17 research outputs found

    Regional Competitiveness Response to Innovation Changes: Issues of Evaluation

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    Our research addresses regional competitiveness as the function of innovation activity. We use 15 indicators to cluster the Russian regions in five different groups, and to propose and to estimate the composite competitiveness quotient of a region in order to further regress it by innovation activity indicators. We prove that different groups of regions - "potential competitiveness leaders", "traditional competitiveness factor employers", "competitiveness outsiders", "moderate competitiveness regions", "competitiveness leaders" - are prone to respond to innovation parameters change in a different manner, thus uniform regulation and strategies are irrelevant. We contribute to the methodology of regional competitiveness estimation by presenting a ready-to-deploy set of data structures and model propositions. Our measure of competitiveness is economy related and easily adjustable regarding the specific innovation phenomena that influence the corporate and aggregate performance, value or efficiency of regions

    Социальная ситуация в России в 2020 году: макроэкономические показатели, рынок труда и доходы населения

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    The work resulted in an analysis of the social situation in the Russian Federation in 2020. The object of the study was the population of the Russian Federation. In the course of the work, an assessment of the socio-economic situation of the population was carried out on the basis of a wide statistical spectrum of indicators affecting income and material situation of the population, the labor market, retail trade, consumer prices, etc. The basis for achieving the result was provided by continuous monitoring, covering operational statistical observation data. The estimates obtained are based on the results of monitoring carried out by the Institute for Social Analysis and Forecasting of the RANEPA since 2015

    A Model of Fuel and Energy Sector Contribution to Economic Growth

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    The study examined the impact of foreign direct investment (FDI) in the fuel and energy sector and related industries on economic growth in response to the debates on FDI's impact on economic growth being positive (government officials and policymakers) or negative (the World Bank, some researchers). The hypothesis that a significant relationship is present between the Russian Federation GDP and gross FDI in Fuel and Energy Sector (fuels and non-fuels fossils mining, coke and petrochemicals production, rubber and plastic production, and energy supply) is introduced and validated by using a regression model. The derived model tests changes of regression results patterns of the Russian GDP against FDI in energy-related industries in different periods 1998-2004 and 2010-2017. GDP is assessed in five different measures: current US dollars, international US dollars (purchasing power parity), growth rates of the former and the latter, and physical growth index. It was concluded that, to a greater extent, economic growth is influenced by foreign investment in energy supply and petrochemical production in the both periods. Increased investment in power generation also contributes to economic growth, while other constituents of the sector, including mining, have a statistically insignificant or even retarding effect on economic growth, thus evidencing in favor of the World Bank's criticism towards FDI. Policy implications of the findings prove the necessity to introduce structural changes intended to redirect capital flows from oil and gas to prevent from economic growth deterioration in the long-term perspective. Keywords: Economic growth; Foreign Direct Investment; Fuel and energy sector JEL Classifications: C3, O4, Q43 DOI: https://doi.org/10.32479/ijeep.784

    Civil Service, HR Potential, and Open Innovation

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    Countries strive to upgrade their civil service quality in many directions, thus responding to major contemporary challenges and following the trends of open innovation. The 2030 civil servant will require a wide set of soft and hard skills that are not common among the today’s public administrators but are attributable to young people. The following questions then arise: Will the demand for qualified civil servants be reduced because of optimization of public administration processes? How significant is the demand for young people by the civil service? Is civil service attractive as a vector of career development among young people? The research objective is to provide quantity estimates of the Russian civil service’s hiring potential and to match that potential with young people’s attitude towards public administration employment. Using the panel regression, regions that can expand the civil service staff were identified and the necessary preconditions and policies to take use of this potential were indicated. The main conclusion is that governments should maintain incentives to join the civil service and improve the image of civil service among the youth to make it an attractive employer

    The Market of E-Commerce and Payment Systems: Rapid Growth

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    Regulatory Models of the Railway Freight Transportation Market – World Experience and Russian Practice

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    The work resulted in an analysis of the social situation in the Russian Federation in 2020. The object of the study was the population of the Russian Federation. In the course of the work, an assessment of the socio-economic situation of the population was carried out on the basis of a statistical wide range of indicators affecting the income and material situation of the population, the labor market, retail trade, consumer prices, etc

    State and Prospects for Development of the Unified Information System for Managing the Staff of the State Civil Service of the Russian Federation

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    This study is devoted to the study, analysis of the practice of use, description of the state and development prospects of the federal state information system "Unified information system for managing the personnel of the state civil service of the Russian Federation", the development of proposals for improving the module "Professional development", the construction of a management algorithm for the Unified system in terms of professional development of state civil servants of the Russian Federation

    Cluster Development Based on Competitive Specialization of Regions

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    “Bottom-up” cluster identification, as opposed to “assigning” clusters by the fact of enterprises coexisting on a compact territory, is an important scientific and practical problem. Its solution may be found in a survey of regions’ competitive specialization in order to identify spatial clusters based on industries with high-level competitive potential. The data on gross regional product (GRP) and national gross value added across industries were an empirical basis of the study. This article explores the possibility to identify territorial clusters in a region where its competitive specialization meets the high competitive potential of an industry. Research methodology stands on regional and spatial economics theories, employs traditional economic instruments of results’ verification. To achieve the expected results we employed traditional instruments of verification, economic and statistical analysis as research methodology. Studying a wide range of literature sources have resulted into development of innovative industrial approach to cluster formation by identifying clustering priorities and industries’ integration potential. The approach is based on the assessment of regions’ industrial specialization that can measure industry’s contribution to regions competitiveness, as well as density of interregional competitive relations. Such assessment is useful in determining industries potentially attractive for clustering. These industries can generate positive effect from utilizing territory’s specialization. Obvious specialization will either indicate potential’s depletion or reveal vectors for developing the most competitive industries that actually create efficient clusters. This approach contributes sufficiently to the theory and methodology of cluster paradigm of social and economic development, as it allows identifying de-facto existing clusters instead of creating them artificially. The key principle of the method is prioritizing as a cluster an industry, which is characterized by maximum productivity in social and economic spheres. Considering the competition between regions and different levels of industry development, it is possible to identify perspective directions for advancing regions strategic competitiveness. Further research will be aimed at the method’s verification and expansion by analyzing prolonged retrospective of specific data, including the gravity components of the connectedness of regions economic space and network interactions effects between the participants of “artificial” and “natural” clusters in the Russian Federation