10 research outputs found

    Atmospheric effects in geodetic levelling

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    The knowledge of physical processes and changes in the atmosphere is essential when addressing the fundamental problem, i.e. the accuracy of geodetic measurements. In levelling operations, all these changes are explained as the effect of refraction, which systematically distorts the results of levelling. Different ways of addressing the effect of refraction are represented based on the modelling of the vertical temperature gradient as the quantity that has the most influence on the refraction phenomenon

    Ten Years of Systematic Measuring the Crustal Movements on the Marshes of Ljubljana

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    Predstavljene su sustavne izmjere nivelmanske mreže na Ljubljanskom barju u posljednjih deset godina Mreža je bila razvijena radi praćenja vertikalnih pomaka na tom području. Opisane su karakteristike mreže, način izmjere i izjednačenja, analiza točnosti te način interpretacije rezultata.The last ten years of systematic measuring the levelling network on the marshes of Ljubljana are presented. This network has been developed to follow crustal movements in this area. There are the network characteristics, the method of measurement and adjustment, the accuracy analysis and the interpretation of the results described as well

    Graduates opinion on efficiency of study programmes of surveying

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    After signing the Bologna Declaration in 1999, the\ud harmonization of high school procedures and\ud academic titles began in Europe. To reach the aims of\ud the Bologna Declaration, a renovation of study\ud programmes of geodesy at the University of Ljubljana,\ud Faculty of Civil and Geodetic Engineering is required.\ud For that purpose, the analysis of efficiency of study\ud programmes of surveying was performed among\ud graduates of surveying. The main aim of analysis was\ud to find out the ratio between the knowledge acquired\ud during the undergraduate study of surveying and the\ud actual applicability and utility in the practice

    Analysis of different height systems along the Sava river

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    The paper presents a project of renovating a levelling line from Hydroelectric Power Plant Medvode to Hydroelectric Power Plant Vrhovo. The levelling line is situated along the Sava River. A new height of benchmark was needed as a vertical reference system for the project building up a new HPP between the previously mentioned HPP. Further, the paper presents processing data on measurements (scale and temperature corrections). Gravimetric measurement was performed due to the determination of the geopotencial number and dynamic and normal heights. Slovenian official vertical system contains normal orthometric heights so we also calculated normal orthometric heights. Moreover, the article discusses the accuracy of measurements (levelling and gravimetric) and analyses height calculated in different vertical systems and vertical movements along the levelling line. Įvairių aukščių sistemų prie sava upės analizė Santrauka. Pateikiamos niveliavimo renovacijos projektas nuo Medvode iki Vrhovo hidroelektrinių. Niveliaciniai ėjimai projektuojami išilgai Savos upės. Nauja niveliavimo markių sistema tarnaus kaip referencinis vertikalus tinklas tarp minėtų hidroelektrinių. Toliau numatomas matavimo duomenų apdorojimas (mastelio ir temperatūros pataisos). Numatomi gravimetriniai matavimai, reikalingi nustatant geopotencialą ir dinaminius bei normalinius aukščius. Slovėnijoje naudojama normalinė ortometrinė aukščių sistema, todėl mes skaičiuojame normalinius ortometrinius aukščius. Pateikiami matavimų tikslumo skaičiavimai (niveliavimo ir gravimetriniai), apskaičiuotų aukščių analizė skirtingose aukščių sistemose ir niveliavimo ėjimo vertikalūs judesiai. First published online: 03 Aug 201

    The role of surveying engineering in less demanding construction works

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    The role of surveying in the construction of less\ud demanding construction works was defined in more\ud detail with the adoption of the new legislation. The\ud surveyor is present in all stages, i.e. before, during and\ud after the construction of a building, which is actually\ud from the time the land is purchased and until the\ud operating permit is obtained and the building is entered\ud into official records. The paper presents in detail the\ud surveying procedures, from parcelling, setting-out,\ud laying out the elaboration of the surveying plan of the\ud new situation, as well as entering the less demanding\ud construction into official records. The procedures of\ud obtaining approvals and permits are complicated and\ud time consuming, and the role of the surveyor is, despite\ud the designation of many responsible tasks, often an\ud unrecognisable on

    Vpliv različnih barv protitočnih mrež in geomorfoloških lastnosti na mikroklimatske in svetlobne razmere v nasadu jablan

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    Geomorphologic characteristics like altitude and terrain slope have an important but often neglected impact on light conditions in orchards. The study concentrated on the impact of altitude and terrain slope in combination with various colours of anti-hail nets (red, grey, blue, green and black) on the light and microclimate conditions in apple orchards. The results exhibit a large reduction of the photosynthetically active radiation (PAR) under the nets, most prominently under blue and red nets (reduction between 38.7 and 45.6%), while the impact of coloured nets on other microclimatic parameters (average air temperature, relative air humidity, temperature of dew point, wet-bulb temperature, heat index, minimum air temperature, maximum air temperature) remain irrelevant. The only consistent difference is an average of 2% increase of maximum air temperature under the blue net in comparison to other treatments. The use of the net also significantly reduce the wind speed (on average by 56.3%) and air flow (on average by 63.4%), and changes the distribution of precipitation in the orchard, most prominently in cases of heavy rain and drizzle. Regarding the orchard’s geomorphologic characteristics, a positive relationship exists between altitude and PAR.Geomorfološke lastnosti, kot so nadmorska višina in naklon terena, imajo pomemben in pogosto spregledan vpliv na svetlobne razmere v nasadih. V raziskavi je bil preučevan vpliv nadmorske višine in naklona terena v kombinaciji z različnimi barvami protitočnih mrež (rdeča, siva, modra, zelena in črna) na svetlobne in mikroklimatske razmere v nasadu jablan. Rezultati kažejo veliko zmanjšanje fotosintetskega aktivnega sevanja (PAR) pod mrežami. Najbolj izrazito zmanjšanje PAR je pod modro in rdečo mrežo (med 38,7 in 45,6%). Vpliv barvnih mrež na druge mikroklimatske parametre (povprečna temperatura zraka, relativna zračna vlažnost, temperatura rosišča, temperaturna točka vodne kapljice, indeks toplote, minimalna temperatura zraka, maksimalna temperatura zraka) je neizrazit. Glede na ostala obravnavanja je ugotovljena le konsistentna in v povprečju za 2% višja maksimalna temperatura zraka pod modro mrežo. Uporaba mrež tudi bistveno zmanjša hitrost vetra (v povprečju za 56,3%) in pretok zraka (v povprečju za 63,4%) ter spremeni porazdelitev padavin v sadovnjaku, najizraziteje v primeru močnega dežja in rosenja. Glede na geomorfološke značilnosti sadovnjaka je gotovljena pozitivna povezanost med nadmorsko višino in PAR

    The improvement of the leveling network Republic of Slovenia

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    Predstavljena je računska obrada nivelmanske mreže Slovenije. Iscrpno su prikazani analiza problema i odstupanja koja su se pojavila u nivelmanskoj mreži. Opisani su i postupci sanacije, posljednje izjednačenje i stanje nivelmanske mreže nakon izjednačenja.In the article, the improvement of the leveling network of Slovenia is introduced. The analysis of the problems and discrepancies that have appeared in the leveling network are shown in details. Described are also the proceedings of the improvement, last adjustment of leveling network and the condition of leveling network after the calculation