49 research outputs found

    Klebanov-Witten theory with massive dynamical flavors

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    We consider the addition of a large number of massive dynamical flavors to the Klebanov-Witten theory, the quiver gauge theory describing the low energy dynamics of Nc D3-branes at the conifold singularity. Massive flavors are introduced by means of Nf D7-branes which are holomorphically embedded and smeared along the transverse directions. After some general comments on the validity of the smearing procedure, we find the full backreacted supergravity solution corresponding to a particular class of massive embeddings. The solution depends on a running effective number of flavors, whose functional form follows from the smeared embedding. The running reflects the integrating in/out of massive degrees of freedom in the dual field theory as the energy scale is changed. We study how the dynamics of the theory depends on the flavor parameters, mainly focusing on the static quark-antiquark potential. As expected, we find that the dynamical flavors tend to screen the static color charges.Comment: 31 pages, 8 figures; v2: few comments and a reference added, minor change

    Non chiral dynamical flavors and screening on the conifold

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    We present a new class of string theory solutions which are conjectured to be dual to the N=1 conifold theory by Klebanov and Witten coupled to non chiral massive dynamical flavors. These are introduced, in the Veneziano limit, by means of suitably embedded and smeared D7-branes whose full backreaction on the background is taken into account. The string solutions are used to study chromoelectric charge screening effects due to the dynamical flavors in the non perturbative regime of the dual gauge theories.Comment: 6 pages, 1 figure, previously unpublished results presented. Contribution to the proceedings of the RTN workshop "Constituents, Fundamental Forces and Symmetries of the Universe", Varna, Bulgaria, September 11-17, 200

    Holographic QCD with Dynamical Flavors

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    Gravity solutions describing the Witten-Sakai-Sugimoto model of holographic QCD with dynamical flavors are presented. The field theory is studied in the Veneziano limit, at first order in the ratio of the number of flavors and colors. The gravity solutions are analytic and dual to the field theory either in the confined, low temperature phase or in the deconfined, high temperature phase with small baryonic charge density. The phase diagram and the flavor contributions to vacuum (e.g. string tension and hadron masses) and thermodynamical properties of the dual field theory are then deduced. The phase diagram of the model at finite temperature and imaginary chemical potential, as well as that of the unflavored theory at finite theta angle are also discussed in turn, showing qualitative similarities with recent lattice studies. Interesting degrees of freedom in each phase are discussed. Covariant counterterms for the Witten-Sakai-Sugimoto model are provided both in the probe approximation and in the backreacted case, allowing for a standard holographic renormalization of the theory.Comment: 48 pages, 2 figures; v2: various comments added (e.g. on integration constants and holographic renormalization), clarified discussion about degrees of freedom, typos corrected, references added. Version published by JHE

    Neutron electric dipole moment from gauge/string duality

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    We compute the electric dipole moment of nucleons in the large NcN_c QCD model by Witten, Sakai and Sugimoto with Nf=2N_f=2 degenerate massive flavors. Baryons in the model are instantonic solitons of an effective five-dimensional action describing the whole tower of mesonic fields. We find that the dipole electromagnetic form factor of the nucleons, induced by a finite topological θ\theta angle, exhibits complete vector meson dominance. We are able to evaluate the contribution of each vector meson to the final result - a small number of modes are relevant to obtain an accurate estimate. Extrapolating the model parameters to real QCD data, the neutron electric dipole moment is evaluated to be dn=1.8⋅10−16 θ  e⋅cmd_n = 1.8 \cdot 10^{-16}\, \theta\;e\cdot \mathrm{cm}. The electric dipole moment of the proton is exactly the opposite.Comment: Latex, 4 pages; v2: minor corrections, few comments adde

    Holographic Flavored Quark-Gluon Plasmas

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    Holography provides a novel method to study the physics of Quark Gluon Plasmas, complementary to the ordinary field theory and lattice approaches. In this context, we analyze the informations that can be obtained for strongly coupled Plasmas containing dynamical flavors, also in the presence of a finite baryon chemical potential. In particular, we discuss the jet quenching and the hydrodynamic transport coefficients.Comment: 10 pages. Contribution to the proceedings of the workshop "The many faces of QCD", Ghent (Belgium), November 1-5 201

    Axionic Strings, Domain Walls and Baryons

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    When axionic strings carry a global charge, domain walls bounded by such strings may not be allowed to decay completely. This happens in particular in some models where a composite axion-like particle is the pseudo-Nambu-Goldstone boson of chiral symmetry breaking of an extra quark flavor. In this case the global symmetry is the extra flavor baryonic symmetry. The corresponding axionic domain walls can carry a baryonic charge: they represent the low energy description of the baryons made by the extra quark flavor. Basic properties of these particles, such as spin, mass scale, size are discussed. The corresponding charged axionic strings are explicitly constructed and studied in a specific calculable model.Comment: 6 page

    Higher Order Corrections to the Hagedorn Temperature at Strong Coupling

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    We propose a general formula for higher order corrections to the value of the Hagedorn temperature of a class of holographic confining gauge theories in the strong coupling expansion. Inspired by recent proposals in the literature, the formula combines the sigma-model string expansion with an effective approach. In particular, it includes the sigma-model contributions to the Hagedorn temperature at next-to-next-to leading order, which are computed in full generality. For N=4{\cal N}=4 SYM on S3S^3 our result agrees with numerical field theory estimates with excellent precision. We use the general formula to predict the value of the Hagedorn temperature for ABJM on S2S^2 and for the dual of purely RR global AdS3AdS_3.Comment: 13 page