89 research outputs found

    Optimization of flotation assay conditions for syndapin binding to phosphatidic acid containing liposomes

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    Flotation is one of the best method for preliminary identification of protein-lipid interactions. In most widely used approach it utilizes large unilamellar vesicles, that are excellent models of freestanding membranes and do not require any additional components, like solid supports or beads that are needed in other methods commonly used for protein-lipid binding studies. Here we present results obtained during our studies on phosphatidic acid - syndapin interactions and discuss some technical aspects of this method underlying how relatively small changes in the conditions can influence the results

    Protein 4.1, a component of the erythrocyte membrane skeleton and its related homologue proteins forming the protein 4.1/FERM superfamily.

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    The review is focused on the domain structure and function of protein 4.1, one of the proteins belonging to the membrane skeleton. The protein 4.1 of the red blood cells (4.1R) is a multifunctional protein that localizes to the membrane skeleton and stabilizes erythrocyte shape and membrane mechanical properties, such as deformability and stability, via lateral interactions with spectrin, actin, glycophorin C and protein p55. Protein 4.1 binding is modulated through the action of kinases and/or calmodulin-Ca2+. Non-erythroid cells express the 4.1R homologues: 4.1G (general type), 4.1B (brain type), and 4.1N (neuron type), and the whole group belongs to the protein 4.1 superfamily, which is characterized by the presence of a highly conserved FERM domain at the N-terminus of the molecule. Proteins 4.1R, 4.1G, 4.1N and 4.1B are encoded by different genes. Most of the 4.1 superfamily proteins also contain an actin-binding domain. To date, more than 40 members have been identified. They can be divided into five groups: protein 4.1 molecules, ERM proteins, talin-related molecules, protein tyrosine phosphatase (PTPH) proteins and NBL4 proteins. We have focused our attention on the main, well known representatives of 4.1 superfamily and tried to choose the proteins which are close to 4.1R or which have distinct functions. 4.1 family proteins are not just linkers between the plasma membrane and membrane skeleton; they also play an important role in various processes. Some, such as focal adhesion kinase (FAK), non-receptor tyrosine kinase that localizes to focal adhesions in adherent cells, play the role in cell adhesion. The other members control or take part in tumor suppression, regulation of cell cycle progression, inhibition of cell proliferation, downstream signaling of the glutamate receptors, and establishment of cell polarity; some are also involved in cell proliferation, cell motility, and/or cell-to-cell communication

    Rafts - the current picture

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    Although evidences that cell membrane contains microdomains are accumulating, the exact properties, diversity and levels of organization of small lipid patches built mainly of cholesterol and sphingomyelin, termed rafts, remain to be elucidated. Our understanding of the cell membrane is increasing with each new raft feature discovered. Nowadays rafts are suggested to act as sites of cell signaling events, to be a part of protein sorting machinery but also they are used by several pathogens as gates into the cells. It is still unclear how rafts are connected to the membrane skeleton and cytoskeleton and with how many different types of rafts are we actually dealing with. This review summarizes some of the most recent discoveries trying to make a view of the complex raft properties

    The role of hydrophobic interactions in ankyrin–spectrin complex formation

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    AbstractSpectrin and ankyrin are the key components of the erythrocyte cytoskeleton. The recently published crystal structure of the spectrin–ankyrin complex has indicated that their binding involves complementary charge interactions as well as hydrophobic interactions. However, only the former is supported by biochemical evidence. We now show that nonpolar interactions are important for high affinity complex formation, excluding the possibility that the binding is exclusively mediated by association of distinctly charged surfaces. Along these lines we report that substitution of a single hydrophobic residue, F917S in ankyrin, disrupts the structure of the binding site and leads to complete loss of spectrin affinity. Finally, we present data showing that minimal ankyrin binding site in spectrin is formed by helix 14C together with the loop between helices 15 B/C

    PKC-θ is a negative regulator of TRAIL-induced and FADD-mediated apoptotic spectrin aggregation

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    Introduction. During studies on chemotherapy-induced apoptosis in lymphoid cells, we noted that aggregation of spectrin occurred early in apoptosis, i.e. before activation of initiator caspase(s) and prior to exposure of phosphatidylserine (PS). We also found that protein kinase C theta (PKC-θ) co-localized with spectrin in these aggregates. Our previously published studies indicated that in formation of early apoptotic spectrin aggregates, either PKC-θ or other apoptosis-related proteins are involved. Taking into consideration above data, we decided to test the effect of PKC-θ and Fas-associated death domain protein (FADD) on spectrin aggregation in these cells during tumor necrosis factor-related apoptosis-inducing ligand (TRAIL)-induced apoptosis. Material and methods. For PKC-θ gene (PRKCQ) or FADD gene expression silencing in Jurkat T cells we used lentiviral particles containing shRNA and scrambled shRNA, respectively. Spectrin aggregates were detected by Western blotting after Triton-X 100 extraction in pellet and soluble fractions or by confocal imaging. Results. TRAIL-induced apoptosis results in spectrin aggregation and leads to translocation and aggregation of PKC-θ. We found that phorbol-myristate acetate, a PKC activator and translocation inducer, has only a small effect on spectrin aggregation. To further confirm this, we have also shown that knock down of PRKCQ in Jurkat T cells accelerates the formation of TRAIL-induced spectrin aggregates. Transient overexpression of the β-spectrin C-terminal fragment, containing multiple S/T phosphorylation sites, potential substrate sites for PKC-θ, accelerated the formation of spectrin aggregates. Silencing of downstream TRAIL receptor effector gene, FADD, delayed aggregation of spectrin, but did not reduce PKC-θ localization to the plasma membrane. Conclusions. In summary, our results show for the first time involvement of spectrin aggregation in TRAIL receptor-FADD apoptotic pathway and indicate that TRAIL-induced spectrin aggregate formation is mediated by FADD and negatively regulated by PKC-θ

    MPP1-based mechanism of resting state raft organization in the plasma membrane. Is it a general or specialized mechanism in erythroid cells?

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    Biological membranes are organized in various microdomains, one of the best known being called membrane rafts. The major function of these is thought to organize signaling partners into functional complexes. An important protein found in membrane raft microdomains of erythroid and other blood cells is MPP1 (membrane palmitoylated protein 1)/p55. MPP1 (p55) belongs to the MAGUK (membrane-associated guanylate kinase homolog) family and it is a major target of palmitoylation in the red blood cells (RBCs) membrane. The well-known function of this protein is to participate in formation of the junctional complex of the erythrocyte mem­brane skeleton. However, its function as a “raft organizer” is not well understood. In this review we focus on recent reports concerning MPP1 participation in membrane rafts organization in erythroid cells, including its role in signal transduction. Currently it is not known whether MPP1 could have a similar role in cell types other than erythroid lineage. We present also preliminary data regarding the expression level of MPP1 gene in several non-erythroid cell lines

    Duplex sonography in erectile dysfunction diagnosis

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    Badanie doplerowskie prącia wprowadzili do praktyki medycznej Lue i wsp. w 1985 roku, dzięki odkryciu, że iniekcja dojamista papaweryny powoduje wzwód [1]. Za pomocą techniki doplerowskiej można zmierzyć przepływ krwi w tętnicach głębokich prącia po farmakologicznie wywołanym wzwodzie. Badanie powinno się przeprowadzać w komfortowych warunkach, zapewniających prywatność. Preparaty o działaniu wazodylatacyjnym stosuje się w iniekcji do ciał jamistych. Odpowiedź na środki farmakologiczne obserwuje się po podaniu 20–40 mg papaweryny lub 5–20 mg prostaglandyny E1 (PGE1). Papaweryna i PGE1 działają na tętnice głębokie prącia, rozkurczając mięśniówkę gładką naczyń. Aby uwidocznić tętnice głębokie penisa, ciała jamiste należy obrazować w przekrojach podłużnym i poprzecznym od podstawy po żołądź prącia. Analiza widma doplerowskiego w tych tętnicach umożliwia pomiar prędkości szczytowo-skurczowej (PSV, peak systolic velocity) oraz końcowo-rozkurczowej (EDV, end-diastolic velocity) oraz współczynnika oporności (RI, resistive index) określanego na podstawie wzoru RI = (PSV – EDV)/EDV. Prędkość szczytowo-skurczowa mierzona po iniekcji dojamistej preparatu o działaniu wazodylatacyjnym to najważniejszy parametr pozwalający rozpoznać impotencję o podłożu naczyniowym. Prędkość szczytowo-skurczowa o wartości niższej niż 25 cm/s wskazuje na utrudnienie w dopływie krwi do prącia. Wykluczenie patologii dopływu krwi do penisa sugeruje możliwość nadmiernego przecieku żylnego jako przyczyny zaburzeń wzwodu. Prędkość końcowo-rozkurczowa wyższa niż 7 cm/s jest typowa dla mężczyzn z zaburzeniami odpływu krwi z prącia. Istnieje również grupa pacjentów z mieszanym typem dysfunkcji wzwodu, charakteryzujących się współistnieniem utrudnień w dopływie krwi oraz nadmiernym przeciekiem żylnym.Duplex sonography of the penis was introduced to the medical practice by Lue et al. in 1985. It was possible after discovery that intracavernosal injection (ICI) of papaverine resulted in complete erection. The doppler technique measures velocity of blood flow in the cavernosal arteries during artificially inducted erection. The examination should be performed in comfortable conditions. The vasomotor agents are injected into the corpus cavernoosum. Adequate response is being observed after injecting 20-40 mg papaverine or 5-20 mg prostaglandin E1 (PGE1). Papaverine and PGE1 are potent smooth muscle relaxants that act directly on the deep penile arteries. To demonstrate deep penile arteries the corporal bodies should be scanned in the transverse and sagittal planes from base to the tip of the penis. Spectral analysis of doppler waveform in the cavernosal arteries enables measurement of peak systolic velocity (PSV), end-diastolic velocity (EDV) and resistive index (RI) calculated from the formula RI = (PSV - EDV)/EDV. PSV after ICI of vasodilatating agent is the most helpful parameter to evaluate arteriogenic impotence. The level of PSV in deep penile artery less than 25 cm/s is a strong evidence of arterial inflow disease. If arterial insufficientie is excluded, excessive venous leakage is the most probable source of erectile dysfunction. EDV exceeding 7 cm/s is characteristic for men with veno-occlusive disorders. There is also a group of patients with mixed type of ED with coegsisting arterial inflow insufficiency and excessive venous leakage

    Circadian Variations of Mean Arterial Pressure in Men After Day- and Night-Shift-Work

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    Wstęp Deprywacja snu wywołuje wzrost ciśnienia tętniczego u osób z nadciśnieniem. U osób pracujących w systemie zmianowym, częściej obserwuje się choroby układu sercowo-naczyniowego. Powstaje pytanie: które cechy osobnicze mogą sugerować gorszą tolerancję pracy nocnej, manifestującą się wzrostem ciśnienia tętniczego? Materiał i metody Badaniom poddano 50 mężczyzn pracujących w systemie zmianowym. Analizowano okołodobowy przebieg średniego ciśnienia tętniczego (MAP) po pracy dziennej i po pracy nocnej. Wśród badanych wyróżniono podgrupy, uwzględniając takie kryteria, jak: wiek, chronotyp biologiczny, otyłość i wskaźnik sercowo-oddechowy, czyli stosunek rytmu serca do częstości oddychania (HR/RF). Wyniki U osób w wieku 40–55 lat, otyłych, o chronotypie porannym, wskaźniku HF/RF > 4 stwierdzono znamienny wzrost ciśnienia tętniczego po przepracowanej nocy. Wniosek Współistnienie następujących cech: wiek > 40 lat, chronotyp poranny, otyłość, wskaźnik HR/RF > 4, można rozważać jako przeciwwskazanie do pracy zmianowej.Background In hypertensive patients sleep deprivation induced increase in blood pressure. Several data indicate an occurrence of cardiovascular diseases in shift workers. In this study we investigate characteristics, which suggest a worse adjustment to the night work, exhibited as an increase in blood pressure. Material and methods 50 healthy male shift-workers were included in the study. Mean arterial pressure (MAP) was analysed during 24 h after day shift and compared with the values of MAP after night shift. Aging, biological chronotype, obesity, the ratio of heart rate to respiratory frequency (HR/RF) were considered as a personal characteristics. Results Obese subjects aging 40–55 years old, morning chronotype, HR/RF > 4 showed significant increase in blood pressure after night work. Conclusion Aging, morning type of biological chronotype, obesity and value of the ratio HR/RF > 4 might be considered as a contraindications to the night work