397 research outputs found

    Changes in the heart rate variability in patients with obstructive sleep apnea and its response to acute CPAP treatment

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    Obstructive Sleep Apnea (OSA) is a major risk factor for cardiovascular disease. The goal of this study was to demonstrate whether the use of CPAP produces significant changes in the heart rate or in the heart rate variability of patients with OSA in the first night of treatment and whether gender and obesity play a role in these differences. METHODS: Single-center transversal study including patients with severe OSA corrected with CPAP. Only patients with total correction after CPAP were included. Patients underwent two sleep studies on consecutive nights: the first night a basal study, and the second with CPAP. We also analyzed the heart rate changes and their relationship with CPAP treatment, sleep stages, sex and body mass index. Twenty-minute segments of the ECG were selected from the sleep periods of REM, no-REM and awake. Heart rate (HR) and heart rate variability (HRV) were studied by comparing the R-R interval in the different conditions. We also compared samples from the basal study and CPAP nights. RESULTS: 39 patients (15 females, 24 males) were studied. The mean age was 50.67 years old, the mean AHI was 48.54, and mean body mass index was 33.41 kg/m(2) (31.83 males, 35.95 females). Our results showed that HRV (SDNN) decreased after the use of CPAP during the first night of treatment, especially in non-REM sleep. Gender and obesity did not have any influence on our results. CONCLUSIONS: These findings support that cardiac variability improves as an acute effect, independently of gender or weight, in the first night of CPAP use in severe OSA patients, supporting the idea of continuous use and emphasizing that noncompliance of CPAP treatment should be avoided even if it is just once

    Involvement of the subthalamic nucleus in impulse control disorders associated with Parkinson’s disease

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    Behavioural abnormalities such as impulse control disorders may develop when patients with Parkinson’s disease receive dopaminergic therapy, although they can be controlled by deep brain stimulation of the subthalamic nucleus. We have recorded local field potentials in the subthalamic nucleus of 28 patients with surgically implanted subthalamic electrodes. According to the predominant clinical features of each patient, their Parkinson’s disease was associated with impulse control disorders (n = 10), dyskinesias (n = 9) or no dopaminergic mediated motor or behavioural complications (n = 9). Recordings were obtained during the OFF and ON dopaminergic states and the power spectrum of the subthalamic activity as well as the subthalamocortical coherence were analysed using Fourier transform-based techniques. The position of each electrode contact was determined in the postoperative magnetic resonance image to define the topography of the oscillatory activity recorded in each patient. In the OFF state, the three groups of patients had similar oscillatory activity. By contrast, in the ON state, the patients with impulse control disorders displayed theta-alpha (4–10 Hz) activity (mean peak: 6.71 Hz) that was generated 2–8mm below the intercommissural line. Similarly, the patients with dyskinesia showed theta-alpha activity that peaked at a higher frequency (mean: 8.38 Hz) and was generated 0–2mm below the intercommissural line. No such activity was detected in patients that displayed no dopaminergic side effects. Cortico-subthalamic coherence was more frequent in the impulsive patients in the 4–7.5 Hz range in scalp electrodes placed on the frontal regions anterior to the primary motor cortex, while in patients with dyskinesia it was in the 7.5–10 Hz range in the leads overlying the primary motor and supplementary motor area. Thus, dopaminergic side effects in Parkinson’s disease are associated with oscillatory activity in the theta-alpha band, but at different frequencies and with different topography for the motor (dyskinesias) and behavioural (abnormal impulsivity) manifestations. These findings suggest that the activity recorded in parkinsonian patients with impulse control disorders stems from the associative-limbic area (ventral subthalamic area), which is coherent with premotor frontal cortical activity. Conversely, in patients with L-dopa-induced dyskinesias such activity is recorded in the motor area (dorsal subthalamic area) and it is coherent with cortical motor activity. Consequently, the subthalamic nucleus appears to be implicated in the motor and behavioural complications associated with dopaminergic drugs in Parkinson’s disease, specifically engaging different anatomo-functional territories

    Linking Two Immuno-Suppressive Molecules: Indoleamine 2,3 Dioxygenase Can Modify HLA-G Cell-Surface Expression1

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    Nonclassical human leukocyte antigen (HLA) class I molecule HLA-G and indoleamine 2,3 dioxygenase (INDO) in humans and mice, respectively, have been shown to play crucial immunosuppressive roles in fetal-maternal tolerance. HLA-G inhibits natural killer and T cell function by high-affinity interaction with inhibitory receptors, and INDO acts by depleting the surrounding microenvironment of the essential amino acid tryptophan, thus inhibiting T cell proliferation. We investigated whether HLA-G expression and INDO function were linked. Working with antigen-presenting cell (APC) lines and monocytes, we found that functional inhibition of INDO by 1-methyl-tryptophan induced cell surface expression of HLA-G1 by HLA-G1- negative APCs that were originally cell-surface negative, and that in reverse, the functional boost of INDO by high concentrations of tryptophan induced a complete loss of HLA-G1 cell surface expression by APCs that were originally cell-surface HLA-G1-positive. This mechanism was shown to be posttranslational because HLA-G protein cell contents remained unaffected by the treatments used. Furthermore, HLA-G cell surface expression regulation by INDO seems to relate to INDO function, but not to tryptophan catabolism itself. Potentia

    Baterias para una movilidad sostenible: avances, retos y perspectiva

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    La aplicación de baterías acopladas a sistemas de conversión de energía renovable en las ciudades ayudará en gran medida a superar algunos de los retos tecnológicos para la electrificación de la red y el transporte, como la difícil accesibilidad a puntos de carga, y de coste, mejorando sus capacidades técnicas y haciendo que el sistema energético a nivel global sea más sostenible. Además, su aplicación tendrá un efecto inmediato en la salud de los ciudadanos debido a la disminución de las emisiones de gases de efecto invernadero a la atmósfera, así como otros contaminantes. A continuación, presentamos una revisión de los esfuerzos recientes para desarrollar nuevas tecnologías avanzados para las futuras baterías sostenibles. También destacaremos las estrategias actuales de reciclado de baterías que se aplican hacia un futuro con cero emisiones de carbono y basado en el concepto de economía circular. The application of batteries coupled to renewable energy conversion systems in cities will greatly help to overcome some of the technological challenges for grid electrification and transport, such as difficult accessibility to charging points, and cost, by improving their technical capabilities and making the energy system globally more sustainable. Furthermore, its implementation will have an immediate effect on citizens'' health due to the reduction of greenhouse gas emissions into the atmosphere, as well as other pollutants. Below is a review of recent efforts to develop new advanced technologies for future sustainable batteries. We will also highlight current battery recycling strategies that are being implemented towards a zero-carbon future based on the concept of the circular economy

    Delta-mediated cross-frequency coupling organizes oscillatory activity across the rat cortico-basal ganglia network

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    The brain's ability to integrate different behavioral and cognitive processes relies on its capacity to generate neural oscillations in a cooperative and coordinated manner. Cross-frequency coupling (CFC) has recently been proposed as one of the mechanisms involved in organizing brain activity. Here we investigated the phase-to-amplitude CFC (PA-CFC) patterns of the oscillatory activity in the cortico-basal ganglia network of healthy, freely moving rats. Within-structure analysis detected consistent PA-CFC patterns in the four regions analyzed, with the phase of delta waves modulating the amplitude of activity in the gamma (low-gamma ~50 Hz; high-gamma ~80 Hz) and high frequency ranges (high frequency oscillations HFO, ~150 Hz). Between-structure analysis revealed that the phase of delta waves parses the occurrence of transient episodes of coherence in the gamma and high frequency bands across the entire network, providing temporal windows of coherence between different structures. Significantly, this specific spatio-temporal organization was affected by the action of dopaminergic drugs. Taken together, our findings suggest that delta-mediated PA-CFC plays a key role in the organization of local and distant activities in the rat cortico-basal ganglia network by fine-tuning the timing of synchronization events across different structures. KEYWORDS: cortico-basal ganglia network; cross-frequency coupling; dopaminergic system; local field potentials; nested interactions; nested oscillations; oscillatory activit

    Increased sympathetic and decreased parasympathetic cardiac tone in patients with sleep related alveolar hypoventilation

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    Patients with SRAH exhibited an abnormal cardiac tone during sleep. This fact appears to be related to the severity of nocturnal oxygen desaturation. Moreover, there were no differences between OSA and SRAH, supporting the hypothesis that autonomic changes in OSA are primarily related to a reduced nocturnal oxygen saturation, rather than a consequence of other factors such as nocturnal respiratory event

    Ketamine-induced oscillations in the motor circuit of the rat basal ganglia

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    Oscillatory activity can be widely recorded in the cortex and basal ganglia. This activity may play a role not only in the physiology of movement, perception and cognition, but also in the pathophysiology of psychiatric and neurological diseases like schizophrenia or Parkinson's disease. Ketamine administration has been shown to cause an increase in gamma activity in cortical and subcortical structures, and an increase in 150 Hz oscillations in the nucleus accumbens in healthy rats, together with hyperlocomotion.We recorded local field potentials from motor cortex, caudate-putamen (CPU), substantia nigra pars reticulata (SNr) and subthalamic nucleus (STN) in 20 awake rats before and after the administration of ketamine at three different subanesthetic doses (10, 25 and 50 mg/Kg), and saline as control condition. Motor behavior was semiautomatically quantified by custom-made software specifically developed for this setting.Ketamine induced coherent oscillations in low gamma (~ 50 Hz), high gamma (~ 80 Hz) and high frequency (HFO, ~ 150 Hz) bands, with different behavior in the four structures studied. While oscillatory activity at these three peaks was widespread across all structures, interactions showed a different pattern for each frequency band. Imaginary coherence at 150 Hz was maximum between motor cortex and the different basal ganglia nuclei, while low gamma coherence connected motor cortex with CPU and high gamma coherence was more constrained to the basal ganglia nuclei. Power at three bands correlated with the motor activity of the animal, but only coherence values in the HFO and high gamma range correlated with movement. Interactions in the low gamma band did not show a direct relationship to movement.These results suggest that the motor effects of ketamine administration may be primarily mediated by the induction of coherent widespread high-frequency activity in the motor circuit of the basal ganglia, together with a frequency-specific pattern of connectivity among the structures analyzed

    The Effect of the Stretch-Shortening Cycle in the Force–Velocity Relationship and Its Association With Physical Function in Older Adults With COPD

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    This study aimed to evaluate the effect of the stretch-shortening cycle (SSC) on different portions of the force–velocity (F–V) relationship in older adults with and without chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD), and to assess its association with physical function. The participants were 26 older adults with COPD (79 ± 7 years old; FEV1 = 53 ± 36% of predicted) and 10 physically active non-COPD (77 ± 4 years old) older adults. The F–V relationship was evaluated in the leg press exercise during a purely concentric muscle action and compared with that following an eccentric muscle action at 10% intervals of maximal unloaded shortening velocity (V0). Vastus lateralis (VL) muscle thickness, pennation angle (PA), and fascicle length (FL) were assessed by ultrasound. Habitual gait speed was measured over a 4-m distance. COPD subjects exhibited lower physical function and concentric maximal muscle power (Pmax) values compared with the non-COPD group (both p < 0.05). The SSC increased force and power values among COPD participants at 0–100 and 1–100% of V0, respectively, while the same was observed among non-COPD participants only at 40–90 and 30–90% of V0, respectively (all p < 0.05). The SSC induced greater improvements in force, but not power, among COPD compared with non-COPD subjects between 50 and 70% of V0 (all p < 0.05). Thus, between-group differences in muscle power were not statistically significant after the inclusion of the SSC (p > 0.05). The SSC-induced potentiation at 50–100% of V0 was negatively associated with physical function (r = -0.40–0.50), while that observed at 80–100% of V0 was negatively associated with VL muscle thickness and PA (r = -0.43–0.52) (all p < 0.05). In conclusion, older adults with COPD showed a higher SSC-induced potentiation compared with non-COPD subjects, which eliminated between-group differences in muscle power when performing SSC muscle actions. The SSC-induced potentiation was associated with lower physical function, VL muscle thickness, and VL PA values. The SSC-induced potentiation may help as a compensatory mechanism in those older subjects with a decreased ability to produce force/power during purely concentric muscle actions

    Oscilaciones cerebrales: papel fisiopatológico y terapéutico en algunas enfermedades neurológicas y psiquiátricas

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    Se usa el término «oscilación o actividad oscilatoria» para referirse a las fluctuaciones rítmicas de los potenciales postsinápticos de un grupo neuronal (potenciales de campo local) o de una región cortical (EEG, electrocorticografía) y también al patrón de descarga rítmico de los potenciales de acción de una neurona o un grupo neuronal. La actividad oscilatoria posibilita la sincronización entre grupos neuronales de la misma área cortical o de áreas distantes entre sí que intervienen en una acción motora, tarea cognitiva o perceptiva. Con frecuencia es motivo de confusión asociar la presencia de actividad oscilatoria con fenómenos de sincronización, ya que ambos fenómenos aunque relacionados no son equivalentes. En patologías neurológicas o psiquiátricas tan distintas como la enfermedad de Parkinson u otros movimientos anormales, la epilepsia o la esquizofrenia se han descrito anomalías de la actividad oscilatoria de distintas estructuras cerebrales o de su sincronización que podrían jugar un papel relevante en su fisiopatología. En esta revisión se discuten estos aspectos haciendo hincapié en su importancia por ser un mecanismo básico del funcionamiento cerebral y un nuevo mecanismo fisiopatólogico de la sintomatología de algunas enfermedades cerebrales.The terms «oscillations» or «oscillatory activity» are frequently used not only to define the rhythmic fluctuations of the postsynaptic potentials of a neuronal group (local field potentials) or a cortical region (EEG, MEG), but also to indicate the rhythmic discharge pattern of action potentials from a neuron or a small group of neurons. Oscillatory activity makes possible the synchronization of different neuronal groups from nearby or distant cortical regions that participate in the same motor, sensory or cognitive task. The presence of oscillatory activity is usually associated to the existence of synchronization, but both phenomena are not necessarily always equivalent. Abnormalities of oscillatory activities or synchronization within or between different brain structures have been described in several neurological and psychiatric diseases; these abnormalities might play a relevant pathophysiological role in Parkinson’s disease (and other movement disorders), schizophrenia or epilepsy. This review discusses all these aspects, with emphasis on their potential role both as a basic mechanism in brain function and as a pathophysiological substrate for some of the symptoms and signs observed in several diseases

    Immunological Biomarkers of Fatal COVID-19: A Study of 868 Patients

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    Information on the immunopathobiology of coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) is rapidly increasing; however, there remains a need to identify immune features predictive of fatal outcome. This large-scale study characterized immune responses to severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus-2 (SARS-CoV-2) infection using multidimensional flow cytometry, with the aim of identifying high-risk immune biomarkers. Holistic and unbiased analyses of 17 immune cell-types were conducted on 1,075 peripheral blood samples obtained from 868 COVID-19 patients and on samples from 24 patients presenting with non-SARS-CoV-2 infections and 36 healthy donors. Immune profiles of COVID-19 patients were significantly different from those of age-matched healthy donors but generally similar to those of patients with non-SARS-CoV-2 infections. Unsupervised clustering analysis revealed three immunotypes during SARS-CoV-2 infection; immunotype 1 (14% of patients) was characterized by significantly lower percentages of all immune cell-types except neutrophils and circulating plasma cells, and was significantly associated with severe disease. Reduced B-cell percentage was most strongly associated with risk of death. On multivariate analysis incorporating age and comorbidities, B-cell and non-classical monocyte percentages were independent prognostic factors for survival in training (n=513) and validation (n=355) cohorts. Therefore, reduced percentages of B-cells and non-classical monocytes are high-risk immune biomarkers for risk-stratification of COVID-19 patients
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