6 research outputs found

    Wp艂yw spalania r贸偶nych typ贸w w臋gla kamiennego na poziom emisji zanieczyszcze艅

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    Human-induced climate change is caused by the emission of pollutants into the environment. One of the sources of the formation of harmful compounds is the combustion of solid fuels in heating boilers. These contribute to the occurrence of respiratory and circulatory system diseases, allergies, cancer and developmental disorders in children. In this research, the concentrations of carbon monoxide, nitrogen oxides, sulfur dioxide and hydrocarbons in samples obtained from the combustion of hard coal intended for fuel in household furnaces were measured using an exhaust-gas analyzer equipped with electrochemical sensors. The combustion of test samples was performed using an up-draft research furnace. The results show that the average total concentration of the tested pollutants emitted from the combustion of type 32 and type 33 coal is over 20% lower compared to the emission from the combustion of type 31 coal. Moreover, the concentration of carbon monoxide, the permissible levels of which are regulated by the chimney emission standards, is significantly lower during the combustion of type 32 and type 33 coal compared to the combustion of type 31 coal. Therefore, one of the ways to locally reduce pollutant emission from the combustion of solid fuels in home heating boilers might be the accurate choice of the type of hard coal used for heating. Before the use of coal stoves in households is completely dismissed, local regulations can be introduced to limit emissions in places where air quality indicators are exceeded and improve the health of the population.Zmiany klimatyczne, do kt贸rych prowadzi dzia艂alno艣膰 cz艂owieka, s膮 wynikiem emisji zanieczyszcze艅 do 艣rodowiska. Jednym ze 藕r贸de艂 powstawania szkodliwych zwi膮zk贸w jest spalanie paliw sta艂ych w kot艂ach grzewczych. Przyczyniaj膮 si臋 one do wyst臋powania chor贸b uk艂adu oddechowego i kr膮偶enia, alergii, nowotwor贸w oraz zaburze艅 rozwojowych u dzieci. Przeprowadzono pomiary st臋偶e艅 tlenku w臋gla, tlenk贸w azotu, dwutlenku siarki oraz w臋glowodor贸w ze spalania pr贸bek w臋gla kamiennego przeznaczonego do opa艂u w piecach domowych z wykorzystaniem analizatora spalin wyposa偶onego w czujniki elektrochemiczne. Pr贸bki spalano w piecu badawczym g贸rnoci膮gowym. Wyniki bada艅 wskazuj膮, 偶e 艣rednie sumaryczne st臋偶enie badanych zanieczyszcze艅 emitowanych ze spalania w臋gla typu 32 oraz 33 jest o ponad 20% ni偶sze w por贸wnaniu z emisj膮 ze spalania w臋gla typu 31. Ponad to, poziom tlenku w臋gla, kt贸rego dopuszczalne st臋偶enie obj臋te jest normami emisji kominowych, podczas spalania w臋gla typu 32 oraz 33 wykaza艂 znacznie ni偶sze warto艣ci wzgl臋dem typu 31. Zatem, jednym ze sposob贸w lokalnego obni偶enia emisji zanieczyszcze艅 ze spalania paliw sta艂ych w przydomowych kot艂ach grzewczych mo偶e okaza膰 si臋 w艂a艣ciwy wyb贸r typu w臋gla kamiennego. Zanim nast膮pi ca艂kowite odej艣cie od stosowania piec贸w w臋glowych w gospodarstwach domowych, co przyniesie znaczn膮 popraw臋 stanu zdrowia ludzi w relatywnie kr贸tkim czasie, mo偶na wprowadzi膰 lokalne przepisy ograniczaj膮ce emisj臋 w miejscach, gdzie przekraczane s膮 wska藕niki jako艣ci powietrza

    Numerical optimization of the BAT-CELL Bio-Ambient-Tests method for engine exhausts toxicity evaluation

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    The BAT-CELL Bio-Ambient-Tests method is based on the assessment of the influence of the actual toxicity of various types of gas mixtures on living cells, taking into account the additive synergism. Work has been carried out on the application of the BAT-CELL method for testing engine exhaust gases. The application of computational fluid mechanics using Ansys Fluent made it possible to analyse the flow of engine exhaust gases through the aspiration system used, including analysis of shear stress values and their uniformity distribution on the bottom wall of the sampler containing cell culture on the bottom wall of the sampler. The appropriate flow rate of exhaust gases through the aspiration system and the shape of aspiration tubing for the sampler were selected in order to enable uniform contact of gas particles with the cell surface and not to damage them mechanically. The simulation results were verified in real-life tests and confirmed the theoretical assumptions

    Numerical optimization of the BAT-CELL Bio-Ambient-Tests method for engine exhausts toxicity evaluation

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    The BAT-CELL Bio-Ambient-Tests method is based on the assessment of the influence of the actual toxicity of various types of gas mixtures on living cells, taking into account the additive synergism. Work has been carried out on the application of the BAT-CELL method for testing engine exhaust gases. The application of computational fluid mechanics using Ansys Fluent made it possible to analyse the flow of engine exhaust gases through the aspiration system used, including analysis of shear stress values and their uniformity distribution on the bottom wall of the sampler containing cell culture on the bottom wall of the sampler. The appropriate flow rate of exhaust gases through the aspiration system and the shape of aspiration tubing for the sampler were selected in order to enable uniform contact of gas particles with the cell surface and not to damage them mechanically. The simulation results were verified in real-life tests and confirmed the theoretical assumptions

    Nowo艣ci w terapii niewydolno艣ci serca w 2022

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    Heart failure (HF) is referred to as a global pandemic because it affects approximately 26 million people worldwide. Its incidence is projected to increase even more due to the aging of the population. In these circumstances, it is particularly important to treat HF patients appropriately, to improve their quality of life and to reduce their mortality. This year's cardiological congress dispelled doubts and showed new directions in the HF treatment. The DELIVER study confirmed the efficacy of dapagliflozin in HF with preserved or mildly reduced ejection fraction. EMMY showed that empagliflozin introduced shortly after acute coronary syndrome lowered NT-proBNP levels and had a beneficial effect on functional and structural electrocardiography parameters without increasing the risk of side effects. In ADVOR, the addition of acetazolamide to loop diuretic therapy increased the rate of successful clearance of fluid congestion. TRANSFORM-HF proved that torasemide is not superior to furosemide and is just as effective. The IRONMAN study, although missing its primary endpoint, showed that intravenous iron therapy in patients with heart failure and anemia reduced the risk of hospitalization for heart failure.Niewydolno艣膰 serca (HF, heart failure) nie bez powodu jest okre艣lana 艣wiatow膮 pandemi膮, gdy偶 dotyczy oko艂o 26 milion贸w os贸b na 艣wiecie. Prognozuje si臋, 偶e jej cz臋sto艣膰 b臋dzie jeszcze wy偶sza z powodu starzenia si臋 spo艂ecze艅stw. Z tego powodu szczeg贸lne wa偶ne jest odpowiednie leczenie pacjent贸w z HF, kt贸re poprawia jako艣膰 ich 偶ycia i zmniejsza 艣miertelno艣膰. Tegoroczne kongresy kardiologiczne rozwia艂y szereg w膮tpliwo艣ci i pokaza艂y nowe kierunki w leczeniu tego schorzenia. Badanie DELIVER potwierdzi艂o skuteczno艣膰 dapagliflozyny w HF z zachowan膮 i 艂agodnie obni偶on膮 frakcj膮 wyrzutow膮, a badanie EMMY pokaza艂o, 偶e empagliflozyna wprowadzona kr贸tko po ostrym zespole wie艅cowym obni偶a poziom NT-proBNP i wp艂ywa korzystnie na funkcjonalne i strukturalne parametry echokardiograficzne, nie zwi臋kszaj膮c ryzyka dzia艂a艅 niepo偶膮danych. W badaniu ADVOR dodatek acetazolamidu do terapii diuretykami p臋tlowymi spowodowa艂 zwi臋kszenie cz臋sto艣ci efektywnego usuni臋cia retencji p艂yn贸w. Z kolei TRANSFORM-HF udowadnia艂, 偶e torasemid nie jest skuteczniejszy od furosemidu u pacjent贸w hospitalizowanych z powodu HF. IRONMAN, chocia偶 nie pozwoli艂 osi膮gn膮膰 pierwszorz臋dowego punktu ko艅cowego, to pokaza艂, 偶e do偶ylna terapia 偶elazem u pacjent贸w z niewydolno艣ci膮 serca i anemi膮 zmniejszy艂a ryzyko hospitalizacji z powodu niewydolno艣ci serca

    Assessment of the Actual Toxicity of Engine Exhaust Gas Emissions from Euro 3 and Euro 6 Compliant Vehicles with the BAT-CELL Method Using In Vitro Tests

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    Legal restrictions on vehicle engine exhaust gas emission control do not always go hand in hand with an actual reduction in the emissions of toxins into the atmosphere. Moreover, the methods currently used to measure exhaust gas emissions do not give unambiguous results on the impact of the tested gases on living organisms. The method used to assess the actual toxicity of gases, BAT-CELL Bio-Ambient-Tests using in vitro tests, takes into account synergistic interactions of individual components of a mixture of gases without the need to know its qualitative and quantitative composition and allows for determination of the actual toxicity of the gas composition. Using the BAT-CELL method, exhaust gases from passenger vehicles equipped with spark-ignition engines complying with the Euro 3 and Euro 6 emission standards were tested. The results of toxicological tests were correlated with the results of chromatographic analysis. It was shown that diverse qualitative composition of the mixture of hydrocarbons determining the exhaust gases toxicity may decrease the percentage value of cell survival. Additionally, it was proven that the average survival of cells after exposure to exhaust gases from tested vehicles meeting the more restrictive Euro 6 standard was lower than for vehicles meeting the Euro 3 standard thus indicating the higher toxicity of exhaust gases from newer vehicles