1 research outputs found

    Data set for the CRIMYNE-2 study on the validation of perineal nerve test to diagnose polyneuropathy and myopathy in 121 patients

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    <p>The data show the characteristics and the outcomes of the patients enrolled in the CRIMYNE-2 study.<br>surgicalStatus: surgical status on admission (nonSurgical= non surgical, emergSurgical= emergency surgical, electSurgical= elective surgical).<br>surgicalId_neurosurg: patient undergoing neurosurgery in the 7 days preceding or in the 24 hours following ICU admission (1=yes, 0=no).<br>Trauma: admission for a recent trauma (<1 week).<br>admReas: reason for admission (monitWean= monitoring/weaning, intTreat= intensive treatment).<br>neurologicalPatientAdm: patient admitted with a neurological condition on admission (1= yes, 0= no).<br>gcsAdm: Glasgow Coma Scale on admission.<br>sapsIIadm: SAPSII on admission.<br>sevInfections: severity of infection on admission (0= not infected on admission, 1=infection with or without SIRS, 2=SEVERE SEPSIS, 3=SEPTIC SHOCK).<br>maxSevInfections: maximum severity of infection during the stay (0= never infected during the stay, 1=infection with or without SIRS, 2=SEVERE SEPSIS, 3=SEPTIC SHOCK).<br>InconclusiveResult: whether the result were inconclusive or not (see STARD flowchart, 1= yes, 0= no).<br>PENT: result of the peroneal nerve electrophysiological test.<br>NCS: result of the complete nerve conduction study. EMG: result of the electromyography.</p