8 research outputs found

    Growth kinetics of <i>Pseudomonas sp.</i> Ind01 on acephate as a sole source of C, S and N.

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    <p>(a) Growth kinetics on MM1 (white squares), MM2 (black circles) and MM3 (black triangle) media, supplemented with 10 mM acephate. Growth on control MM1 medium w/o acephate is represented by open triangles. (b) Acephate degradation (solid lines, black marks) and methamidophos accumulation (dashed lines, white marks) during growth on MM1 (circles), MM2 (triangles) and MM3 (diamonds) media, supplemented with 10 mM acephate. The concentration of acephate in control uninoculated MM1 medium is represented by black squares. Each data point represents the average values and error bars are the standard deviation (n = 3).</p

    Growth kinetics of <i>Pseudomonas sp.</i> Ind01 on MM1 growth media supplemented with additional carbon source.

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    <p>(a) Growth of Ind01 on MM1 medium supplemented with 10 mM acephate (black squares), 10 mM acephate and 10 mM sodium acetate (black triangles) or with no carbon source (white squares) (b) Growth of Ind01 on MM1 medium supplemented with 10 mM acephate (black squares). After culture reached stationary phase, 5 mM sodium acetate (black circles) or 5 mM sodium formate (white circles) was added as an additional carbon sources. Each data point is an average value and error bars represent the standard deviation (n = 2).</p

    Growth kinetics of <i>Pseudomonas sp.</i> Ind01 on MM1 medium supplemented with acephate or methamidophos as a sole source of carbon.

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    <p>(a) Growth kinetics on MM1 medium, supplemented with 10 mM acephate (triangles), 10 mM methamidophos (circles), or without any carbon source (squares). (b) Concentration methamidophos (circles) and acephate (squares) in uninoculated (white) or inoculated (black) media. Average values and standard deviation (n = 2) are shown. Growth time is represented on an offset reciprocal scale.</p

    Identification of degradation products of acephate degradation by LC-MS/MS.

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    <p>(a) Total ion counting chromatogram of acephate degradation products after 30 min incubation in Resting Cell Assay and extracted ion counting chromatogram fragments for [M+H]+m/z 112, m/z 126 and m/z 143 ions after 96 h incubation in RCA (insert). (b) Mass spectra of the peaks observed at retention time 2.2, 3.1, 4.4, 6.4, 7.4 and min in a left and MS/MS fragmentation patterns of main compounds of the corresponding peaks in a right column.</p

    Kinetics of metabolites during acephate (A) or methamidophos (B) degradation in Resting Cell Assay.

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    <p>Left Y-axis: [M+H]<sup>+</sup> ions m/z 184, acephate; m/z 142, methamidophos; right axis: [M+H]<sup>+</sup> ions m/z 126, <i>O,O</i>-dimethyl phosphoramidate; m/z 112 <i>O</i>-methyl phosphoramidate and m/z 143, <i>O,S</i>-dimethyl phosphorothioate.</p

    Growth kinetics and acephate utilization by <i>Pseudomonas</i> sp. Ind01 on MM1 growth media.

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    <p>(a) Growth kinetics monitored at λ 600 nm on MM1 supplemented with acephate (black squares) or w/o acephate (white squares) (b) Concentration of acephate (black squares) and methamidophos (black triangles) in MM1 medium, supplemented with 10 mM acephate as a sole source of carbon. Acephate concentration in uninoculated medium represented by white squares.</p