6 research outputs found


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    In order to identify the volatile compounds in Polish Carpathian goat meat, baked leg muscle samples from two groups aged 12 and 9 months were subjected to a headspace solid phase microextraction gas chromatography/mass spectrometry (HS–SPME–GC/MS). The multivariate statistics was done, which included the Fisher\u27s ratio method for variables pre-selection, and principal component analysis together with linear discriminant analysis. 93 volatile compounds were found, out of which 49 were confirmed on two columns: non-polar ZB-5MSi and polar ZB-Wax, whereas 5 were verified by using of authentic standards. HS-SPME-GC/MS analysis together with chemometrics occurs to be the effective tool for the discrimination of the meat from the Carpathian goats aged 12 and 9 months. The first two principal components accounted for 88.8% of the total variance. These values for the first three principal components were 94.6% and the classification accuracy values for both groups were 100%.Radi utvrđivanja hlapljivih sastojaka u mesu poljske karpatske koze uzorci pečenog mišića noge u dvije skupine u dobi od 9 i 12 mjeseci podvrgnuti su plinskoj kromatografiji/masenoj spektrometriji (HS-SPM-GC/MS) mikroekstrakcije čvrste faze prostora glave. Obavljena je raznovrsna statistika uključujući metodu Fisherovog omjera za predselekciju varijabla i analiza glavnog sastojka zajedno s linearnom diskriminantnom analizom. Pronađena su 93 hlapljiva sastojka od kojih je 49 potvrđeno u dva stupca: nepolarni ZB-5MSi i polarni ZB-Wax, dok ih je 5 potvrđeno primjenom autentičnih standarda. HS-SPME-GC/MS analiza zajedno s kemometrijom čini se da je djelotvorno sredstvo za razlikovanje mesa karpatskih koza u dobi 12 i 9 mjeseci. Prva dva glavna sastojka iznosila su 88,8% ukupnog neslaganja. Te su vrijednosti za prva tri glavna sastojka bile 94,6%, a vrijednosti točnosti klasifikacije za obje skupine bile su 100%

    Characteristic of genetic structure of goats in Poland

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    The genetic structure of goats raised in Poland was assessed using 6 microsatellite loci. Samples of blood obtained from six breeds of goats: Saanen (SA), Anglo-Nubian (AN), Alpine (AL), Carpathian (CR), White Improved (WI) and Pygmy (PG), were investigated. The analyzed microsatellite sequences were chosen from a set of markers recommended by the Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) for biodiversity studies. A total of 47 polymorphic variants at 6 loci were identified in the Polish goat populations studied. The highest mean number of alleles was identified for the Saanen breed (5.7) and the lowest for the Pygmy goat (4.33). The highest heterozygosity was characteristic of the White Improved breed (0.77). Saanen and White Improved breeds were the most similar in terms of the genetic structure. High genetic similarity was also found between the native Carpathian and Alpine goats. The Anglo-Nubian and Pygmy breeds were the most distant

    Effect of maize DDGS addition on carcass and meat quality of lambs of native sheep breed

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    The aim of the study was to characterize carcass and meat quality of lambs of native sheep breed, which were fed a diet containing maize dried distiller’s grains with solubles (DDGS). The experiment involved 20 ram lambs of the native sheep breed Polish Heath Sheep (Wrzosówka sheep), which were selected from a conservation herd. The lambs received meadow hay and straw ad libitum as well as about 0.4 kg of concentrate per animal. The control group (C) received a standard diet based on cereal components and soybean meal, and in the experimental group (D), soybean meal and part of barley and wheat were replaced with DDGS (the addition of 45% DDGS to the lamb concentrates). The fattening was carried out for 60 days (up to 8 months of age). The diet had no effect on carcass quality, proportion of cuts, basic chemical composition of the meat and cholesterol content. The intramuscular fat of lambs fed the DDGS diet had a higher proportion of linoleic acid (C18:2 n-6) and conjugated linoleic acid, and a lower proportion of linolenic acid (C18:3 n-3), which had a negative effect on the polyunsaturated fatty acids n-6:n-3 ratio in the intramuscular fat. The addition of DDGS to the diet had a beneficial effect on the sensory properties of lamb meat, in particular its taste

    Meat Quality of the Native Carpathian Goat Breed in Comparison with the Saanen Breed

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    Goats provide valuable products that are appreciated by consumers who are looking for food that is not only tasty but also healthy, and, probably, one of them is goat meat. Breeding of local breeds such as the native Carpathian goat has been gaining importance in recent years, which creates an opportunity for the development of the goat meat market. The aim of this study was to investigate the influence of goat breed on the basic chemical, fatty and amino acid composition, colour and sensory evaluation of meat. The research material consisted of Carpathian goats from the NRIAP experimental plant located in the southern part of Poland, and goats from a farm keeping Saanen goats in south-eastern Poland. Ten male goat kids from each breed were taken to the NRIAP farm. The quality of meat obtained from the leg (m. biceps femoris) of male goat kids about 150 days old at slaughter was analysed. The meat of the Carpathian goat was characterised by a lower content of protein and cholesterol (p < 0.01), and a higher content of fat and general collagen compared to the meat from Saanen goats (p < 0.05). Cholesterol content in goat meat of both breeds was similar and ranged from 55.08 mg/100 g (Carpathian) to 56.79 mg/100 g (Saanen). Despite the higher collagen content, the goat meat of Carpathian breeds was characterised by lower shear force, less hardness (p < 0.05) and chewiness, being a more delicate meat. The fat of Carpathian goat breeds was characterised by a higher content of monounsaturated acids, mainly C 18:1n:9, and a more favourable (lower) saturation index, S/P (p < 0.05). The meat of Carpathian goats was characterised by a higher health-promoting quality compared to the meat from Saanen goats. In the goat meat of both breeds, there were no differences between the total content of exogenous and endogenous amino acids. The essential/nonessential amino acids (EAA/NEAA) ratio in the meat of the analysed breeds was 0.88:0.89. However, the meat of the Carpathian goats was statistically significantly higher concerning the content of phenylalanine, histidine, proline, alanine and tyrosine, as compared to the meat of the Saanen goats. The obtained results confirm the high quality of the meat of the local Carpathian breed in comparison to the Saanen breed

    Native Sheep Breeds in Poland—Importance and Outcomes of Genetic Resources Protection Programmes

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    The sheep population of native breeds, despite their unique features and the ability to adapt to harsh environmental conditions, has significantly decreased in recent years. Due to the low profitability of breeding, many local breeds of sheep in Poland were exposed to the risk of extinction. Many years of crisis in sheep farming have exacerbated this situation. The aim of this paper was to present the current situation of native sheep breeding in Poland, in terms of significance and effects of genetic resources protection programmes. The conservation of genetic resources of sheep aims to maintain and increase the population size while striving to maintain the greatest possible genetic variability. There are 17 native breeds included in the Polish sheep genetic resources conservation programme. A positive element of the implementation of the conservation of genetic resources programme for sheep is the accompanying measures which are based on the use of the non-productive role of the species. Extensive sheep grazing, as a form of nature conservation, serves to preserve valuable natural landscapes and the culture of local communities associated with sheep farming. Production and promotion of quality products, especially using niche markets and short production chains, are essential to ensure the economic viability of farms. These activities must be accompanied by raising public awareness of indigenous breeds and their alternative use in environmental activities, as well as their role in preserving the cultural heritage of local communities, for example through mountain grazing and the production of traditional products

    A comprehensive analysis of the genetic diversity and environmental adaptability in worldwide Merino and Merino-derived sheep breeds

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    Background: To enhance and extend the knowledge about the global historical and phylogenetic relationships between Merino and Merino-derived breeds, 19 populations were genotyped with the OvineSNP50 BeadChip specifically for this study, while an additional 23 populations from the publicly available genotypes were retrieved. Three complementary statistical tests, Rsb (extended haplotype homozygosity between-populations), XP-EHH (cross-population extended haplotype homozygosity), and runs of homozygosity (ROH) islands were applied to identify genomic variants with potential impact on the adaptability of Merino genetic type in two contrasting climate zones. Results: The results indicate that a large part of the Merino's genetic relatedness and admixture patterns are explained by their genetic background and/or geographic origin, followed by local admixture. Multi-dimensional scaling, Neighbor-Net, Admixture, and TREEMIX analyses consistently provided evidence of the role of Australian, Rambouillet and German strains in the extensive gene introgression into the other Merino and Merino-derived breeds. The close relationship between Iberian Merinos and other South-western European breeds is consistent with the Iberian origin of the Merino genetic type, with traces from previous contributions of other Mediterranean stocks. Using Rsb and XP-EHH approaches, signatures of selection were detected spanning four genomic regions located on Ovis aries chromosomes (OAR) 1, 6 and 16, whereas two genomic regions on OAR6, that partially overlapped with the previous ones, were highlighted by ROH islands. Overall, the three approaches identified 106 candidate genes putatively under selection. Among them, genes related to immune response were identified via the gene interaction network. In addition, several candidate genes were found, such as LEKR1, LCORL, GHR, RBPJ, BMPR1B, PPARGC1A, and PRKAA1, related to morphological, growth and reproductive traits, adaptive thermogenesis, and hypoxia responses. Conclusions: To the best of our knowledge, this is the first comprehensive dataset that includes most of the Merino and Merino-derived sheep breeds raised in different regions of the world. The results provide an in-depth picture of the genetic makeup of the current Merino and Merino-derived breeds, highlighting the possible selection pressures associated with the combined effect of anthropic and environmental factors. The study underlines the importance of Merino genetic types as invaluable resources of possible adaptive diversity in the context of the occurring climate changes