26 research outputs found

    Полісимволічність назви квітки "троянда" як реалізація її кумулятивного фонду (на матеріалі української, англійської та французької мов)

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    The article focuses on the research of “polysymbolicity” (polysymvolichnist) flower names”rose” in Ukrainian, English and French. A lot of symbolic meanings of flower names are specific, this being caused by the world perception differences reflected in the languages of the peoples. At this some shades of meanings may be realized in the phytonyms of one language but absent in another language. When you are citing the document, use the following link http://essuir.sumdu.edu.ua/handle/123456789/133

    Choix de la methode de traitement gears-broyage

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    Depuis les engrenages sont utilisés dans pratiquement tous les appareils et machines mécaniques modernes, le traitement de précision est très importante. Le profil plus précis est fait d'une dent d'engrenage - plus le rendement de l'appareil dans lequel il fonctionne (par exemple, moins de bruit, aucune vibration). When you are citing the document, use the following link http://essuir.sumdu.edu.ua/handle/123456789/3392

    Market research tools industry

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    For efficient operation of the industry is to explore the major features of the market tool industry. When you are citing the document, use the following link http://essuir.sumdu.edu.ua/handle/123456789/3114

    Парадигматика фразеологічних одиниць із компонентом "назва квітки" у різносистемних мовах

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    У монографічному дослідженні висвітлено питання вивчення парадиг-матики фразеологічних одиниць (ФО) із компонентом "назва квітки" у різносистемних мовах. Цю працю виконано на належному науковому рівні з коректним застосуванням теоретико-методологічного апарату і з використанням надійної фактологічної бази, наслідком чого є достовірність отриманих результатів зроблених авторкою спостережень і висновків. Це зумовлює наукову, зокрема теоретико-лінгвістичну та прикладну, значущість матеріалів цього дослідження. Монографія повинна викликати інтерес у науковців, викладачів і сту-дентів, що готуються до педагогічної діяльності у вищій школі

    Formation communicative dans les domaines de professionnel

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    Le but de la discipline est formation communicative nécessaire capacités dans les domaines de professionnel et de la situation communiquer oralement et par compétences en écriture des connaissances pratiques de l'étranger fondation dans des langues différentes de types d'activité de parole dans la quantité de matières que la maîtrise de la dernière information professionnelle par des sources de l'étranger. Discipline de la tâche est de former , développer et améliorer des types différents d'activité de la parole , l'écoute , lire, écrire et traduction. When you are citing the document, use the following link http://essuir.sumdu.edu.ua/handle/123456789/3466

    The relationship between lipid metabolism and the level of albuminuria with single nucleotide polymorphism - 204a>c [rs 3808607] cyp7a1 gene in patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus and diabetic nephropathy

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    The purpose of our study was to determine the features of diabetic nephropathy, to identify the relationship between the level of albumin excretion, urine and lipid profile, genotype variants of the CYP7A1 gene in people with type 2 diabetes and diabetic nephropathy. Material and methods. Patients were divided into three groups. Normoalbinuria was detected in group I, and II - microalbuminuria, and III - macroalbuminuria. Determination of albumin to creatinine ratio was more accurate, although more expensive method. We examined single nucleotide polymorphism -204A> C [rs 3808607] of the promoter region of the CYP7A1 gene. Results. It was established that homozygotes by the major allele with genotype AA had lower values of albuminuria, atherogenic lipoproteins, total cholesterol, triglycerides and higher levels of anti- atherogenic lipoproteins than patients with AС and СС genotypes. Conclusion. The СС genotype was most unfavorable in the prognostic plan, since homozygotes for this minor allele were characterized by higher values of albuminuria, total cholesterol, triglycerides, and lower values of high-density lipoprotein

    Optimization of the treatment of rotavirus infection in children by using bacillus clausii

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    Rotavirus infection is a leading place in the structure of acute intestinal infections in children. Rotavirus is excreted in 4 0-60 % of children hospitalized with gastroenteritis all over the world. Every year, 2 million patients are hospitalized with a severe form of RVI, 25 million need medical help from a doctor and 111 million cases are treated at home. The purpose of our study was to optimize the treatment of rotavirus infection in children by using Bacillus clausii. There were 65 children with a rotavirus infection under supervision. The control group was consisted of 28 practically healthy children. The study of humoral immunity was carried out on the basis of determining the serum content of immunoglobulin G, immunoglobulin M, immunoglobulin A, and secretory immunoglobulin A in coprofiltrate. In the process of treatment, the children were divided into two groups: the first received standard treatment, the second group were added to standard treatment with a probiotic drug (Bacillus clausii). In children with RVI with modified treatment main symptoms were reduced compared with the children receiving standard treatment, (p <0.001). In patients with rotavirus infection in the acute period of the disease, a decrease in the concentration of IgA (p < 0.001) and an increase in IgM (p < 0.001) in serum and a decrease in sIgA (p < 0.001) in coprofiltrate was observed in comparison with children in control group. In the period of reconvalescence in children after the traditional treatment, it wasn't revealed normalization of the immunoglobulins. Patients receiving a probiotic drug in addition to traditional treatment it was revealed normalization of the parameters of serum immunoglobulins A, M, G and sIgA in coprofiltrate. So, the probiotic drug containing Bacillus clausii has a positive effect on the humoral immune system in children with rotavirus infection