2,593 research outputs found
Use of a Handheld Thermal Torch as a Herbicide-Resistance Management Tool
Handheld thermal torches could possibly become a tool to reduce glyphosate-resistant annual bluegrass populations. One month after treatment, 5- and 6-second handheld thermal heat treatments reduced annual bluegrass populations by 50 and 60%, respectively
Preventative Control of Brown Patch with Select Fungicides
Preventative applications of Velista and Heritage Action fungicides will decrease the percentage of brown patch observed in a perennial stand of tall fescue
Influence of Fertilizer Source and Rate on Buffalograss Divot Recovery
Application of quick-release nitrogen fertilizer increased buffalograss divot recovery. A quick-release fertilizer at 1 lb N/1,000 ft2 resulted in 50% divot recovery 6.3 days quicker compared to the untreated control
On-Line Analysis of Electron Back Scatter Diffraction Patterns. I. Texture Analysis of Zone Refined Polysilicon
A technique has been developed for determining crystal orientations on-line from bulk polycrystalline materials using wide angle back scatter electron diffraction patterns. The patterns were imaged on a phosphor screen and viewed using a low light level television camera. A computer generated cursor superimposed on the diffraction pattern, permitted the coordinates of zone axes to be determined. These were interpreted by the computer to yield the crystal orientation. The accuracy of the technique for absolute orientation was shown to be of the order 1° and the precision for relative orientation better than 0.5°. The technique was used to investigate texture and nearest neighbour orientation relationships in polysilicon, recrystallised using a graphite strip heater technique. It was shown that the orientations become less random as the recrystallisation front proceeded along the specimen
Evaluating the Effects of Simulated Golf Cart Traffic on Dormant Buffalograss and Turfgrass Colorants
Percent green cover will ultimately decrease over time when traffic is applied to dormant buffalograss with turfgrass colorants. Data suggests that an additional five weeks of acceptable green cover can be achieved under high traffic situations when Endurant Premium is applied to dormant turf
Influence of Simulated Golf Cart Traffic and Nitrogen Rate on Buffalograss Quality
Application of 2 and 3 lb N/1,000 ft2 resulted in acceptable buffalograss quality when subjected to simulated golf cart traffic. Across all fertilizer treatments, traffic rates of 8 and 16 passes per week resulted in unacceptable quality ratings for the study duration
Perennial Ryegrass Cultivar Study
The National Turfgrass Evaluation Program (NTEP) conducts trials throughout the United States on turfgrass adaptation. This trial was established in September 2010 as a part of the NTEP program. It contains 88 perennial ryegrass cultivars
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