9 research outputs found

    Requirements Management Methods During Project Implementation in Conditions of Uncertainty

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    The purpose of the article is to study the issue of application of software requirements management methods during project management under conditions of uncertainty. It has been established that the management of requirements under conditions of uncertainty should be considered as permanent processes of system management of requirements throughout all stages of the project life cycle, which involves activities aimed at maintaining, tracking and checking requirements from the moment of their formation to their implementation and beyond. Based on the results of the research, it was found that the most common requirements management methods are: flexible (Agile) approach; advanced requirements analysis; the "Gradual Disclosure" method; models of iterative and incremental development; the "Minimum Viable Product" method; "Just-in-Time" method etc. It has been established that the use of software requirements management methods becomes especially relevant in conditions of uncertainty, as these methods allow you to effectively deal with dynamic changes and ensure the flexibility of the project. It was found that requirements management should focus on the organization, communication and development of requirements, among which the following can be distinguished: change management, traceability of requirements, communication, version control of requirements documents, etc. It has been investigated that change management involves making corrections to specified requirements during project implementation, as well as assessing the impact of corrections, obtaining permission to modify and update the necessary documents. Traceability, in turn, means defining and maintaining traceable relationships between requirements and other project artifacts, such as project documentation, test cases, and code. Therefore, traceability makes it possible to guarantee that all requirements are taken into account and corrections can be traced throughout the development of the project. At that time, communication facilitates effective communication between project stakeholders regarding the requirement and involves the conversion of updates, resolution of problematic aspects, and facilitating that all members of the working group have a common understanding of the formulated requirements. Also, control over the versions of requirements documents in order to track corrections in time. The obtained results of the conducted research serve as a basis for further research in the part of more effective use of requirements management methods during the implementation of projects in conditions of uncertainty

    Prospects for the development of photovoltaics in Ukraine

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    PURPOSE: The study of the photovoltaic market in Ukraine and the determination of its development prospects during post-war reconstruction is the main goal of our research.DESIGN/METHODOLOGY/APPROACH: The article uses a review of the information available in the scientific literature and regulations, as well as on the Internet. The collected information was processed using statistical methods and SWOT analysis, which made it possible to identify the strengths and weaknesses of the Ukrainian photovoltaics market, while identifying opportunities and threats to its development.FINDINGS: In the post-war period we should expect a significant development of the photovoltaic market in Ukraine, since: geographical location of Ukraine is favorable, significant deposits of silicon are located on the territory of Ukraine; Ukraine has a strong scientific potential for the development of photovoltaic technologies. In addition, the restoration of cities and villages will need to be carried out according to the principle of a “smart” city (village), taking into account the principles of sustainable development, including the generation of energy from renewable energy sources.PRACTICAL IMPLICATIONS: The factors that influence the functioning of the Ukrainian photovoltaic market, which are external opportunities, and factors that negatively affect it, the impact of which should be eliminated or at least minimized, are identified. The advantages and disadvantages of investing in photovoltaics in Ukraine are substantiated.ORIGINALITY/VALUE: The research found that the entire territory of Ukraine is suitable for the development of heat and power supply systems using solar energy. The development of the photovoltaic market in Ukraine will contribute to the development of the silicon mining and processing industry, because Ukraine has silicon reserves both to meet its own needs and for export. The markets for related products will also develop. The development of photovoltaic technologies can also be a driving force for the development of electromobility, which in recent years has become a priority for the development of the automotive industry, especially in the EU. Ukraine also has the opportunity to use the infrastructure (one of the largest in Europe) of the gas transportation system and underground gas storage facilities to develop the photovoltaic market.peer-reviewe

    Wsparcie finansowe transformacji gospodarki w kierunku zrównoważonego rozwoju

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    Zagrożenia związane ze zmianą klimatu nabrały znaczenia w dziedzinie finansów w ostatnich latach, zwłaszcza od 2015 roku, kiedy podpisano Porozumienie paryskie i przyjętą przez ONZ Agendę 2030 na rzecz zrównoważonego rozwoju. Model zrównoważonego rozwoju wymaga uwzględnienia wszystkich aspektów życia, oszczędnego wykorzystania zasobów, ochrony środowiska oraz odpowiedzialnej produkcji i konsumpcji. Aby przyspieszyć jego wdrożenie w realia gospodarcze w największej liczbie krajów, w proces angażują się instytucje i organizacje międzynarodowe, tworząc wsparcie legislacyjno-finansowe. Celem artykułu jest identyfikacja i zestawienie zasad finansowania inwestycji zrównoważonych środowiskowo, na przykładzie inicjatyw i działań Banku Światowego oraz Unii Europejskiej. Do osiągnięcia postawionego celu zastosowano metodę analizy publikacji i dokumentów źródłowych oraz informacji dostępnych na stronach internetowych

    Identification of external risk factors: on the example of production of fertilisers based on digestate

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    In the era of renewable energy development, one of the most important problems is the utilisation of residues of production of the so-called clean energy. In the case of biogas plants, the problem is the utilisation of waste after the anaerobic methane fermentation process of the organic substrate. One of the ways to use it is to produce organic and mineral fertilisers. However, the fertiliser plant may be exposed to a number of threats that may prevent its functioning. To avoid this, the factors that carry the risk need to be identified. The purpose of the article is to identify external risk factors for a fertiliser plant based on digestate. The following types of risk were identified as a result of the research: risk of supplying fertiliser components of inadequate quality; risk of non-compliance with deadlines for the delivery of raw materials or their total absence; risk of the presence of eggs of parasites and pathogenic bacteria in fertiliser; price risk; cyclical risk; risk of competition; currency, credit and interest rate risk

    Modeling of Gas Flows in Underground Gas Storage Facilities

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    The object of this study is the underground gas storage facilities of Ukraine, with the aim of developing a systematic mathematical model to describe the flow of gas in complex underground gas storage systems. This model will enable to development of effective methods and algorithms for calculating the modes of operation of such systems. The proposed systematic mathematical model connects the model of the structure of underground gas storage in terms of graph theory with variable topology and various mathematical models of gas flows in facilities with concentrated and distributed parameters. We set the models of gas flows in UGS facilities in the form of analytical relations, differential equations and algorithmically described systems. In order to automate the process of model construction (for given boundary conditions), we developed a system of formation, analysis and synthesis of graphs for underground gas storage facilities, as well as a set of information and mathematical models of facilities

    Underground Gas Storage Facilities in Ukraine: Current State and Future Prospects

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    The article considers the system of underground gas storage in Ukraine, the history of its development, the characteristics of regional gas storage complexes, and the current state and role of the gas group enterprises in the domestic gas market. The study also proves the significant role of Ukrainian UGS facilities in ensuring the energy security of Europe. However, their position in the European gas market depends significantly not only on the demand for gas storage services from foreign companies but also on the awareness at the state level of the importance of collective energy security manifested in energy policy regulations. To process forecasts for the development of the European gas market, an assessment of the environment of the gas storage operator of Ukraine was carried out using PESTEL and SWOT analysis. As a result, pessimistic, realistic, and optimistic scenarios for using underground gas storage facilities in Ukraine have been formed

    Modeling of Gas Flows in Underground Gas Storage Facilities

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    The object of this study is the underground gas storage facilities of Ukraine, with the aim of developing a systematic mathematical model to describe the flow of gas in complex underground gas storage systems. This model will enable to development of effective methods and algorithms for calculating the modes of operation of such systems. The proposed systematic mathematical model connects the model of the structure of underground gas storage in terms of graph theory with variable topology and various mathematical models of gas flows in facilities with concentrated and distributed parameters. We set the models of gas flows in UGS facilities in the form of analytical relations, differential equations and algorithmically described systems. In order to automate the process of model construction (for given boundary conditions), we developed a system of formation, analysis and synthesis of graphs for underground gas storage facilities, as well as a set of information and mathematical models of facilities

    Production of agricultural biogas from waste – an element of socially responsible actions in the food sector

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    The agricultural and food sector accounts for substantial volumes of organic waste (such as livestock excreta, meat offals) considered as onerous on the environment. The above decomposes formulating methane, carbon dioxide and hydrogen sulphide in anaerobic conditions. Methane produced in digester chambers of a biomass plant (called biogas) may be applied for the production of electricity and heat, powering of vehicles as well as injections into gas networks. Biogas is one of the renewable sources of energy. In the light of the EU's sustainable development and climate neutrality policies, increasing the share of renewable sources in overall energy consumption is a priority for the Member States. For this reason, the article examines one of the renewable energy sectors in Poland, which is agricultural biogas production. The main attention was focused on agricultural biogas plants. Most often used substrates for biogas production, the dependence of biogas plant location on the population living in particular regions (voivodships) and the development of agriculture in their territories were analysed. The main purpose of the article was to indicate the reasons for the failure of the agricultural biogas plant construction program in Poland. Literature and document analysis were performed, interviews with waste producers as well as owners of agricultural biogas plants were carried out, and SWOT analysis was prepared

    Underground Gas Storage Facilities in Ukraine: Current State and Future Prospects

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    The article considers the system of underground gas storage in Ukraine, the history of its development, the characteristics of regional gas storage complexes, and the current state and role of the gas group enterprises in the domestic gas market. The study also proves the significant role of Ukrainian UGS facilities in ensuring the energy security of Europe. However, their position in the European gas market depends significantly not only on the demand for gas storage services from foreign companies but also on the awareness at the state level of the importance of collective energy security manifested in energy policy regulations. To process forecasts for the development of the European gas market, an assessment of the environment of the gas storage operator of Ukraine was carried out using PESTEL and SWOT analysis. As a result, pessimistic, realistic, and optimistic scenarios for using underground gas storage facilities in Ukraine have been formed