327 research outputs found

    Materials with Memory Shape Effect. Heating Speed – Response Speed

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    The material with memory of shape – nitinol – is used in technique as an actuator in various devices of deforming, testing as well as in servo mechanisms. An important characteristic of such actuators is the rate of development of stresses. As a rule, the rod constructions are used in these actuators as power elements. But their use has limitations associated with the need to ensure rapid and uniform over the cross sectionheating them as well as with difficulties of methodological nature to create “shape memory”. The paper proposes multilink constructions of actuators consisting of several “thin” power elements. Deformation-force characteristics and the dependence of the rate of increase of load from the rate of heating are considered. Main advantages of such actuators were defined

    Legal protection of the rights of the child as part of the process of parental divorcing: psychological aspects

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    Legal protection of the interests of the child in the process of parental divorcing includes resolution to some internal conflicts, when parents are not able to come to a common agreement and maintain a favorable psychological atmosphere for their child. The problems of psychological and legal protection of children attract scientific interest, since the state guarantees the implementation of the property rights of children, but the issues of emotional and psychological support do not receive due attention. The study uses general scientific methods of empirical and theoretical analysis (synthesis and generalisation, description and assessment), specific and practical methods (comparison of current data, description of results, prediction method and practical modelling). To summarize the conclusions, results processing methods are used, as well as specialized methods of structural and functional analysis. Parental divorcing means a crisis of legal, moral, and psychological stability for the child. Therefore, it is necessary to determine the ways of legal protection and psychological support for the child in the divorce process. Analysing modern researches, regulatory documents, and international standards for supporting family values and protecting the interests of the child, the question that arises is relevant to the practical implementation of mediation services aimed at identifying the optimal system for parental. Authority regulation and educational development, as well as personal support for the child during the parental divorce. Research reveals the imperfection of the legal and judicial system aimed at identifying particular ways of psychological and legal protection of the child. The theoretical significance of the study deals with the discovery of the connection between psychological and legal problems related to child support. The practical importance of the work is to peacefully resolve divorce conflicts

    Implicit knowledge as a factor of sustainable competitiveness for organizations

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    Explicit and implicit knowledge as factors of competitiveness of organizations is considered in the article. It is concluded that in recent years, under the influence of accelerating the exchange of information, implicit knowledge becomes a relatively more significant factor of competitiveness. Among this implicit knowledge are individual skills and competence of teamwork, corporate culture. Competitiveness of an organization means achieving superiority over other organizations, while the results of its activities are better than those of competitors. A distinctive feature of implicit knowledge is that it cannot be transferred on any medium, it cannot be codified, and it is not transmitted in the form of information. It is formed in the process of obtaining personal and collective experience and is shared with the help of relatively long training and education. Its use makes it possible to create long-term sustainable competitive advantages that are difficult and sometimes impossible to transfer to another organization

    Legislation on the Status of Parliamentarians of CIS Countries: Prospects for Improvement

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    The author has attempted to investigate the regulation through constitutional norms of the status of a parliamentarian in member states of the Commonwealth of Independent States. In this paper, the concepts of “deputy” and “parliamentarian” are inherent in various constitutional systems. The study of the properties of “free”, “imperative”, “party”, “professional” mandates of parliamentarians (deputies); grounds for early termination of parliamentary powers. An optimal, in the author’s opinion, model of a document establishing the foundations of the legal status of a member of the CIS member state (Member of Parliament (chamber of parliament), member of chamber of parliament) is proposed

    Abnormal Situations in the Activities of the Precinct Election Commission

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    The article discusses the actions of the participants of the electoral process that are analyzed after each election campaign. These actions affect (or may affect ) the results of voting in varying degrees and identification of results of elections

    Features of the Principle of Universal Suffrage and for Mass Political Participation of Citizens: Foreign Experience

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    The article is devoted to the implementation of the principle of universal suffrage, qualification limiting the implementation of the principle of universality, lessons learned in the implementation of the principle of developed and developing countries, as well as a variety of policy research to improve the electoral activity of citizens and, accordingly, to involve society in the management process

    On a Question of the Bases of Occurrence of Constitutional and Legal Responsibility for the Election Legislation Violation in the Russian Federation

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    The author of the article is considering the question of constitutional responsibility for violation of the electoral law of the Russian Federation. The author notes that this type of responsibility currently develops at the rapid pace and that the constitutional responsibility for violation of the electoral law is a type of constitutional liability arising within the constitutional regulation

    The Electoral Standards of the Commonwealth of Independent States

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    The article deals with electoral standards of the Commonwealth of Independent States, established by the Convention on the Standards of Democratic Elections, Electoral Rights and Freedoms in the states - members of the Commonwealth of Independent States; It noted the relationship of the principles of electoral law and legal election standards; presented legal electoral standards, ensuring a uniform understanding and application of the principles of universal, equal and direct suffrage, as well as the principles of obligation and periodicity of elections. The peculiarities of the legal regulation of the principle of universal suffrage in the constitutions of states - participants of the Commonwealth of Independent States
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