that depot-specific ADMSCs (obtained from subcutaneous or visceral adipose tissue–subADMSCs or visADMSCs, respectively) account for differential responses of each depot to metabolic challenges. However, little is known about the phenotype and changes in metabolism of the adipocytes derived from ADMSCs of obese individuals. Therefore, we investigated the phenotypic and metabolic characteristics, particularly the lipid profile, of fully differentiated adipocytes derived from ADMSCs of lean and obese (with/without metabolic syndrome) postmenopausal women. We observed a depot-specific pattern, with more pronounced changes present in the adipocytes obtained from subADMSCs. Namely, chronic oversupply of fatty acids (present in morbid obesity) triggered an increase in CD36/SR-B2 and FATP4 protein content (total and cell surface), which translated to an increased LCFA influx (3H-palmitate uptake). This was associated with the accumulation of TAG and DAG in these cells. Furthermore, we observed that the adipocytes of visADMSCs origin were larger and showed smaller granularity than their counterparts of subADMSCs descent. Although ADMSCs were cultured in vitro, in a fatty acids-deprived environment, obesity significantly influenced the functionality of the progenitor adipocytes, suggesting the existence of a memory effect

    A Proliferation-Inducing Ligand and B-Cell Activating Factor Are Upregulated in Patients with Essential Thrombocythemia

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    A proliferation-inducing ligand (APRIL) and B-cell activating factor (BAFF) are cytokines belonging to the tumor necrosis factor family which play an essential role in B-cell maturation, differentiation, and survival. Recent evidence indicates their importance in hematological disorders; however, their function in essential thrombocytosis (ET) pathogenesis remains elusive. Therefore, we aimed to analyze the role of APRIL and BAFF in megakaryocytopoiesis in ET patients. We observed elevated levels of APRIL and BAFF in the plasma of ET patients compared with healthy controls, while no differences were found among patients with different JAK2(V617F) statuses. In addition, APRIL levels were positively associated with the number of platelets and WBC count. In the bone marrow, APRIL but not BAFF levels were higher in ET patients with the JAK2(V617F) mutation; however, JAK2(V617F)-negative patients showed slightly reduced levels of BAFF. In ET patients, we showed that the differentiation of CD34+ progenitor cells towards megakaryocytes induces the expression of both APRIL and BAFF. More importantly, APRIL neutralization significantly reduced platelet production. In conclusion, our data provide evidence that blocking APRIL signaling, which acts as an autocrine growth factor for terminal megakaryocytopoiesis, inhibits platelet production in ET patients, regardless of the status of JAK2(V617F) mutation

    Changes in the Concentrations of Proangiogenic Cytokines in Human Brain Glioma and Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia

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    Acute lymphoblastic leukemia (ALL) and glioma are some of the most common malignancies, with ALL most often affecting children and glioma affecting adult men. Proangiogenic cytokines and growth factors play an important role in the development of both of these tumors. Glioma is characterized by an extremely extensive network of blood vessels, which continues to expand mainly in the process of neoangiogenesis, the direct inducers of which are cytokines from the family of vascular endothelial growth factors, i.e., vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF-A) and its receptor vascular endothelial growth factor receptor 2 (VEGF-R2), as well as a cytokine from the fibroblast growth factor family, fibroblast growth factor 2 (FGF-2 or bFGF). Growth factors are known primarily for their involvement in the progression and development of solid tumors, but there is evidence that local bone marrow angiogenesis and increased blood vessel density are also present in hematological malignancies, including leukemias. The aim of this study was to examine changes in the concentrations of VEGF-A, VEGF-R2, and FGF-2 (with a molecular weight of 17 kDa) in a group of patients divided into specific grades of malignancy (glioma) and a control group; changes of VEGF-A and FGF-2 concentrations in childhood acute lymphoblastic leukemia and a control group; and to determine correlations between the individual proteins as well as the influence of the patient’s age, diet, and other conditions that may place the patient in the risk group. During the statistical analysis, significant differences in concentrations were found between the patient and control groups in samples from people with diagnosed glioma and from children with acute lymphoblastic leukemia, but in general, there are no significant differences in the concentrations of VEGF-A, VEGF-R2, and FGF-2 between different grades of glioma malignancy. Among individuals treated for glioma, there was no significant impact from the patient’s gender and age, consumption of food from plastic packaging, frequency of eating vegetables and fruit, smoking of tobacco products, the intensity of physical exercise, or the general condition of the body (Karnofsky score) on the concentrations of the determined cytokines and receptor. The listed factors do not bring about an actual increase in the risk of developing brain glioma

    Differential Response of MDA-MB-231 and MCF-7 Breast Cancer Cells to In Vitro Inhibition with CTLA-4 and PD-1 through Cancer-Immune Cells Modified Interactions

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    Drugs targeting immune checkpoint molecules have been found effective in melanoma, lung cancer, and other malignancies treatment. Recent studies on breast cancer demonstrated the significance of inhibitory anti-CTLA-4 and anti-PD-1 in the regulation of disease progression. However, seemingly the same types of breast cancer do not always respond unambiguously to immunotherapy. Thus, here we set out to analyze the in vitro effects of inhibiting CTLA-4 and PD-1 on interactions between co-cultured lymphocytes and two selected breast adenocarcinoma cell lines. Breast cancer cells were co-cultured with lymphocytes to evaluate the effects of CTLA-4 and PD-1 inhibition. Proliferation, cell cycle, and viability assessment were measured in cancer cells. IFN-gamma, IL-10, perforin, granzyme B production, and CTLA-4 and PD-1 expression were analyzed in lymphocytes. We found that administration of anti-CTLA-4 improved the anti-cancer activity of T cells with reduced proliferation and viability of MDA-MB-231. Lack of response was observed in the context of MCF-7. In addition, differential expression of checkpoint proteins was found between studied cancer cells lines. Inhibition of molecules was followed by IL-10 and IFN-gamma decrease in lymphocytes co-cultured with MDA-MB-231, not demonstrated in reference to MCF-7. Furthermore, CTLA-4 blockage was associated with reduction of CTLA-4+ and PD-1+ lymphocytes in MDA-MB-231, with a significant increase in MCF-7, reduced by anti-PD-1. Altogether, our study revealed that anti-CTLA-4 and anti-PD-1 treatment can improve lymphocytes effects on breast cancer cells. Favorable effects seemed to be related to breast cancer cells features as differential responses were reported. Novel blocking antibodies strategies should be tested for more effective cancer inhibition

    Abdominoplasty Skin-Based Dressing for Deep Wound Treatment—Evaluation of Different Methods of Preparation on Therapeutic Potential

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    The management of hard-to-heal wounds is a significant clinical challenge. Acellular dermal matrices (ADMs) have been successfully introduced to enhance the healing process. Here, we aimed to develop protocol for the preparation of novel ADMs from abdominoplasty skin. We used three different decellularization protocols for skin processing, namely, 1M NaCl and sodium dodecyl sulfate (SDS, in ADM1); 2M NaCl and sodium dodecyl sulfate (SDS, in ADM1); and a combination of recombinant trypsin and Triton X-100 (in hADM 3). We assessed the effectiveness of decellularization and ADM’s structure by using histochemical and immunochemical staining. In addition, we evaluated the therapeutic potential of novel ADMs in a murine model of wound healing. Furthermore, targeted transcriptomic profiling of genes associated with wound healing was performed. First, we found that all three proposed methods of decellularization effectively removed cellular components from abdominoplasty skin. We showed, however, significant differences in the presence of class I human leukocyte antigen (HLA class I ABC), Talin 1/2, and chondroitin sulfate proteoglycan (NG2). In addition, we found that protocols, when utilized differentially, influenced the preservation of types I, III, IV, and VII collagens. Finally, we showed that abdominoplasty skin-derived ADMs might serve as an effective and safe option for deep wound treatment. More importantly, our novel dressing (ADM1) improves the kinetics of wound closure and scar maturation in the proliferative and remodeling phases of wound healing. In conclusion, we developed a protocol for abdominoplasty skin decellularization suitable for the preparation of biological dressings. We showed that different decellularization methods affect the purity, structure, and therapeutic properties of ADMs

    DataSheet_1_The short-term and long-term effects of intranasal mesenchymal stem cell administration to noninflamed mice lung.pdf

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    Mesenchymal stem cells (mesenchymal stromal cells; MSC)-based therapies remain a promising approach to treat degenerative and inflammatory diseases. Their beneficial effects were confirmed in numerous experimental models and clinical trials. However, safety issues concerning MSCs’ stability and their long-term effects limit their implementation in clinical practice, including treatment of respiratory diseases such as asthma, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, and COVID-19. Here, we aimed to investigate the safety of intranasal application of human adipose tissue-derived MSCs in a preclinical experimental mice model and elucidate their effects on the lungs. We assessed short-term (two days) and long-term (nine days) effects of MSCs administration on lung morphology, immune responses, epithelial barrier function, and transcriptomic profiles. We observed an increased frequency of IFNγ- producing T cells and a decrease in occludin and claudin 3 as a long-term effect of MSCs administration. We also found changes in the lung transcriptomic profiles, reflecting redox imbalance and hypoxia signaling pathway. Additionally, we found dysregulation in genes clustered in pattern recognition receptors, macrophage activation, oxidative stress, and phagocytosis. Our results suggest that i.n. MSCs administration to noninflamed healthy lungs induces, in the late stages, low-grade inflammatory responses aiming at the clearance of MSCs graft.</p